JVM in comparison to Bogner XTC 101B?


New member

OK, I've seen a lot of hype about the JVM and I have to admit it's got me very interested...GAS.

For those of you that have experience with a Bogner XTC 101b and the JVM, how would you compare the two? What are the similiarities and what are the differences? What can you get from one that you can't get from the other? I don't plan on ditching my XTC, however, I like the idea of having a Marshall in my studio. :D
Well I haven't owned my 101b in like what 3 years??? But I'll try.

The JVM is brighter, tighter and has more gain on tap. If memory serves the JVM Clean is better than the 101b's. Both the JVM Crunch and 101b's Blue channels kill. But different flavors of the same vibe here. At high gain.... well now here's where your ears are gonna be the deciding factor on whats best. The 101b has got a lot of squish and liquidy sustain and with a healthy amount of gain. Fun amp for sure!. JVM's OD1 you get a modern Marshall with a much tighter bottom that the 101b, higher mids, and more gain.

OD2 however is dark with a bit more emphasis on lower mids. This might please Bogner owners. Still not as squishy as the 101b and a lot more gain here if you set it that way. And I'm not saying OD2 sounds like a Bogner, but I can draw similarities.

I don't know if that helps at all but from what I can recall that's the best I can come up with. I can't say ones better than the other. I will say if you're more of a high gain guy the JVM will probably suit you better.
yngzaklynch":4b729 said:
Well I haven't owned my 101b in like what 3 years??? But I'll try.

The JVM is brighter, tighter and has more gain on tap. If memory serves the JVM Clean is better than the 101b's. Both the JVM Crunch and 101b's Blue channels kill. But different flavors of the same vibe here. At high gain.... well now here's where your ears are gonna be the deciding factor on whats best. The 101b has got a lot of squish and liquidy sustain and with a healthy amount of gain. Fun amp for sure!. JVM's OD1 you get a modern Marshall with a much tighter bottom that the 101b, higher mids, and more gain.

OD2 however is dark with a bit more emphasis on lower mids. This might please Bogner owners. Still not as squishy as the 101b and a lot more gain here if you set it that way. And I'm not saying OD2 sounds like a Bogner, but I can draw similarities.

I don't know if that helps at all but from what I can recall that's the best I can come up with. I can't say ones better than the other. I will say if you're more of a high gain guy the JVM will probably suit you better.

Thanks for the info. This is the kind of response I'm looking for. As for whether one is "better" than the other, I usually don't think in those terms. Everybody has there own tastes when it comes to that. I rather just look for similiarities and differences. :)
carlygtr56":7e8df said:

The occupy totally different tonal ranges.
Neither is going to get the other's tones.

OK, well, I know what an XTC sounds like, however, I still don't know what a JVM sounds like. I mean, an XTC is fat, chewy and somewhat compressed and a JVM is...??? :)
amiller":616a4 said:

How are they different...specifically? :)

Well, an orange tends to be juicer, with a more fleshy pulp, and are orange in color. The juice from an orange is opaque, also orange in color. The peel is not something to consume, and is generally thicker, and more difficult to remove than an apple - though, it can be removed with the fingers with ease, it's generally a pain in the ass to remove all of the peel, as it tends to break apart.

Apples can be yellow, green or red, and tend to have a clearer juice, somewhat of a reddish brown color, as well as the apple itself having a much coarser flesh, almost grainy texture in some instances. They are easier to peel in comparison to an Orange in terms of speed, as the peel is less than 1mm thick, though it generally needs to be done with a knife of peeler.
SgtThump":04049 said:

I've never owned an XTC, but will one of these days. I've spent a little time with a 101B, but not endless hours or anything.

To me, the JVM isn't as fat and chewy as the XTC. The JVM is tighter and compressed in the super high gain modes and has more of an upper mid thing. Those folks that are used to super thick tones may think the JVM is a little bright. With a band, though, it sounds fatter. I guess it's a combination of the volume and the rest of the band filling out the other freq's.??


Thank you, this is the kind of information that I was looking for and is meaningful and helpful. :)
SgtThump":4f7dc said:

No prob! My experience is a little limited with the XTC, so I'm no expert on that amp. I kinda wish the JVM was a little looser with a slightly thicker tone, ala Bogner XTC. :)

And I haven't had any experience with the JVM, but it sounds like I'd like my XTC a little more if it had some of the JVM's cut. :)
I don't find them to have any similarities :no:
The XTC I had was tighter if the gain was set right and there was plenty of gain even then.. I had a 2006 version and there was some revisions from what I here on the RED channel
kannibul":9aa68 said:

Well, an orange tends to be juicer, with a more fleshy pulp, and are orange in color. The juice from an orange is opaque, also orange in color. The peel is not something to consume, and is generally thicker, and more difficult to remove than an apple - though, it can be removed with the fingers with ease, it's generally a pain in the ass to remove all of the peel, as it tends to break apart.

Apples can be yellow, green or red, and tend to have a clearer juice, somewhat of a reddish brown color, as well as the apple itself having a much coarser flesh, almost grainy texture in some instances. They are easier to peel in comparison to an Orange in terms of speed, as the peel is less than 1mm thick, though it generally needs to be done with a knife of peeler.

:lol: :thumbsup: :clap:
Having played a 101B once or twice, I'd say the JVM will have more bite to the gain overall, and the Bogner will have a less "kerang" to the low end.

The 101-Classic however, that'd be a matchup I'd like to hear and compare better.
guitarman967":98efc said:
I don't find them to have any similarities :no:
The XTC I had was tighter if the gain was set right and there was plenty of gain even then.. I had a 2006 version and there was some revisions from what I here on the RED channel

The 101b I had was way looser than my JVM. :confused:
carlygtr56":ef682 said:

that's the Bogner's "liquid leads" :lol:

In all seriousness I enjoy playing Bogners. But for all around rock metal type stuff I gotta give the JVM the nod. If the next guy likes the Bogner more thats cool by me. The Uberschall was the most 3-D sounding amp I've ever owned. But I hated it for leads and I thought it was a 1 trick poney. The 101B was a sweet lead machine with cool heavy rock tones but just wasn't a metal amp. The JVM can do all this and more. All IMO of course.
carlygtr56":1cd9f said:

My friend just bought another 101b. He bought my old 101b years ago, sold it, and recently got another.
When we jammed a few weeks ago, it sounded great with his Les Pauls. Not my sound but a nice tone nonetheless.

Did the new 101b sound any different than your older 101b?
carlygtr56":17fb4 said:

If there were any differences I'm sure my friend would have mentioned them.
Sounded the same to me. If it was revised or whatever, a loud jam wasnt the place to hear any difference.

I'll take this as a No.
I'll be able to comment on this soon, with the JVM shipping tomorrow.

I've owned 3 101 Classics. always sold them because i wanted something more Marshally sounding. Also, like others said, a tighter low end and more bite.

I was about to sell my third one, but tonight i came across a guitar, cab and EQ combination that sounds really marshally, but thicker. It's a great tone, I can pull off a pretty close approx of VHI tone. Tight enough even in vintage mode. (My LP style guitar sounded like total MUSH through the XTC - a Strat with a humbucker was the ticket)

It can't get blistering like a hot Marshall, but it's a great rock rhythm tone. And for playing leads, I've never played a better amp than the XTC Classic.
ampjunkie":7edc2 said:
I'll be able to comment on this soon, with the JVM shipping tomorrow.

I've owned 3 101 Classics. always sold them because i wanted something more Marshally sounding. Also, like others said, a tighter low end and more bite.

I was about to sell my third one, but tonight i came across a guitar, cab and EQ combination that sounds really marshally, but thicker. It's a great tone, I can pull off a pretty close approx of VHI tone. Tight enough even in vintage mode. (My LP style guitar sounded like total MUSH through the XTC - a Strat with a humbucker was the ticket)

It can't get blistering like a hot Marshall, but it's a great rock rhythm tone. And for playing leads, I've never played a better amp than the XTC Classic.

Cool, I look forward to hearing what you think once you get your JVM and have a chance to compare. :)