people slagging amps that can't play

and bob, why dont you just put a clip from your cd up, that should be enough!
or do you want my kid to do it for you :gethim:
Digital Jams":72976 said:

From what I have been reading the chances of scoring pure black ebony the past couple of years without breaking the bank is slim. I know that due to my funk getting caked onto my Jackson it has gotten pretty black :D

The amount of LPs they make today.........I would bet $100 they are laying the dye to most boards.

I can say of the two I have (one's gone), they aren't, from my experience. The oil that I've used on other guitars will pull that shit right out - but on the Historic 68, and the Standard LE, no dye came out on my white rags :)

Tnjpekar":80ecb said:
and bob, why dont you just put a clip from your cd up, that should be enough!
or do you want my kid to do it for you :gethim:

LOL!!! Actually, the entire CD has been put up at my site, free to anybody that wants to download it.

By the way, that's very cool that your kid is digging the CD!!!!!!!
Tnjpekar":dfded said:
Tone is subjective has been a catch phrase for years. I know a few guys who's playing is ok, but know tone better than most. I also know quite a few guys that can shred like kage or ralphie but know shit about tone and think a line 6 is the beginning and end. where would you draw the line?
someone like MC who knows circuitry and tubes?
what if I prefer JJ el34's and he likes gt E34L's, who is right and who is wrong?
I guess you get my point.
for me, there are guys on the boards that after a few reads you know they dont know their ass from their earlobes and you just ignore them. others like vlad, savage or cameron you sit up and listen to. (just to name a few)
and btw, Telephant is no shredder, but one hell of a passionate blues player. I would be just as happy listening to his playing as ralphies any day. just goes to show you, its not the speed its what you say that matters. (no Knock on Shea, he kicks ass)

Thank you ver much for the compliment brother! Very, very cool mang. :cool:
Bob Savage":cc701 said:

Surely, you jest.

Well, no, not really. Tone is the end result of a chain of contributors.

IMO, playing ability doesn't really say a lot about the overall tone. Playing preferences (tone shaping on the amp) has a LOT more to do with it IMO, as well as the rest of the gear being used.

I'm just saying that from the perspective that when it comes down to it, person A and person B are playing the same notes. Style can be different, but in the end, the amp is going to reproduce things the same way (assuming both guitars are equal)
any time bro, only giving credit where credit is due
if I got anything from hanging with zep during namm, it was an appriciation for a bunch of you muthas, and how well you all can play. you are one hell of an expressive player, now just dont spill anything on ralphie or kage and you should be safe :lol:
I am back and forth on this topic. I think its like this, I agree with my boy '63 Strat, but there are always exceptions to the rule. Generally speaking Im going to trust an "accomplished player's opinion" over someone who while enjoys playing, isnt technically gifted.

Here is an exception, for me at least: Jack White. I think he has spectacular tone, and writes amazing songs. But most here would think he was a hack with shitty tone.

Also, this forum isnt nearly as full of jackasses as HCAF is now. And even if this forum takes off, look who is running the show -> A bunch of our fellow brethren who wont sit back and let it go to shit like the mods at HCAF. When a newb comes into this forum saying dumb shit, he gets his ass handed to him.

The only thing I dont like about a rating system, is it starts to quantify guitar payers, and that could end up making this shit into a competition. And maybe even discouraging the more beginner and intermediate players to not contribute. Which they should, because they will learn. And even though they may not be the most amazing players they are still cool peeps.

Sorry for the ramble...
kannibul":85981 said:

Well, no, not really. Tone is the end result of a chain of contributors.

IMO, playing ability doesn't really say a lot about the overall tone. Playing preferences (tone shaping on the amp) has a LOT more to do with it IMO, as well as the rest of the gear being used.

I'm just saying that from the perspective that when it comes down to it, person A and person B are playing the same notes. Style can be different, but in the end, the amp is going to reproduce things the same way (assuming both guitars are equal)

cant agree with that one.
a tube amp is organic, it will take into account the attack of the pick on the string, vibrato, time between hits for compression, where the player puts his vol for drive from the pup, even how he holds the pick and how it attacks the strings. While some of the paramaters may be the same, no two players play the same, ergo, no to signals will be reacted upon by the amp the same.
kannibul":05a3b said:

Well, no, not really. Tone is the end result of a chain of contributors.

IMO, playing ability doesn't really say a lot about the overall tone. Playing preferences (tone shaping on the amp) has a LOT more to do with it IMO, as well as the rest of the gear being used.

I'm just saying that from the perspective that when it comes down to it, person A and person B are playing the same notes. Style can be different, but in the end, the amp is going to reproduce things the same way (assuming both guitars are equal)

Yes, the end result of a chain of contributors, but the bottom line is in all the years I've been playing I've never heard somebody fumbling around the fingerboard, yet thinking "still, that's good tone," and it's not because of the mediocre playing.

In fact Jeff, you posted a clip a while back for a "tone analysis" and your playing was SLOPPY. You may recall my reply to that one...
know what I would rather see.
reviews from guys that can say things like: the amp responded like so when played like this, but maybe could have benifitted from a different compliment of tubes or possibly would have sounded better if it were biased colder or hotter. when I dug in the preamp compressed nicely, at higher vols the powersection got grainey, or really warmed it up, It didnt like the gt75 but really loved the v30, and so on.
I think you get my drift.
IMO the player rules over all other factors when I hear nice tone in a recording....meaning it definitely has to begin from the hands or it's just not there.

A bad player can make the best sounding amp not sound great.
A great player can make a POD sound great.
Tnjpekar":5a0d3 said:
know what I would rather see.
reviews from guys that can say things like: the amp responded like so when played like this, but maybe could have benifitted from a different compliment of tubes or possibly would have sounded better if it were biased colder or hotter. when I dug in the preamp compressed nicely, at higher vols the powersection got grainey, or really warmed it up, It didnt like the gt75 but really loved the v30, and so on.
I think you get my drift.

Werd. :thumbsup:
The Big Snit":847f1 said:
IMO the player rules over all other factors when I hear nice tone in a recording....meaning it definitely has to begin from the hands or it's just not there.

A bad player can make the best sounding amp not sound great.
A great player can make a POD sound great.

Listening to your about to explode Traynor/Peters clip now :eek:

I'm glad my comment didnt turn this into a flame fest....I certainly didnt mean for that to happen, but I am glad to see it sparked a good debate..or at least helped it along...Maybe it's time to change my title.