Schon laying the wood to Slash..........

Lespaul1981":ab4f5 said:
They're all great, just all different in vibe and energy.
How can you compare a shred guy to guys who dont?

Well for me many Slash fans consider him a guitar god and he is considered a rock guitarist so the comparo to Neal is a no brainer. I am sure you can remember all of the rocker dudes bashing Journey during the late 80s and early 90s...well I guess that guitar player from Journey can bring it :D
Slash is considered a guitar god, and he is my favorite guitarist. say slash is better or worse than neal imho is a matter of taste and opinion. If you dig the shred thing than cool, yeah guys like neal or zakk or yngwie are "better" than slash, cause slash cant really shred. Slash doesnt shred 'cause that aint his thing. Slash plays dirty bluesy rock. Thats why its all a matter of what you prefer.
I think Slash getting to guitar god status was through GNR success not just his personal ability.
Lespaul1981":c88a1 said:
Slash is considered a guitar god, and he is my favorite guitarist. say slash is better or worse than neal imho is a matter of taste and opinion. If you dig the shred thing than cool, yeah guys like neal or zakk or yngwie are "better" than slash, cause slash cant really shred. Slash doesnt shred 'cause that aint his thing. Slash plays dirty bluesy rock. Thats why its all a matter of what you prefer.
I think Slash getting to guitar god status was through GNR success not just his personal ability.

I hated GNR for a long time because i was soo into shred in the late 80's early 90's, but i do realize how big Appettite was. And yes, the songs like Sweet Child, Paradise City, Welcome to the Jungle are going to be played for a long long time. Those songs are part of the whole Slash image.

I did see GNR live and they were really really bad. Deep Purple blew them off real bad. But i sure i could have written and recorded a song like Sweet Child.
Part of Slash's appeal playing wise is that you can hum most of the parts. To me a good riff is a good riff. It can be easy and most times the most popular tunes are the easiest. I think most non guitar playing people dont like shred because they can't comprehend whats going on. Slash's stuff is easy to remember and "Get" so to speak.
I can respect both to be honest. Neil is technically excellent but slash plays from the heart. Both valid styles imho, the combination of the two is when things get interesting.
Craggin":54056 said:
That being said, I preferred Slash's bit to the rest of them in that context. IMHO, he had that "gritty down & dirty" type playing/pocket down. Again, IMHO, Setzer's playing was too laid back and reserved. Neil's playing didn't seem to have any direction.

+1. You "Cult of Neil" guys are blinded by religion on this one. :) I would have rated them exactly the same. Not Slash's finest moment, but good enough to own Neil and Trev.
Slash might have Schon on the bank account thing...... :)

But im not sure about that....

At any rate when are people going to stop arguing about stuff like this. Maybe I should start a thread entitled "Pizza just got owned by a Reuben" in which I will tout the obviously superior combination of corned beef and rye. :scared:

However, it is fun to see people get all riled up :D
Elric":ee87c said:

+1. You "Cult of Neil" guys are blinded by religion on this one. :) I would have rated them exactly the same. Not Slash's finest moment, but good enough to own Neil and Trev.

Blinded nothing, I will be the first to say that Neal at times needs to lay off the sauce that causes his stuff to blur together but Slash could not hang with Neal on his worst day and that is a fact.

Slash a dirty from the gut blues guy??? Dude has no vibrato :lol:

I am a certified Vai freak and I will admit that Schon and Yngwie handed his ass to him so yes I call it like I see it.

Here ya go........Slash was probably pounding at the bar because of this before he went on stage....
Digital Jams":61ca6 said:
Slash could not hang with Neal on his worst day and that is a fact.

Well he sure did on this clip. But you should know there are more Neal fans here than Slash fans but if you wanted to show a video of Neal showing up Slash, this wasn't the video to post.

But the whole "this guy owned that guy thing" is getting a little old. Just listen to whatever you like and play how you like. I'm sure Slash and Neal put down a few beers together after the show!
danyeo":f10a8 said:

Well he sure did on this clip. But you should know there are more Neal fans here than Slash fans but if you wanted to show a video of Neal showing up Slash, this wasn't the video to post.

But the whole "this guy owned that guy thing" is getting a little old. Just listen to whatever you like and play how you like. I'm sure Slash and Neal put down a few beers together after the show!

I've gots a few beers in me right now :D I think there are more Slash fans here anyways :eek:
Not to interupt the cat-fight here, but wanted to throw my .02 on the clip that the thread is actually about, lol not the other stuff...personally I hate Slash AND Setzer, but IMHO, their solos were the only ones that came close to matching the style of the song OR had any groove to them at all...the rest seemed like they were trying to shove 80 pounds of horse manure into a five pound bag....just my opinion...

Looks like the soundman here didn't like Slash, you can hardly hear him.

AGH, Slash sounds like shit on this solo. He kinda sounds a little bit like Kirk Hamster. And yeah, i hate his vibrato.
I find it interesting that we consistently try to turn music into a competitive sport.

I prefer musicians who play what's appropriate for the application. In some cases, it's a bajillion notes per others, it's not. My point is that this is just my opinion...and it's subjective...just like taste.
deluxemeat":9f5c0 said:
nah man. a balboa pwns a reuben! heard? PWNS.

Philly Steak, Bitch.

Guys complaining about "pwning" threads: It's all in good fun, really. I don't think anyone here really is offended that I liked Slash better than Schon. They may think I'm crazy or clueless but if you are even mildly mature, you'll realize this is just internet locker room trash talk and that opinions vary. And that the person who's opinion you're slagging right now, may be on the same side of the next great debate! :)

Plus, sometimes it's hard not to advocate your fave player or bag on your pet whipping boy (witness the Kerry King thread on HCAF)... and while I agree that sometimes guitar players are too competitive, it CAN be fun and sort of cathartic to trash talk about your faves, just like sports fans might talk about their quaterback "owning" your QB, etc.

As long you keep it in perspective and are still "bros" at the end of the day, it's no biggie! :)

Heck, sometimes, I like hearing other peoples' opinions even though I don't agree.
danyeo":ab3a8 said:

Well he sure did on this clip. But you should know there are more Neal fans here than Slash fans but if you wanted to show a video of Neal showing up Slash, this wasn't the video to post.

But the whole "this guy owned that guy thing" is getting a little old. Just listen to whatever you like and play how you like. I'm sure Slash and Neal put down a few beers together after the show!
Youre high.. youre also welcomed to your opinion but youre still high :D
STEEL KAGE":76c66 said:
:|::QBB:Youre high.. youre also welcomed to your opinion but youre still high :D

If you watch closely you can see Neal whisper into Slash ear saying " I used to fuck guys like you at the Raindow" :D

*see Neal Schon Patrick Swayze thread*