Rant: Ever feel like beating the shit out of a co worker?

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TWPietz37":cf0fe said:
It is honestly not worth it man. Like Ralph said, find a way to turn it around. You're a corrections officer right?


Forgiveness and love is the real answer. Life is way to short to allow otherwise. Let God deal with it he can make it right in a way that is perfectly just and not tainted by our attitude. Been there and did it the right way and the wrong way. The high road is the best road to take.
Next time he goes on a rant, just say something like " You know, your ass is kinda cute." And make sure you have that Vietnam stare going on when you do it.
I'm sure he likes to dig in on you because he's getting the reaction he wants. He knows how to push you buttons. Any true "wise-ass" will pick on the people that they can get the biggest rise out of. That's the whole point! Try to give him just the opposite reaction, which is none. Just ignore him.

I will agree that calling you out in front of people is completely unprofessional. I've been a manager for over 10 years and I've never once done that in front of co-workers. If there is a need for that type of conversation, it's always done professionally, behind closed doors.

If he's close to retirement, just let it go. He'll be gone soon anyway.

Good luck!

tweed":c0ba2 said:
Next time he goes on a rant, just say something like " You know, your ass is kinda cute." And make sure you have that Vietnam stare going on when you do it.

When everyone is standing around waiting for the shift change just walk by humming something and go " Hey.......Beavernuts!!!" while reaching out to shake his hand.

Beavernuts always works the first time due to the stun factor of being called beavernuts.

Take hold the power of beavernuts.
Do nothing is the best course.

Most likely your colleagues know him as an insecure weenie.

By venting around your peers, you are letting him drag you down to his level.

But of course, you could have said to him,

"I'd like to see your point of view, but I can't get my head that far up my ass."
65? and he's still allowed to walk in there? he'll need you before you will need him. remind him of it.
and I know how you feel. I work with this one guy who is a weak disgusting slug. Straight fucktard. I have to put up with his monkey ass today, and I cant wait. :bash:
Gainfreak":de053 said:

Everyone has a weakness. Find his and exploit it.....verbally :D
No need for the rough stuff!!

I think Jim could have easily turned the tables by telling the guy so what, that everybody makes mistakes and then asking him why he needs to be such a prick and bring it up in front of the group. Jim should let him know that if he's got a problem with him, he needs to deal with it like an adult and not like a junior high bully.
Skideezie":50230 said:
Do nothing is the best course.

Most likely your colleagues know him as an insecure weenie.

By venting around your peers, you are letting him drag you down to his level.

But of course, you could have said to him,

"I'd like to see your point of view, but I can't get my head that far up my ass."

Or in most cases people might flock to this guy and see Jim as being weak. Some People just love to gang up on the weak guy which might open him up to be the fall guy for every single joke for years to come.

I say burn him down at his own game.
Listen to PhD Bob! He is wise in these sorts of things. He cured me after all. :D
Bob Savage":0b1e2 said:

I think Jim could have easily turned the tables by telling the guy so what, that everybody makes mistakes and then asking him why he needs to be such a prick and bring it up in front of the group. Jim should let him know that if he's got a problem with him, he needs to deal with it like an adult and not like a junior high bully.

As you know, I'm with ya on this :D
Digital Jams":09d35 said:
When everyone is standing around waiting for the shift change just walk by humming something and go " Hey.......Beavernuts!!!" while reaching out to shake his hand.

Beavernuts always works the first time due to the stun factor of being called beavernuts.

Take hold the power of beavernuts.
I do the same thing only I replace the word "beavernuts" with the word "cum-crack." Unless, of course, it's a woman and I'll use the word "horse-cunt." :thumbsup:
yngzaklynch":b566b said:

His answer would be "hell yes"

Good answer to that would be, "well, then carry on. I was just curious".

I'd like to see how you can continue from that.
Gainfreak":82ed8 said:
I know that you know that I know that you know!! Ya know? :D

I didn't really want to say it, but I knew that you knew that I knew that you knew. I know.