I have officially RE joined the Egnater Brigade


Well-known member
As some of you may know, I sold my MOD100 with quite a few custom modules a while ago.

Since then, I have said many times that I would own another. Well... last night I bought a MOD50 with 3 modules from an HC forumite on Ebay.

I have already contacted Bruce and Frank about another module and footswitch and will be in touch soon after receiving the amp about some custom modules.

The MOD100 was most definitely one of the best amps I have ever owned and I expect nothing less from the MOD50 (In fact, I have heard from a few people that the MOD 50 has some MOJO the MOD 100 doesn't have.... we shall see, but if it is true :eek: :eek: )

Can't wait to play through this amp!
Once you get it load it with JJ 6v6's and ue the 50 watt to 10 watt swtich and you now have a 23 watt and 3or 4 watt amp...not real sure on the numbers but this is by far the coolest feature!
PeteLaramee":11b28 said:
Congrats Tony. It's an awesome amp! :thumbsup:

Yeah... I wish I could have swung it to buy yours.

I was very surprised to see another for sale so soon. THey don't come up very often
chobley":8960b said:
Nice amp . I would love to try one someday . Why did you sell the mod100 in the first place?

I needed to come up with some additional cash fast when I bought into my business. Toys went first :P
very cool I just bought the Vendetta designed by Bruce and it is freaking awesome . Voxy glassy cleans, and a great fat hi gain .super smooth articulate as hell the best of VHT, Mesa, Marshall, Bogner rolled into one .
just tons of tones bright or dark but unique. No buzz even with the gain jacked . .My fiancee even commented that it was very pleasant to listen too.
I wouldnt choose it for Nu metal as it lacks a little of that low end but for Priest, Scorps, Crue ...freakin great .
mctallica1":3a4c5 said:

Yeah... I wish I could have swung it to buy yours.

I was very surprised to see another for sale so soon. THey don't come up very often
This is my old one! I just double checked the s# and this is the same one I sold a few weeks ago. The guy probably just sold off the additional MHG module. Just so you know - those RubyEL34BSTR tubes were brand new when I put them in there. They should have plenty of life left (unless he switched them out). Enjoy :thumbsup:
PeteLaramee":f6778 said:
:|::QBB:This is my old one! I just double checked the s# and this is the same one I sold a few weeks ago. The guy probably just sold off the additional MHG module. Just so you know - those RubyEL34BSTR tubes were brand new when I put them in there. They should have plenty of life left (unless he switched them out). Enjoy :thumbsup:

:lol: :lol:

I got the MHG from him too)

I guess I was destined to get that amp!
mctallica1":656d4 said:

:lol: :lol:

I got the MHG from him too)

I guess I was destined to get that amp!
Wow - you got a pretty good price (or was the other module extra?). One just sold a few weeks ago for $1800 + shipping. You are the man! :D
PeteLaramee":2decd said:
:|::QBB:Wow - you got a pretty good price (or was the other module extra?). One just sold a few weeks ago for $1800 + shipping. You are the man! :D

Nah, I didn't get any special deal. I bought the othe module from him for pretty much the going rate for used Eggy modules.

I am still pretty happy with it.
I just hope I like the 50 as much as I did the 100. :gethim: :gethim: :D