mesa roadster

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so who's got one and what do ya think? I've played the 2x12 a couple of times and think I'm going for a head in a few weeks when they come in.

any tricks or settings to try? I really dug on the clean in all modes, vintage on orange and modern on red, but the brit channel didn't do much for me; any suggestions here?
Did you try Bass 10, Mid 0, Treble 10 on Red/Modern?

Out of interest, what color is the LED for ch2 on the Roadster/King?
yeah, gain and pres. cranked as well.

I can't remember what that 2nd channel's been a few months since I played it last.
You done me proud son.

The only thing I could think with the brit mode, is to boost it perhaps?
I have seen a fe of them but haven't been able to plug in. I never liked brit mode on the Roadkings, it sounded bland to me but i image it would wake up with a boost.

I played the Roadking a few times and had mixed results but with an amp of such unmatched versatility that's normal. My friend Robotechnology had one and that thing did have a shitload of gain, on the 4th channel it was almost too much. Channel 3 on vintage mode is REALLY nice.
Random Hero":101c3 said:
Did you try Bass 10, Mid 0, Treble 10 on Red/Modern?

Out of interest, what color is the LED for ch2 on the Roadster/King?

Ch2 is yellow. Green, yellow, orange, red. The Roadster is sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet :)
I only spent a half an hour with the head but fell in love with it. I couldn't get decent tone on the british setting but it had so many great tones I really didn't try very long. I don't think I would ever use that setting based on what I played with though.
Can the Roadster nail the DR tone? I've never gotten the chance to play one.
CaseyCor":e8b00 said:
Can the Roadster nail the DR tone? I've never gotten the chance to play one.

A Roadster is basically a DR with a shit load of options, and a great clean.
i played a roadster and i thought it sounded better than my 3ch dual and triple rect i used to have.
Yup. The Series II has the Loanstar clean, however, I heard they just updated the Lonestar's clean this past NAMM.
my take is that orange modern sounds like 2ch red modern and red modern like the racktifier red modern.

much more smooth and saturated than the 3ch dual. with all the punch of orange modern.

roadster red vintage did something for me too fwiw...