I know it doesn't sound anything like a Marshall but the Roadking has 4 channels with 3 modes per channel and that's been out for years. But Boogie needs to allow the player to footswitch between those modes, although the modes on the Roadking sound much different from eachother than the modes on the JVM. The vintage mode sounds a lot different from modern.
I know the Roadking isn't your type of amp, it's not exactly a Marshall ripoff though like so many others though but in certain ways it's more versatile than the JVM. It also allows you to assign particular power tubes to certain channels and certain cabs to certain channels.
But the JVM gives you more flexibility at your feet. Now if Boogie could just make the 4th channel of the Roadking to sound like a IIC+ and give it a graphic EQ then i would be set.

But that ain't gonna happen.