people slagging amps that can't play

ZielGuitarist":b22f8 said:
I didnt realize you had to be a master of the intrument to know what sounds good or not.

I don't think the criteria I mentioned come close to being a "master" of your instrument:

"you know really advanced things like having *some* finger tone, bending in tune, some semblance of rhythm etc. "

If someone can't do those things, then no, I don't think they can honestly evaluate an amp as well as someone that can.
ZielGuitarist":d3481 said:
That's true, but I'm presonally tired of hearing someone say "Oh this guy cant shred, what does he know?" Thankfully, I havent seen much of it since I left the HC forums last year, but this argument still gets under my skin. I cannot shred, and I dont pretend to have the ability, but I do not feel that I am someone who's opinion is not valid because of that fact. I dunno....bad mood + touchy subject for me = pointless rant.

+1 to what Digi said.

I'm not talking about, "oh you can't play 16ths at 200bpm? You suck!" AT ALL!!!

The music I play is not shred at all, though we have solos of course ;) I don't listen to much shred either. I'm just talking about some actual semblance of musicianship. There are some guys that talk out their ass that if they played at the same relative level on pretty much any other instrument would be compeletely shunned, IMO.
Tone is subjective has been a catch phrase for years. I know a few guys who's playing is ok, but know tone better than most. I also know quite a few guys that can shred like kage or ralphie but know shit about tone and think a line 6 is the beginning and end. where would you draw the line?
someone like MC who knows circuitry and tubes?
what if I prefer JJ el34's and he likes gt E34L's, who is right and who is wrong?
I guess you get my point.
for me, there are guys on the boards that after a few reads you know they dont know their ass from their earlobes and you just ignore them. others like vlad, savage or cameron you sit up and listen to. (just to name a few)
and btw, Telephant is no shredder, but one hell of a passionate blues player. I would be just as happy listening to his playing as ralphies any day. just goes to show you, its not the speed its what you say that matters. (no Knock on Shea, he kicks ass)
Tnjpekar":d2eaa said:
Tone is subjective has been a catch phrase for years. I know a few guys who's playing is ok, but know tone better than most. I also know quite a few guys that can shred like kage or ralphie but know shit about tone and think a line 6 is the beginning and end. where would you draw the line?
someone like MC who knows circuitry and tubes?
what if I prefer JJ el34's and he likes gt E34L's, who is right and who is wrong?
I guess you get my point.
for me, there are guys on the boards that after a few reads you know they dont know their ass from their earlobes and you just ignore them. others like vlad, savage or cameron you sit up and listen to. (just to name a few)
and btw, Telephant is no shredder, but one hell of a passionate blues player. I would be just as happy listening to his playing as ralphies any day. just goes to show you, its not the speed its what you say that matters. (no Knock on Shea, he kicks ass)

Shea is more metal than most anyways...dude rolls like an M-1 tank :cool:
Tnjpekar":10716 said:
Tone is subjective has been a catch phrase for years. I know a few guys who's playing is ok, but know tone better than most. I also know quite a few guys that can shred like kage or ralphie but know shit about tone and think a line 6 is the beginning and end. where would you draw the line?
someone like MC who knows circuitry and tubes?
what if I prefer JJ el34's and he likes gt E34L's, who is right and who is wrong?
I guess you get my point.
for me, there are guys on the boards that after a few reads you know they dont know their ass from their earlobes and you just ignore them. others like vlad, savage or cameron you sit up and listen to. (just to name a few)
and btw, Telephant is no shredder, but one hell of a passionate blues player. I would be just as happy listening to his playing as ralphies any day. just goes to show you, its not the speed its what you say that matters. (no Knock on Shea, he kicks ass)

I don't know why peolple are taking this into the speed area, but that't not what I meant at all. Shea is a great player for sure, and would deserve a high rating for playing and tone.

Shea is a good ex. actually. He: has finger tone, bends in tune and has rhythm. Plus he's a great singer to boot, which is another great measure of musicianship, IMO.

In contrast lots of guys who've posted shred clips, do not have much finger tone, IMO. Of course, some guys like Alex Flouros have it all and the speed too.

I didn't mean for this to be some dick measuring contest, oh well.
Did you know there are around 435 types of ebony wood out there?? Ever see these guitars with black top black fret boards?? DYE............

There is a big difference between eastern and Western Maple when used for guitar bodies.

