I take off for a few hours and somehow I become a JVM hating,
Marshall Corp. bashing kill-joy, that doesn't know his head from his ass!
Let's get a few things strait. I love a well built Marshall, and I am a huge fan of what the Marshall company has produced up until the JCM2000 line for the most part. Also I have personal experience with the downside of some of the lowball components and manufacturing techniques they have used at times, which are directly related to this issue with the JVM; in this case, plastic load bearing mechanisms (pots and jacks) that are directly attached to the PCB via solder, and in this particular case they don't even appear to have nuts securing the plastic pots to the chassis. I have personally, and on more than one occasion, had to repair Marshall products that have had the plastic pots and jacks broken off of the PCB. These pots and jacks will often just break loose slightly at first, becoming loose, and causing strange intermittent noises and signal drops that can be a bit confusing until the cause of the problem is recognized. Not a fun situation.
So you guys that own JVMs, or who are Marshall Corp. nut huggers, please give it a rest. I have not made any personal attack on Marshall Corp., or anyone else, so please don’t be attacking me. I’ve just added my own opinions and experience to the discussion, if you don’t agree my opinions, so be it, but please don’t attack my personal integrity, that’s just flat out wrong.
To me, these issues with the JVM are worthy of a broader and deeper discussion, owners and potential owners have a right to know about them, and everyone has a right to participate and share there views and experience in this discussion.