Played Gig #2 with the JVM this past Saturday...

JVM and DSL don't share the transformers, it could be that the HT voltage is the same as it is a pretty standard value for a 100W tube amp, but actually it is funny to read some comments out there saying that the JVM is a TSL with one more channel... They are completely different amps.

As for the bias, the plate voltages are around 470V, maybe between 460-480V depending on the mains voltage. 40mA will give you around 75% of plate dissipation which is OK. I say around because the actual plate current will be a bit lower than that.
Santiall":2a912 said:
JVM and DSL don't share the transformers, it could be that the HT voltage is the same as it is a pretty standard value for a 100W tube amp, but actually it is funny to read some comments out there saying that the JVM is a TSL with one more channel... They are completely different amps.

As for the bias, the plate voltages are around 470V, maybe between 460-480V depending on the mains voltage. 40mA will give you around 75% of plate dissipation which is OK. I say around because the actual plate current will be a bit lower than that.

Sup!! :D

Preach On Bruthah!!! Preach on!! You think thats funny, I get a kick out of the idiots who say that the JVM sounds like a DSL :hys:
Santiall":45b7e said:
JVM and DSL don't share the transformers, it could be that the HT voltage is the same as it is a pretty standard value for a 100W tube amp, but actually it is funny to read some comments out there saying that the JVM is a TSL with one more channel... They are completely different amps.

As for the bias, the plate voltages are around 470V, maybe between 460-480V depending on the mains voltage. 40mA will give you around 75% of plate dissipation which is OK. I say around because the actual plate current will be a bit lower than that.
Thanks for the confirmation about the trannies. I liked them a lot in the DSLs, so no worries here ;)
Whats wrong with the DSLs now? I liked them as much as my old stuff - just a reminder btw:


Green crunch is super close to my '76 JMP 2204. And Beck's and Moore's ears can't be that wrong either. :)
SgtThump":f2a7c said:


I'm telling you that there ARE certain channel/mode combiations that can bet tweaked to sound like a DSL and I don't consider myself an idiot! :)

Im pretty sure you can tweek it ! What I mean is that there are some guys who think that the gain Channels sound like a DSL right out of the gate. I can see if they are talking about the crunch channel or the OD1 channel on green but after that Im not hearing it. I don't really like the DSL's much without a pedal :D
(and you know why... Its a gain thang!! :D)
SgtThump":c8b50 said:

He he! :)

Swing City in Collinsville is the only one I've seen near St. Louis, but I imagine that's a bit of a drive for ya.

It's not all that far of a drive, around 2.5 hours, but finding the time to get there and back and with Diesel fuel at 2.59 I think I'll just wait until they start showing up in classifieds or on ebay and snag one.
Just to clear up any misconceptions. The DSL/TSL's to me were touted by Marshall to be high Gain. To me they are the typical Marshall Crunch boxes. I played many of them and to reach what I would consider high gain, you would have to hit them with a pedal.
I spoke to the current guitarist of Dokken John Levin about his DSl's and he said the same thing, that he needed to hit it with a pedal for solos and John Plays with less gain these days then I do.

I don't by any means think that they are bad amps, they just didn't cut it for what I like. Again, it was more of the same to me.MArshall promising something and falling flat. When the JVM came out I was like ok... Here we go again and when I heard the OD1 channel I ate my words.
SgtThump":ab61f said:

Oh, I agree with you then! :) I am talking about the Crunch channel and the OD1/Green channel/mode. I think the Crunch channel on the JVM is one of it's strong points for sure. I play half the night on that for songs that require medium gain (Buck Cherry, AC/DC, Bryan Adams, Bad Company, etc...)

I totally agree and that is what I was missing with my MKIV. The crunch channel on the boog absolutely blows!!! :D The JVM is a dream amp for me and excels for covers!!
SgtThump":edc2d said:

Oh, I agree with you then! :) I am talking about the Crunch channel and the OD1/Green channel/mode. I think the Crunch channel on the JVM is one of it's strong points for sure. I play half the night on that for songs that require medium gain (Buck Cherry, AC/DC, Bryan Adams, Bad Company, etc...)

I think it's inevitable that the JVM will somewhat sound like a DSL/TSL at some points. Just like they're all going to sound a little bit like a JCM 800, or Super Lead at some adjustments After all they are a Marshall running EL34's. That's a good thing IMHO.

The thing that scared me the most about the amp is when Greazygeo said that he loved it. He doesn't like any vintage Super Leads/Plexis until he mods them and replaced the EL34's with something else, and he doesn't like EL34's... Made me really happy to see guys like you loving it. :lol:
I like the bias around 35mA but those are personal preferences, it depends a lot on how loud you play, what style, etc, etc. If you like it at 40mA then go ahead with that, it is still pretty safe.

