OT Youtube: Any of you computer geeks checked this out yet?

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It's a window manager for Linux systems with OpenGL support called Beryl. I just stumbled on it a few days ago and it's freakin' sweet! There's a whole distribution called Sabayon built around this (and XGL/AIGLX).

Of course, I'm not sure how much that'll add to productivity, but it sure does look cool.

Anyway, I'm not looking for a Windows vs. Linux vs. MacOS argument; I just thought this was pretty cool...
Slightly OT, but I plan on installing Linux on a machine of mine. The only thing is, I don't know whether or not to use Ubuntu or Kubuntu. Any ideas?

Edit: And yes, I have seen that before. Really slick stuff.
Code001":d102b said:
Slightly OT, but I plan on installing Linux on a machine of mine. The only thing is, I don't know whether or not to use Ubuntu or Kubuntu. Any ideas?

Edit: And yes, I have seen that before. Really slick stuff.

What're the specs on the box?

I'm probably going to turn my Ubuntu box into a Sabayon box when I get a new vid card (it's chugging along with a TNT2 right now :D). I was very impressed with their LiveDVD in my Windows machine. Of course, it has some quirks with SATA drives, and the usual Linux wireless issues.

Kubuntu is just Ubuntu with KDE instead of Gnome. I had it on my test box a few days ago but I couldn't really get into it; it seemed like a lot of the normal stuff for Ubuntu was missing (not just Gnome specific things either).

Anyway, I have Vista RC1 on another drive on my gaming box, and Sabayon blew it away as far as the GUI was concerned...
OneArmedScissor":c628c said:
A sneak peak at the next version of Windows!

Ha! And this is after Chairman Chair-Thrower Steve Ballmer accused the Linux community of infringing on its patents! And, of course, M$ lost a suit for $1.5billion a couple days after those comments for infringing on Fraunhofer's MP3 patents... isn't karma wonderful? :D

Check this out: www.showusthecode.com
Yeah, it's the whole Gnome vs KDE debate I guess.... I plan on installing it on a POS Dell Inspiron 1000. 2.2 GHz, 256 gigs of ram, etc.


The HD actually only has 25.7 gigs of space once formatted. What I'd like to ultimately do would be to switch between Windows and Linux on this CPU, but I'm afraid my HD space will be awfully limited. I don't use this for much of anything though. I have 5 other computers for my main intranet setup, and this laptop will just be something to mess around with. I'm thinking about going w/ Gnome since this CPU lacks ram and disk space.
Code001":eb945 said:
Yeah, it's the whole Gnome vs KDE debate I guess.... I plan on installing it on a POS Dell Inspiron 1000. 2.2 GHz, 256 gigs of ram, etc.


The HD actually only has 25.7 gigs of space once formatted. What I'd like to ultimately do would be to switch between Windows and Linux on this CPU, but I'm afraid my HD space will be awfully limited. I don't use this for much of anything though. I have 5 other computers for my main intranet setup, and this laptop will just be something to mess around with. I'm thinking about going w/ Gnome since this CPU lacks ram and disk space.

I'd go with Ubuntu if you want most everything to work out of the box. Don't expect any OpenGL with that SiS card in there, though. Ubuntu seems to be one of the most laptop friendly distros. Gnome is my personal preference at the moment. You might have to use ndiswrapper if you want to get wireless networking going.

Here's a list of the things I have working so far in Ubuntu to give you an idea:

Samba shares of my XP box's videos and mp3s, including streaming with Totem.

Xvid/Divx in Totem (you'll need to sudo apt-get remove totem-gstreamer and then sudo apt-get install totem-xine; gstreamer doesn't seem to play anything).

OpenGL with the nvidia-glx-legacy driver (probably not going to happen with the SiS card from what I've read), including OpenArena (which plays pretty well on this ancient card!).

With so little hard drive space I can't see why you'd want Windows on there, especially with so many other computers at your disposal. It'll also be a lot easier to bounce between distros till you find one you like if you can just wipe that disk every time you reinstall.

If you could find a free computer with a decent video card (Nvidia Geforce/ATI Radeon, though Nvidia's Linux drivers are MUCH better), though, you should definitely check out Sabayon, even if you just boot the LiveDVD.
I had a nice long response I typed out, but I closed the damn window. Anyway, I'll be brief now. The 5 CPUs are all Macs. I don't want to install Linux on any of my spare ones (I have more than just those 5 lying around. They're the only ones on the internet at the moment, however). The reason is because I don't have any spare monitors. I got the PC laptop because my school requires them for certain classes such as math classes, and I don't feel like driving all the way to the campus to use their computers. That's why I'd like to dual-boot the thing.

I think I might try to snag a cheap CPU on ebay and turn it into a little linux box instead. I'm sure I could find some old Dell, cheap. Anyway, sorry for hijacking your thread man.
ive been running Mandriva linux 2007 for the past month or so...it has a 3d desktop just like beryl(not sure if it IS beryl or somthign extremely close), mine does all that screen "wobble" and cube thing...its really cool stuff.
Code001":7410d said:
I think I might try to snag a cheap CPU on ebay and turn it into a little linux box instead. I'm sure I could find some old Dell, cheap. Anyway, sorry for hijacking your thread man.

That's the joy of Linux; you can turn a piece of shit into gold :D
Beryl is pretty buggy and Im not convinced it works in any way better than a 2D desktop. The eye candy is nice but so far no company has found a way to use 3D intuitively.
The_Sh0t":dfd70 said:
ive been running Mandriva linux 2007 for the past month or so...it has a 3d desktop just like beryl(not sure if it IS beryl or somthign extremely close), mine does all that screen "wobble" and cube thing...its really cool stuff.

Aye. It is fun to play with and the 3d cube was actually useful, the wobbly windows not so much. Mandrive Linux itself on the other hand didn't impress me much. I managed to crash some programs by clicking on the X in the corner... :P

I tried installing Compiz/Beryl on Ubuntu but in the end couldn't get it to work and couldn't be bothered to start fuckin' with config files and such. That's my beef with lots of Linux programs. While the installation through apt-get or adept is really easy sometimes getting the progs to work properly requires too much effort. Most Linux distros still need lots of work so that you can change even the basic settings without opening a command line terminal. There's something wrong with the system if you need to google for a mile long list of command line switches to just do something basic.

Oh and the fonts and especially font rendering is still pretty ugly in most Linux distros.
redrol":45783 said:
Beryl is pretty buggy and Im not convinced it works in any way better than a 2D desktop. The eye candy is nice but so far no company has found a way to use 3D intuitively.

Well, it IS Alpha software. I didn't have any problems at all with Beryl on the Sabayon LiveDVD, though.

I guess whether or not it works also depends on a lot on whether or not AIGLX or XGL is working properly on your system. It won't work at all on my dedicated Linux box (mostly because it's running a Riva TNT2 from a million years ago).