Easy way to get delay to match song tempo.

  • Thread starter Thread starter bds9487
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Some of you guys may already know this, but I just discovered it.

Divide 60000 by the tempo (bpm). So, if the song tempo is 120bpm, set your delay to 60000/120, which equals 500ms. This gives you a quarter note delay. Once you have that number you can multply it by 2 or 1/2 or 2/3 or 4/3 to get different timing variations.

Pretty easy and works great.
Very cool.

Interesting thing is I haven't seen any delay pedals where you set the deal to an exact value, its just a knob :?
bds9487":66e6e said:
Some of you guys may already know this, but I just discovered it.

Divide 60000 by the tempo (bpm). So, if the song tempo is 120bpm, set your delay to 60000/120, which equals 500ms. This gives you a quarter note delay. Once you have that number you can multply it by 2 or 1/2 or 2/3 or 4/3 to get different timing variations.

Pretty easy and works great.

Oh praise God
i forgot that last year and ive been driveing myself crazy
trying to figure it out again
Now i can use that Hold in my delay
and get crakin on those mode's again Thank You Brother
How would that work for a Ghost Note's
another one i forgot and havent used in years :?
that would get me to Bow Down :o
im sorry
i had to log back in could you make that Ghost Note Delay times with Digital Please
gaijun":f968b said:
im sorry
i had to log back in could you make that Ghost Note Delay times with Digital Please
I'm not sure what you mean. Can you explain?
well things dont sound right with a digital delay
when trying to make use of ghost note's

like when im useing the digital delay
and i set it for long times
i find it is not on tempo when it comes back

so its quite differnt from anolog delays for some reason
May be because im useing an Echo Effects unit

but i serously doubt it is going to effect it that much
from a digital delay which i have a New Boss unit Pedal

it just sound the furthest thing from the Anolog Echo Unit
anyone know why ?
gaijun":105f2 said:
well things dont sound right with a digital delay
when trying to make use of ghost note's

like when im useing the digital delay
and i set it for long times
i find it is not on tempo when it comes back

so its quite differnt from anolog delays for some reason
May be because im useing an Echo Effects unit

but i serously doubt it is going to effect it that much
from a digital delay which i have a New Boss unit Pedal

it just sound the furthest thing from the Anolog Echo Unit
anyone know why ?
What do you mean by "ghost notes"?
well its very hard for me to explain but this is exactly what im after
listen to the Mp3

might help to read through it too

guess you could say By ghost notes
im refering to a repeteing image
but maybe somewhat distaint
You probably want to set it to dotted 8th notes. All this math just makes me enjoy delays with tap tempo more and more. :)

i belive it is set for the Doted 8 th note
but the Math work is not correct its like
120 bpm x 10,000
but that is lower then the timeing on the Mp3 example

im getting closer now so when i hit Paydirt ill let you know
you guys have helped me alot since ive been here

Greaest site on the Planet ;)
stratotone":0adfa said:
You probably want to set it to dotted 8th notes. All this math just makes me enjoy delays with tap tempo more and more. :)


thats what I was thinking
i know i have it stored somewhere in my papers
when i moved i just havent any clue which damn Box it is in
that sucks when i cant find it !

and going through 30 years worth of papers is NOT going to be fun :P