What I am saying is that there is so much to learn about guitars and amps, I could never say I know everything cause that is not going to happen but I do listen and I read.

Building my first pre-amp right now just so I can learn from that and what makes an amp work. Building a guitar will be next :)
Personally, I don't look at it so much as if the person can play or not - I mean, playing ability is a fairly minor factor if it sounds good or not - though, user error can be a HUGE factor.

That said, mostly what I pay attention to are the people who buy something, say it's the greatest thing ever, then within 6 months they're at it again - with something else.

There are exceptions in every case, which is the whole "grain of salt" approach. Sometimes a grain isn't enough, and you need a damn block of it.
Digital Jams":9da82 said:
Did you know there are around 435 types of ebony wood out there?? Ever see these guitars with black top black fret boards?? DYE............

There is a big difference between eastern and Western Maple when used for guitar bodies.

What I am saying is that there is so much to learn about guitars and amps, I could never say I know everything cause that is not going to happen but I do listen and I read.

Building my first pre-amp right now just so I can learn from that and what makes an amp work. Building a guitar will be next :)

All of the Gibson's I have bought that have had Ebony Boards, haven't been dyed. Can't say the same for the rosewood boards. By far the worst is Epiphone - that I've experienced.

If I buy a guitar with a rosewood board, I expect it to be brown!
kannibul":71ab4 said:
Personally, I don't look at it so much as if the person can play or not - I mean, playing ability is a fairly minor factor if it sounds good or not - though, user error can be a HUGE factor.

That said, mostly what I pay attention to are the people who buy something, say it's the greatest thing ever, then within 6 months they're at it again - with something else.

There are exceptions in every case, which is the whole "grain of salt" approach. Sometimes a grain isn't enough, and you need a damn block of it.

Well personally I'd say playing ability is *not* a minor factor when it comes to sounding good. But that's why a clip judged by someone we can agree is a fair judge, (maybe Thump actually) would be best IMO.

A guy who can really play the hell out of the guitar, even just as far as rhythm chops go, is going to get a way better "tone" from an LP/marshall rig than someone who can't IMO.
kannibul":3daea said:

All of the Gibson's I have bought that have had Ebony Boards, haven't been dyed. Can't say the same for the rosewood boards. By far the worst is Epiphone - that I've experienced.

If I buy a guitar with a rosewood board, I expect it to be brown!

From what I have been reading the chances of scoring pure black ebony the past couple of years without breaking the bank is slim. I know that due to my funk getting caked onto my Jackson it has gotten pretty black :D

The amount of LPs they make today.........I would bet $100 they are laying the dye to most boards.
'63-Strat":0c696 said:
If only there was some sort of requirement that you post your best clip of your playing if you want a "player rating" next to your avatar/name. You could specify style, and then once a given number of members vote on your playing, you'd get a rating. Ex: blues/rock 4.5 out of 10 or metal shred 7 out of 10 etc. Then you would have a much better idea of whose opinion you should be listeining to... and who's opinion you should completely ignore :gethim:

You could even have a tone rating too :idea:

I will comply.
defpearlpilot":9dd3d said:
I agree with this. But it's not only playing ability. If you're changing amps every other week, I don't care who you are, I'm not going to take your opinion on any amp.

amen to that, dude...totally agree
'63-Strat":23903 said:

I don't know why peolple are taking this into the speed area, but that't not what I meant at all. Shea is a great player for sure, and would deserve a high rating for playing and tone.

Shea is a good ex. actually. He: has finger tone, bends in tune and has rhythm.

In contrast lots of guys who've posted shred clips, do not have much finger tone, IMO. Of course, some guys like Alex Flouros have it all and the speed too.

I didn't mean for this to be some dick measuring contest, oh well.

I think you miss my point
you mention that there should be a certain level of proficiency exibited before the amp review would carry weight.
While I dont disagree that there are quite a few wealthy hacks laying thru amps like cheap socks, I dont necessarily think that is always the case.
I am simply saying that imo, tone does not always favor the fleetest fingered.
I do not intend to make this a "he's a better player than him" kind of thing, just pointing out that its a subjective matter.
ok, heres another to think about
joe Perry, great tone........
Randy Rhodes, not so great tone (again, IMO, I know I am opening the doors for a shit storm on this)
Tnjpekar":87db3 said:

ok, heres another to think about
joe Perry, great tone........
Randy Rhodes, not so great tone (again, IMO, I know I am opening the doors for a shit storm on this)

I agree with that.