Nothing wrong with the DSL/TSLs. Many users love those series and won't change them for anything else but anyone who played JVMs, VMs or DSLs will agree that the feeling and the way those three amps respond are completelly diferent even if the tone coming out of the speakers is similar. Also true that since all those amps say "Marshall" will prejudice some people's ears to think they get the same tone.

A bit off topic, the basic JVM was developed after a JCM800 2203 using its transformers and basic power amp. JVM's power amp has more feedback to help keeping it tighter, slightly lower freq. response and a resonance control added. With the resonance down to '0' they will sound and overdrive pretty similar though.

Preamp in Crunch Orange will get very very close to a 2203 even they are again slightly different in order to acommodate all the other modes. And, as a tip, if anyone wants to have a "purer" signal path just plug a patch cord from the Parallel Send (+4dBu) into the PA Return, switch the PA Insert Loop on on the rear panel and the whole effect loop/reverb circuitry will be bypassed. There will be a small reduction in output level but can be compensated turning the masters or channel volumes higher.
Santiall":3b8ac said:
I like the bias around 35mA but those are personal preferences, it depends a lot on how loud you play, what style, etc, etc. If you like it at 40mA then go ahead with that, it is still pretty safe.

Nothing wrong with the DSL/TSLs. Many users love those series and won't change them for anything else but anyone who played JVMs, VMs or DSLs will agree that the feeling and the way those three amps respond are completelly diferent even if the tone coming out of the speakers is similar. Also true that since all those amps say "Marshall" will prejudice some people's ears to think they get the same tone.

A bit off topic, the basic JVM was developed after a JCM800 2203 using its transformers and basic power amp. JVM's power amp has more feedback to help keeping it tighter, slightly lower freq. response and a resonance control added. With the resonance down to '0' they will sound and overdrive pretty similar though.

Preamp in Crunch Orange will get very very close to a 2203 even they are again slightly different in order to acommodate all the other modes. And, as a tip, if anyone wants to have a "purer" signal path just plug a patch cord from the Parallel Send (+4dBu) into the PA Return, switch the PA Insert Loop on on the rear panel and the whole effect loop/reverb circuitry will be bypassed. There will be a small reduction in output level but can be compensated turning the masters or channel volumes higher.
Will you be in Frankfurt next week?
Santiall":53a93 said:
I like the bias around 35mA but those are personal preferences, it depends a lot on how loud you play, what style, etc, etc. If you like it at 40mA then go ahead with that, it is still pretty safe.

Nothing wrong with the DSL/TSLs. Many users love those series and won't change them for anything else but anyone who played JVMs, VMs or DSLs will agree that the feeling and the way those three amps respond are completelly diferent even if the tone coming out of the speakers is similar. Also true that since all those amps say "Marshall" will prejudice some people's ears to think they get the same tone.

A bit off topic, the basic JVM was developed after a JCM800 2203 using its transformers and basic power amp. JVM's power amp has more feedback to help keeping it tighter, slightly lower freq. response and a resonance control added. With the resonance down to '0' they will sound and overdrive pretty similar though.

Preamp in Crunch Orange will get very very close to a 2203 even they are again slightly different in order to acommodate all the other modes. And, as a tip, if anyone wants to have a "purer" signal path just plug a patch cord from the Parallel Send (+4dBu) into the PA Return, switch the PA Insert Loop on on the rear panel and the whole effect loop/reverb circuitry will be bypassed. There will be a small reduction in output level but can be compensated turning the masters or channel volumes higher.

VERY cool info! Thanks!
Santiall":ec609 said:
I like the bias around 35mA but those are personal preferences, it depends a lot on how loud you play, what style, etc, etc. If you like it at 40mA then go ahead with that, it is still pretty safe.

Nothing wrong with the DSL/TSLs. Many users love those series and won't change them for anything else but anyone who played JVMs, VMs or DSLs will agree that the feeling and the way those three amps respond are completelly diferent even if the tone coming out of the speakers is similar. Also true that since all those amps say "Marshall" will prejudice some people's ears to think they get the same tone.

A bit off topic, the basic JVM was developed after a JCM800 2203 using its transformers and basic power amp. JVM's power amp has more feedback to help keeping it tighter, slightly lower freq. response and a resonance control added. With the resonance down to '0' they will sound and overdrive pretty similar though.

Preamp in Crunch Orange will get very very close to a 2203 even they are again slightly different in order to acommodate all the other modes. And, as a tip, if anyone wants to have a "purer" signal path just plug a patch cord from the Parallel Send (+4dBu) into the PA Return, switch the PA Insert Loop on on the rear panel and the whole effect loop/reverb circuitry will be bypassed. There will be a small reduction in output level but can be compensated turning the masters or channel volumes higher.

Cool info, thanks for taking the time to come over here and give your insight!