Marshall Vintage Modern IN THE HOUSE

Greazygeo":7d0aa said:
:|::QBB:I did this one really quick before work this morning...couldn't really remember the tune and the mix is probably way off....oh well first thing in the morning!

I know I'll cringe when I go back and listen to it :doh:

Nice clip there George.

I bet with that tone and a little bit less gain you can NAIL the rhythm tone on the Slide It In album. I kept hearing that tone there.
Telephant":0cff9 said:


Fuckin' A. That sounds great. Doesnt have that chirp but good god it sounds righteous.

Alright bitches, Im convinced. The JVM rules. :lol:
I wasn't really going for the VH tone....just something more ripping and aggressive. I probably need to add more of the E609 track for the bite (if that is whats missing). I didn't really mix it much....I'll mess with it some more and repost it probably...
carlygtr56":ad9c4 said:

Sounds great George!! The cool thing is that sound can be further tweeked easily for a VH fanatic who wants more treble, mids, presence.
Thanks Carl. I might need to bring the E609 track up. I had the presence at 3:00, mid 2:00 treb 12:00 and bass 11:00...gain at 2:00 on OD1 Yellow
SgtThump":a67c0 said:

Okay, KANNIBUL!!!!

ps - Remember when he wouldn't share his TSL settings for fear of someone stealing them? lol...
:lol: I just love using that smiley! :gethim:

I was just kidding....Use the clean channel in either yellow or red mode...Set the master and channel volume really high and use teh gain for your volume....mid and treb up pretty high, bass pretty low and presence / resonance to taste.....its a cool darker plexi tone! You can do kinda the same thing on the Crunch channel too though it will be brighter.
danyeo":476dc said:

Nice clip there George.

I bet with that tone and a little bit less gain you can NAIL the rhythm tone on the Slide It In album. I kept hearing that tone there.
Wait till i get done with Crying in the Rain....OD/2 and about 10 chorus pedals it's about right. :)
SgtThump":e6b11 said:

I know you were kidding! :)

That VH clip was on the clean channel? Dang, dude. I don't recall my clean channel getting anywhere near that type of gain, but I need to revisit it apparently.
no no no....the VH is on OD1 yellow mode. I was just talking about the plexi type stuff on the clean channel
Cool that you may have figured some stuff out, I dont doubt what you heard but I really thought that amp was not bad at all when I heard it and that I thought it would be a good option instead of dragging a non-master SLP on stage.
carlygtr56":ea726 said:

At GC they had the amp right at the front of the store...they were making their usual noise, getting the backing tracks ready for that night's blues contest....blasting them thru a PA. Not ideal conditions to hear what all the controls do :(

the one i tried was the the front door. dude we had it BLASTING. as in no one else in the store could have possibly tried out an amp at that moment.

and at that volume, all the scratchy/fizzy/midrangy muck starts going away. the cab has those hendrix special speakers in it.
it sounded good and less congested than the DSL years, but i'd say that based on my first impression at NAMM, the JVM has a way nicer clean tone, a way heavier dirt tone, and just so much more flexibility that it would be my choice (although i don't know if i'd choose it over what i'm hoping my modified tol 100 is going to sound like!!)

but i also think you could probably get closer to the specific vintage/brown tones with the VM, using the right tubes and "appointments" :D

but it's still wrongway feldman slamming into the side of a barn versus the peacemaker's lear jet touching down at heathrow tone.