Marshall Vintage Modern IN THE HOUSE

carlygtr56":44ffa said:

Well, you're going to have a wait, cause I sold my VH guitar and I'm the LAST guy who would put VH clips up. I don't know any of know that, so challanging me to put up VH clips would be like asking you to put classic rock clips up :lol:

That said, I saw bar bands in '78 copping that tone with Marshalls and pedals every weekend. they used the gear of that era...just like EVH did.

I just got a few live VH shows from '75, 78, 79. That's Marshall tone. The PM's smoothness doesn't cop that....that's why everybody who puts VH PM clips up drenches them in effects.

Not sure why you are copping an attitude with me. Have you been drinking?

1. I never asked you to play van halen songs, just the post clips of that tone. You are the one who asserted that it (the JVM) could do it. You must've tried or done it unintentionally OR your statement is based on BS.
2. As soon as my rig gets done, and I get it back, I'll happily put up some classic rock clips and put your mind at ease, that I can do that too. :scared:
3. I can get that tone using my Les Paul, so no VH guitar is necessary.

So, what'll it be??? Hmmm
carlygtr56":45791 said:

How about YOU post clips of you getting that tone? You claim to get it :lol: You're rig has to get done? Is it ever finished? Plug in the PM and go for it.

Pat Benitar? No thanks :lol:

The Benatar clips were a Marshall 6100. As far as the Peacemaker getting the VH tone, that has already been established to my satisfaction.

I already get the tone I want out of the Peacemaker, but if the JVM will do it along with it's stellar cleans and channel switching etc... Then it'd be a worthy endeavour for me to get one.

You seem to just want a confrontation, instead of proving YOUR claim.

As far as my rig getting done, that would be wonderful as it's been 7 months and counting, I am VERY disappointed at this long wait.
To get back to the title:

Does anybody know if the VM, JVM and DSL have the same OTs? (by looking at the Dagnall label). Thanks.
7 months to build a rig? Dude, I'm going on 6 months to paint a fucking guitar desert yellow with excuses left and right. I don't even want the guitar anymore either.... Besides, you should know that CAE is notoriously slow in doing that stuff. ;) I know people who have waited years.
Code001":7ae4f said:
7 months to build a rig? Dude, I'm going on 6 months to paint a fucking guitar desert yellow with excuses left and right. I don't even want the guitar anymore either.... Besides, you should know that CAE is notoriously slow in doing that stuff. ;) I know people who have waited years.

I hear ya. Initially it was a 12 week quote. Then, he had to move his shop, then Martin's availbility was scarce, so... Bob says he's doing everything himself. I have been without my stuff since July, 2006.
carlygtr56":4b2f6 said:
Some fucking guys really slay me. I post an opinion on a PM, after owning one and A/B'ing it with 2 Germinos....gave my opinion, and why I dont think it sounds like VH, and I gotta get challanged by some Don Ho noddler to post clips saying Im drunk and Im BS'ing?

I got a PAGE full of clips. I posted the JVM clips, so did others.

I only trust my OWN ears a very few here, of which YOU aint one of them.

Where were you in '78, when every fucking bar band in the country was copping the 1st VH album tones without a PM?

You're an authority? Based on what? Your gear listing and pics? your noodling wanker clips?

Yoiu post you copping that tone with a Les Paul or any guitar...without the swamp of effects you cover it all up with. Jackass

Dude, you're a fucking pusshead. All I wanted, was to hear the tone you claimed it could do with all sincerity and enthusiasm, as I Very much enjoy your clips. Then you get off on a tangent, hurling insult after insult. :biteme:
SgtThump":6040b said:
Also, why do some of you guys constantly argue about everything? Can't you just shrug stuff off?

So... Someone likes amp A and someone else doesn't. What's the big deal?

That is just it. I honestly was enthused by Carl's assesment, and when I asked him to post a clip of the amp doing that tone, he took it as a challenge instead of an acknowledgment, of my appreciation for his ability to record great sounding clips. :no:
carlygtr56":ab476 said:

and that speaks volumes about your ear and abilty to give a valid opinion
I get it, you don't like the Peacemaker. Fine... You are dismissed, your assistance is no longer requested.


The PM sounds like a tarp is over the speakers.

Play them at the same time and listen to how far away they are.

Your opening remark was sarcastic........

"Can't wait to hear a clip of it doing that VH tone, that the Peacemaker does so well, and smoking it. (waits patiently, but not holding breath)"

I get it! You don't like the Peacemaker. Whatever... I will refrain from asking you, in the future, for assistance.
carlygtr56":21046 said:

What part about I had a PM for a year and sold it didnt you understand?

Play those two clips together. If you think they are close, you have shit ears simple as that.

You and a few others are from the school of, if you repeat something over and over and over....people will agree with you, or at least think you know what you're talking about, or think you have a decent ear.
You fail on all 3 counts, IMO.

I'm demo'ing a VM at GC in a bit. See ya Don :lol:

zepman got one (VM) and loves it.

There wasn't anywhere here that mentoneman OR I claimed that clip nailed Eddie's tone of that song. Just that it is a nice tone. I know that is probably what you'd like to think was meant so you can keep rambling on, but it just ain't so. :scared: You can repeat it over and over about us saying that the clip nailed VH tone, but it just ain't so.

Later Sally
Digital Jams":0bdb1 said:

Man did you drive it home and this post should be stickied :thumbsup:

There are people rating equipment that have no rhythm, no chops, minimal years playing, I have seen reviews of amps and the next guy that got that same amp is yelling half the power section was not even working.

Dont even get me started with guitar reviews..............................

I second this "sticky" idea, one of the more intelligent posts I've read. :thumbsup:
carlygtr56":6e32a said:
I owned the Peacemaker. Nice amp for what it was.
The tone bank seemed to be modeled after VH II.

IMO, it's a $2000 amp.
When I got my Germino Headroom-100, I heard what I didn't like about the PM. Too smooth. The PM didn't have the raw edge in the treble and presence like the Marshalls I'm used to.
I boxed the PM and shitcanned it.

That said, I shitcanned the Germino as well, after getting my Heritage Colonial.

That said, the Heritage Colonial may also go, cause as far as I'm concerned, the JVM smokes them all.
I can easily make the JVM my pedal base to run my pedals thru.

You can crank the Peacemaker for EVH.......or run it cleaner with pedals, but IMO, the JVM sends it back to the Mojave desert with it's tubes between it's legs.

Overrated, overpriced.....the JVM slaughters it in many of it's modes. :lol:

The PeaceMaker is definitely way overpriced now IMO, but what I paid way back when seemed somewhat reasonable. It is definitely VHII in a box, but it has other tones as well. Nice clean... Its a great sounding amp cranked up. That said, the JVM sounds really good in the clips I've heard and at a ridiculously low price...

my LONG .02 cents---

i brought my gtr in to GC, played the VM for an hour at volumes louder than i would normally ever play an amp, and decided that the TONE although good did not surpass the Peacemaker, which i feel is in the same catagory of tone/amp.

as for the real VH versus PM tone, frankly i think the PM clip vic did is better sounding than recorded VH tone. than's just my perspective. imo, it's where eddie's tone should have evolved to instead of the tone he changed to with the eventide/5150 weirdness.

the price of the PM new is pretty outlandish, but look at komets or two rocks or most boutiquers on the market these days. and right now there is a guy selling a PM at the gear page for $1700....

would i play the PM without fx/pedals?....not me. but who cares how you arrive at great tone as long as it's great tone!!!! it's a very low preamp gain amp, so much so that it probably freaks many people out when they first try the amp and expect eddie tones immediately.

does that make it less of an amp than the new marshalls? no.
does it sound purer than any other marshall/type tone *i've* encountered...yes.

i sold it to Z because he really loved the amp and it completes his ultimate rig, and honestly my live needs don't call for many hard rock tones or high power tube settings, which is where the PM lives. although i used it once live that way and it was incredible. and down low it's still a great amp, but my coyote is better suited for low volume playing/settings i require.

now, will carl always play the JVM without pedals? probably not. will carl like the JVM as much in a year's time? probably not.

build quality?
no contest.

