It sucks


Active member
Since April 1st I'm not allowed to smoke in the office anymore. I have to go outside - they even built a wooden stand for us smoking monkeys between two buildings to let everybody see who smokes . . . .
Asshats. Morons.

Btw: my office is for a single person, with windows - no reason to forbid to kill myself.

Fuck them.

Sorry, I had to - cold turkey, you know . . .
Italy, Ireland, Belgium, France - we're the last. But what the fuck? I don't harm anybody except myself. Idiots.
duesentrieb":1de09 said:
Italy, Ireland, Belgium, France - we're the last. But what the fuck? I don't harm anybody except myself. Idiots.

Although I don't agree with anyone telling people what they can and can't do, and I think the smoking laws are getting extremely silly, I must admit that you really should quit smoking brother Olaf.
duesentrieb":840a4 said:
Italy, Ireland, Belgium, France - we're the last. But what the fuck? I don't harm anybody except myself. Idiots.

But it's for your own good! You shouldn't complain when they do something for you. :doh: :doh: :doh: :doh: :doh:

I don't smoke, but I think the shit the gov pulls on smokers is shameful.
True dat, but whats next?
Do I have to leave the room when I have to fart not to harm anybody thru diffusion of H2S thru my neighbours door. RIDICULOUS.


Feeling better now. :)
I just shipped my Einstein #001 to Tobiah - a really awful day today.

Tonight I will have a compensatory weed smoke :D
duesentrieb":5068f said:
True dat, but whats next?
Do I have to leave the room when I have to fart not to harm anybody thru diffusion of H2S thru my neighbours door. RIDICULOUS.


Feeling better now. :)

Well at least I hope that you don't light up a cig when you fart!! You might ignite the H2S gas and blow someone through the roof!!

I'm not so sure about it not hurting others. Smokers cause everyone's health insurance to rise. :(

Of course, so does being overweight, underweight, too tall, too on and on... :doh: :doh: :doh: :D :D :D
At least here smokers do the public health system a huge favour: the are paying in a lot - and die
a) fast
b) early

and don't get 99 with dementia & parkinsonism

You see: not smoking turns me into a real asshole :D
duesentrieb":e26ff said:
I just shipped my Einstein #001 to Tobiah - a really awful day today.
You shipped my amp to some guy?! :gethim: :D

Btw. sometimes I actually wish there was a law that forbids farting at the office! :doh2:
they've got that whole public smoking ban debate going on in my state right now. the governor proposed making all public places smoke free in his state of the state address so it will go to the legislature for debate during the budget process.
i think they're going too far with some of the restrictions they're trying to place on smokers. i can understand where non-smokers could find the smoke etc.. annoying.. but i think the government is trying to shame people into quitting.. and that doesn't sit well with me.
think i'll have another cup of coffee and a smoke now!
Even though I quit smoking, I can sympathize. There are restaurants where you will get a ticket for even smoking IN YOUR CAR in the parking lot. And now I'm hearing talk of a state-wide ban in Illinois. Now I dont mind it...smokey bars suck and my lungs aren't getting any better, but occasionally I like to have a cigar or a smoke after a fine meal....kinda blows. They make everyone who smokes or used to smoke out to be some sort of anti-christ, and everyone knows how important religion is in the US these days...but not every religion, just whatever the fuck Bush is :loco: :lame: