Elmwood M60 Modena - Initial Review! It's in and it's BAD!

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Carl would you please chill, this is bringing a negative mood to such a great amp. Not the best first representation I want to bring out, it could cause people to not want to try. That being said, a new cool import amp not being tried by the community would be a waste of what it really is supposed to be. We appreciate your input but please leave it at that. Thank you,
carlygtr56":8e889 said:

That was directed at me, likely cause I got a JVM coming.......as if that's my only amp.
At least it doesn't look like some some jr high science project.

As to the other Swedish 3k used amp...what happens when that thing goes down? Who services that?

Its my service! I take care of my customers, end of story. Now would you drop the negative responses you know nothing of what you speak. I really don't like a bad first impression of a good thing. This isn't what this community was made for at all!
carlygtr56":6f737 said:

Funny, you must have missed the post where the Cameron guy said it sounded like shit. I guess no argument there.

I know enough not to consider a made in Sweden $3300 amp. where the dealer unboxes it, plays with it, and now is going to make clips with it.


First off, I don't know you at all and can only judge by how you present yourself on the forums I have seen you post on.... but for a guy who apparently has a vast wealth of experience he could share, you sure do come accross as bad sometimes.

Here we have a quality provider of amps who takes the time to find new offerings for the marketplace AND takes the time to check them out before sending them to his customer and you find fault with it?

If you have ever dealt with Josh, you know the level of service he gives customers (I have and it is among the best out there!). If you want to pick a fight about something, why not do it outside this thread?

Josh found a new product to bring to market and there are people who would like to check them out (me included).

Have you ever played a Modena? If you have, please share your experience and opinions! If not, let it go.

carlygtr56":4f8c3 said:

Certainly is. The Cameron guy took a dump on this amp and gets a pass.
i wonder why?

I just read what he said. I don't think there is any need for a "pass". I don't agree or disagree with him as I have never played one.

Here is his post:

This is an amp that I had wanted to purchase for atleast a year now. While in LA for NAMM in January, Mark (Cameron) & I spent about 2 hours with this amp at Andy Brauer's studio in N. Hollywood one night and we could not get any "great" sounds out of it.

Andy did say that the particular unit M60 Modena he had for us to demo had been also demo'd by dozens of people before us and as such may need new tubes. That being said, we were getting some crazy high-end squeal out of the drive 2 channel and this was at very low volume. I guess we really need to give one a try fresh out of the box but for 3K plus I was a bit turned off. I have a pretty good collection of boutique amps and a ton of high-end gear so I am no stranger to good tone. The price did not scare me...it was the sound...or lack there of. At the risk of sounding bias, the new line of Cameron amps from the testing we have done so far make mincedmeat out of the Elmwood.

As some of you may know, I do not share opinions or make many posts here or on any board, but I just had to share my experiences on this amp. I am not writing this so that noone buys one nor do I want to condem the new product line for Rebel Amps MUCH TO THE CONTRARY!! In fact I would hope to have Rebel carry our line. This is simply my opinion and should be taken as such.


Seems to me he stated his opinion and he wasn't rude, didn't call anyone names or try to belittle anyone.

Sounds like someone who has an opinion to share and enough respect for himself to respect others.
donbarzini":bd824 said:
ROFL!!! my favorite quote! 'Can't we all just get along?' :D :D :D My man Rodney.
Those Todd Duane clips on Youtube sound pretty damn good to me and I called Andy Brauer about that amp the Cameron guys demo'ed a few weeks back. I would be interested to see the Cameron amp as I always hear about the gain but not cleans and SRV blues like the Elmwood gets. I guess Rufus Leaking did not care for it but Todd Duane sure does.
Oh and I think the Cameron guy did get a free pass because look at the guys that got razzed on the JVM for talking about squeals at low volume by guys who have not even played it. The more I hang out on these forums the more I realize that only one guys opinion counts to me....mine. As it should to anyone after they have played an amp and can decide whether they like it or not.
simbasa":383e4 said:
Those Todd Duane clips on Youtube sound pretty damn good to me and I called Andy Brauer about that amp the Cameron guys demo'ed a few weeks back. I would be interested to see the Cameron amp as I always hear about the gain but not cleans and SRV blues like the Elmwood gets. I guess Rufus Leaking did not care for it but Todd Duane sure does.

Not at all - the Modena was an awesome amp that I had longer then most I've tried. I do like my Camerons more for my style, but the Modena outlasted Diezels, Bogners, Soldanos and Makos etc... I'd put it up against any high gainer you can name and it would hold its own.

If the one they demo'd was squealing in the gain channel there was something wrong - mine never did.
Rufus Leaking":6f3c6 said:

Not at all - the Modena was an awesome amp that I had longer then most I've tried. I do like my Camerons more for my style, but the Modena outlasted Diezels, Bogners, Soldanos and Makos etc... I'd put it up against any high gainer you can name and it would hold its own.

If the one they demo'd was squealing in the gain channel there was something wrong - mine never did.
aahhhh, thanks for your input. Cool. It does sound to my liking on those clips and I was hopong to drive down to L.A. when Bauer gets the Modena 90 in. Maybe the Guitar pups were the culprit in the squeals.....at any rate Andy should change those tubes and if 12 people have demo'ed it and no one has purchased , maybe it is a lemon.
Yea i did! I check out todd's clips all the time but all his amps sound very similair in his clips. Maybe its his camera or his hands, bit of both id say.

Im just after some more clips so i can get a better idea of this beauty.
adam":b49ae said:
Yea i did! I check out todd's clips all the time but all his amps sound very similair in his clips. Maybe its his camera or his hands, bit of both id say.

Im just after some more clips so i can get a better idea of this beauty.
Just put one up.