is c wrong for enjoying the JVM more than the PM? nope. but insulting others like Z and me indirectly for saying they think the PM produces higher quality tones is a little odd. i didn't insult zepman for loving the VM. just teasing him about how cool the PM is :D

i respect carl's tone taste for the most part understand why he likes the JVM more than the PM, germino, and heritage. cool. i understand his logic.

but let's be real about this as well...carl is a self-admitted bedroom player for the most part these days---not that he couldn't hang live or play well because i know he can jam as is a great player--- but he didn't have opportunities to use the PM live in a band context for a couple of years like I did, as well as analyze the amp from the front of house position when mixing for 4 different people/bands that used my peacemaker on a regular basis.

so remember carl when you go on a bender about *people* not having a legitimate basis to express disagreement with you on your view of an amp like the PM, you might at least re-evaluate the basis of your own perspective first. the PM is totally not the best choice for a bedroom amp.

and i totally disagree about the jaimie's cryin clip sounding covered up in any way shape or form! a tarp???? that to me is absolute nonsense. for the record, i feel none of the clips i ever recorded w/the PM are as rich sounding as vic's because he plugged straight in without pedals to muck things up like me!

maybe older spec'ed celestion would have added more bite and edge to vic's clip, and who knows what kind of studio magic went on in the recording/mixing of the vh stuff, wheas vic used a 57 into a mackie mixer.

now if i could only find an amp that nailed the don ho tone....:cool:
Well since this has turned into a current and former Peacemaker owners convention. :D The Vintage Modern 100 watter is $1499. The Peacemaker is over $3000. To expect the Vintage Modern to "kill" it isn't very realistic.

There is such a list of "must haves" to get "that" sound from a Peacemaker that it's a bit silly, isn't it? You gotta have this kind of guitar, with SPECIFICALLY this type of pickup, that has specifically this type of output. You have to have this type of speakers and be able to turn it up to stupid volume. If you can't turn it up that loud (and who can?) you need a $270 Hot Plate. Oh, so now the $250 add-on Power Dampening is better than the Hot Plate, except that I think the Power Dampening doesn't sound anywhere near as good as the Hot Plate at -8.

Here's the funny thing, I spent at least $1500 on trying to find the right boost pedal for doing leads on the Peacemaker. I could have bought a Vintage Modern for what I spent on boost pedals. :) billybogner went through the same thing with boost pedals for leads.
i tried a POD and really could not live with it because i am pretty much tone snob like you! but you're right, i could do it if i had to.

the time i played the PM loud was an outdoor set last 4th of July, opening for a really cool SRV/blues Christian band called 4 Shadows Fall (srv strat and cranked fenders w/ tube screamer tones)
i had the PM treble volume on 7, bass volume on 3-4, no hotplate, dampening barely cracked. you know how loud that is.

every now and then i'd look back at the 1/2 stack freaking out and thinking "it feels like i'm playing on eddie's old rig"---the tone was sick.

the gtr player came up to me after the set and had *that* look as he gazed at the PM

recently he told me he sold his car to buy a new plexi 45 :D
carlygtr56":afe2d said:

The JVM isn't my pedal amp. My Heritage Colonial is. The Heritage Colonial was better with pedals and giving a better Marshall NMV tone then my Germino, which was better than the PM.

Build Quality? My NEW PM had a micrphonic problem right from the shop that was NOT tube related. That fat fuck, after the sale couldn't much be bothered, and the white panel was not flat as it should have been....this is right from the shop.

As to bedrooms, my gear isnt in any bedroom. im busy inviting the stray bitch over to plow to be tripping on my amps.
I get out and jam, which I did last week, turn up real loud as if that means anything.

You're buddy, as soon as I said the JVM did better VH, challanged my to post clips of VH LOL
His never ending noodling was the main reason that Amp Demo vid of a few years ago went into the garbage.

As far as you using the PM live and me not. You have no idea where I use my amps. Every amp I ever owned translated from house to rehearsal to live, with no problems.

Where did you open up your PM? In church?
For thsat gig and POD or similar POS would do.

:doh2: :doh2:


At least Carl is entertaining.
