What's a good pickup for basswood?

jonny toetags

New member
I think i am going to put something else in my Charvel.
I love the Custom5 (have it in 2 of my guitars), would that work with basswood??
I need med gain/80's metal ............. I don;t need something super hot.
Do you still have the BH-IIR that was in your Horus? That pickup sounds great for 80's metal to me.
Anything low output w/ Alnico IIs - ie, PAFish. Seriously, basswood + lower output = TONE. I've got one in my partsocaster and it just sounds so rich.
I had a Duncan Distortion in a Ibanez RG550(Basswood) that I had years ago and it sounded great! It's still one of my favorite pickups!

I've always liked the Lynch/Dokken tones, which the Duncan does well.

Megadeth7684":ed03f said:
Do you still have the BH-IIR that was in your Horus? That pickup sounds great for 80's metal to me.

That pickup SUCKED!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

It was worse than my 'duncan designed' i pulled from my schecters! :)
tnourse":c3dff said:
I had a Duncan Distortion in a Ibanez RG550(Basswood) that I had years ago and it sounded great! It's still one of my favorite pickups!

I've always liked the Lynch/Dokken tones, which the Duncan does well.


i have a distortion that isn't being used....it's not trem spaced, but i doubt it will be that much of a difference
jonny toetags":8d8e3 said:

That pickup SUCKED!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

It was worse than my 'duncan designed' i pulled from my schecters! :)

I don't like the BH-IIR for high gain stuff in E tuning, but I love how it sounds in low tunings, because it's so clear. And I also think it sounds good for 80's stuff. Do you still have it? If so, sell it to me for cheap since it sucks so bad. :D
I am interested in this topic as well! I am going to be getting the new RG550 soon and I probably will end up swapping out their pickups sooner or later..

I was thinking of putting in EVO's
JackBootedThug":92888 said:


The guy wants medium-gain, nothing super-hot 80s metal and you suggest one of the highest output pickups Dimarzio makes :10/10:

I'd suggest the Dimarzio Super Distortion. It was always similar to the stock Ibanez pickups, but with better output, more clarity and a general better overall tone. The stock V pickups in Ibanez's aren't too bad actually. They're quite decent, but I've always prefered Dimarzio's.

I have a Dimarzio Steve Special in the bridge on my Ibanez. At first I didn't like the lead sounds but I quite like them now. They're searing and sharp and you get a huge contrast between the bridge and neck pickup (my neck pickup being an Air Norton - VERY different tone wise. Very smooth, round and warm). It really varies the dynamics and I love that setup although I think I'll switch to a D-sonic soon because I want more mids! :D
I have a JB in the bridge of my RG565 and it sounds great for 80s metal. Custom is another good choice.

Pups are just little eqs though, some guitars need a bigger kick in the ass due to lack of base tone from the guitar. If the guitar booms acoustic wise go less hot....if the thing is dead go EMG.
I second the Dimarzio Super Distortion. Lots of output but still feels very responsive/not "deathed out", with a great balance of warmth/fullness and articulation (still somewhat vintage sounding despite its high output), and cleans up well.
Basswood guitars are hard. I had a Steve's special and didn't like it. But the Steve's rocks the hizzle in a Maple.

I had a Genesis Mr. Browney. Good pickup. 9.6 or so on DC Resistance, so not too hot. Alnico II magnet.

I really liked the Tonezone(Dimarzio) in my basswood RG Prestige. Phattened things up and was warm! BUT!!! IMPORTANT!!!! if your guitar doesn't have a pickup height adjustment, which I am pretty sure charvels do, then the tonezone sounds crazy, until you get the perfect height to string ratio.

I suggest something with a Alnico 5 magnet actually for medium output. Since the Alnico 5 has more bass response than the Alnico II. This helps basswood body/tremelo guitars a lot! The Custom 5 should be cool, or I think a Seth Lover or Pearly Gates might be Alnico 5.
i really liked the Duncan Custom in the bridge of my basswood Kelly. I ended up throwing a set of EMG's in there for kicks, and they've stayed. I did only try a couple pickup combos and the Custom/59 (neck) sounded great to me.
Megadeth7684":75e49 said:

I don't like the BH-IIR for high gain stuff in E tuning, but I love how it sounds in low tunings, because it's so clear. And I also think it sounds good for 80's stuff. Do you still have it? If so, sell it to me for cheap since it sucks so bad. :D

I need it in case i ever sell the Cap. Big IF, but you never know :D
Chud":3065e said:


The guy wants medium-gain, nothing super-hot 80s metal and you suggest one of the highest output pickups Dimarzio makes :10/10:

I'd suggest the Dimarzio Super Distortion. It was always similar to the stock Ibanez pickups, but with better output, more clarity and a general better overall tone. The stock V pickups in Ibanez's aren't too bad actually. They're quite decent, but I've always prefered Dimarzio's.

I have a Dimarzio Steve Special in the bridge on my Ibanez. At first I didn't like the lead sounds but I quite like them now. They're searing and sharp and you get a huge contrast between the bridge and neck pickup (my neck pickup being an Air Norton - VERY different tone wise. Very smooth, round and warm). It really varies the dynamics and I love that setup although I think I'll switch to a D-sonic soon because I want more mids! :D

So you think every Charvel on the rack sounds the same huh? If the guitar is lacking acoustic ring a EVO may not be a bad choice to get something out of the guitar. I have seen guitars that Intruders were installed to get some good tones out of it.

Name on the headstock does not = same sounding guitar.
JackBootedThug":448f6 said:
Chud":448f6 said:


The guy wants medium-gain, nothing super-hot 80s metal and you suggest one of the highest output pickups Dimarzio makes :10/10:

you not get any cock today? quit acting like a cunt, your not on HCAF.

Dunno, humm my balls and we'll find out :lol:
If you think that post was genuinly serious you need to get your head examined mate!

Digital Jams":448f6 said:

So you think every Charvel on the rack sounds the same huh? If the guitar is lacking acoustic ring a EVO may not be a bad choice to get something out of the guitar. I have seen guitars that Intruders were installed to get some good tones out of it.

Name on the headstock does not = same sounding guitar.

Well, the guy never mentioned a lack of acoustic ring, he just didn't want a super high output pickup. I just found it funny that the first suggestion was one of the highest Dimarzio offer.