So I aquired ownership of this amp...

  • Thread starter Thread starter Themetallikid
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on the front it says Crate Model G600 By SLM.

Let me point out three things first and foremost:

1) YES!!! I know its a Crate :P
2) YES !!! I know it has sucked, probably still sucks and probably will continue to suck. :D
3) I dont care about either of the two above. ;)

Now with those disclaimers out of the way. Anybody have any info on these amps? I'm gonna do some research on the web, but curious if anyone has had any life experience with them. It looks to be a two channel amp (A&B), two inputs (0db & -6db). Reverb and Presence are under the word Master, single EQ for both channels, Channel B has just level and gain, Channel A has presence shape, level and gain.

So my options either:

1) clean it out and kinda restore the scratchy pots and such, maybe use it as an accoustic amp
2) have fun trying to remake it into my own style amp

any other options? I've got nothing invested in this amp, so I'm open to ideas....
If you got it for free, I would put it on Ebay for $1 and see how high it goes.
well it will need some work, I know the knobs are scratchy and such, so even if I did that I'd like to have someone look at it, but I'm curious how decent this amp was for solid state...I was reading reviews on HC for it, and people paid 650 back in 2002 for it it looks like...

I'm curious what this amps capabilities are and all
There is NOTHING wrong with Crate amps. They may not be the best built amps in existence, but they can sound godamn nice, damn it!
hehehe I agree Qweklain, just from the ones that I have played, its just not my tone...and many others that I have talked to on here. it works for some, doesnt for others...I'm looking forward to this amp surprising me...
Any amp can sound sound good to great...uncer certain circumstances.

I had a couple of Crate SS amps when I started out, and they sounded good then, and while I've not played one since a good 4 or 5 years ago, I'm willing to bet they still sound good.

I recently bought a Marshall MC100HDFX - sounded great until it crapped out and started squealing like it was shorted...
so, would a solid state make a good accoustic amp? should I have an amp tech run though it that is familiar with crate, and such...

if I decided to sell it, how much would this go for...
Jason what's going on man? I haven't seen you on here in ages. Anyway, I have a Crate Powerblock and I have realized Crate does make some really good gear as of late. I have no idea about the amp you have but i'm sure it's better than expected.
yeah I'm still unemployed since end of november, thank god for the parents. I didnt have internet through december, and am slowly getting back into the forum mode again...

I'm interested in plugging this thing in and such, but it doesnt have a grounding pin in it, and that worries me.
Themetallikid":bc277 said:
yeah I'm still unemployed since end of november, thank god for the parents. I didnt have internet through december, and am slowly getting back into the forum mode again...

I'm interested in plugging this thing in and such, but it doesnt have a grounding pin in it, and that worries me.

ahh I had no idea sorry to hear about that. I was wondering why I hadn't heard from you. Well good luck my friend i'm glad you are back!
ive owned some Damn Nice Crate Amp's in my time
but that One is Just the Sickest of them all :P

i had some fun with the cleans but the distortion Sucks
without a Pedal in front of it or an EQ then she aint half as Bad as them
Fenders :)
ok, so of my options, what should I do with this thing, I have a place here that will restore it to its original working order and such, or should I undertake the project myself and maybe swap some parts out for some good ole learning fun and such...

any ideas what I could turn it into or swap parts of?
I've got a Crate DJFX112, and it's pretty nice for the price range!

I'd say play with it for awhile. It would be a nice, cheap way to learn more about the inner workings of an SS amp.