people slagging amps that can't play

I would more than likely flunk the playing test 9.9 times out of 10. But I know when I hear something that sounds good, no matter what the style.

Y'all know me, I like ALL types of music and can at least recognize good tone for the genre of music that the amps are intended or being used for... At
least I like to think I can.
Lots of people who absolutely blow ass, but think they're a hot shot, post clips and even videos of them basically just showing off how allegedly "good" they are. It's like a joke to me, but for whatever reason, even then, people still tend to take those clowns seriously.
OneArmedScissor":3fcd1 said:
Lots of people who absolutely blow ass, but think they're a hot shot, post clips and even videos of them basically just showing off how allegedly "good" they are. It's like a joke to me, but for whatever reason, even then, people still tend to take those clowns seriously.

I am with ya 100% there.
ah...nothing wrong with people posting clips and vids. They're having fun...take it or leave don't have to like it. ;)
Marshall Freak":8aa8d said:
I'll probably get flamed, but I don't take much stock in what I hear from most 15 year olds posting regardless.
Hey, I'm a 15 year old, and (at least) I beleive I am quite intellegent in the subject at hand, and am not THAT bad of a player. I really hope this doesn't pertain to me, as I don't see any reason why you would disregard any of my posts. I'm not trying to offend anyone or take it personally, I just thought I'd put it out there.
The Big Snit":05fc9 said:
ah...nothing wrong with people posting clips and vids. They're having fun...take it or leave don't have to like it. ;)

Don't get me wrong, I don't mind the posting of clips or vids at all.
I am a big clip posting offender. I can see or hear what people play
like then. That way I know if they are full of crap when they start
to talk about all the amp or guitar experience they have... :bump:
CaseyCor":6666a said:
Hey, I'm a 15 year old, and (at least) I beleive I am quite intellegent in the subject at hand, and am not THAT bad of a player. I really hope this doesn't pertain to me, as I don't see any reason why you would disregard any of my posts. I'm not trying to offend anyone or take it personally, I just thought I'd put it out there.

As far as I am concerned it does NOT pertain to you man.
You seem to be a nice guy.
Tnjpekar":efbe5 said:

cant agree with that one.
a tube amp is organic, it will take into account the attack of the pick on the string, vibrato, time between hits for compression, where the player puts his vol for drive from the pup, even how he holds the pick and how it attacks the strings. While some of the paramaters may be the same, no two players play the same, ergo, no to signals will be reacted upon by the amp the same.

That kind of hits on the same point - in that someone could be a shitty player, but that doesn't nessicarily mean he's going to automatically produce shitty tone.

I take it all with a grain of salt. Sometimes it might not seem that way, but the only safe bet is to judge for yourself.

I mean, someone who's a Marshall Lover, plays a Mesa, no matter how good or bad they are as a player, they generally won't like the Mesa. Same with anything else.

Pete, for instance, is a phenominal player. He likes amps that I won't, and I like amps he won't.

Just because you can't play means your opinion should automatically be discredited, as in the same stroke, if you're an amazing player, that your word should be taken as gospel.
Bob Savage":0285f said:

Yes, the end result of a chain of contributors, but the bottom line is in all the years I've been playing I've never heard somebody fumbling around the fingerboard, yet thinking "still, that's good tone," and it's not because of the mediocre playing.

In fact Jeff, you posted a clip a while back for a "tone analysis" and your playing was SLOPPY. You may recall my reply to that one...

Yep, and, I agreed with you (I was severely out of practice), I still said I thought it sounded great, except for the issue I was having with it. (hum)

If I remember correctly, anyway...

Tnjpekar":012c5 said:

ok, heres another to think about
joe Perry, great tone........
Randy Rhodes, not so great tone (again, IMO, I know I am opening the doors for a shit storm on this)

I completely agree. Randy's tone was far from what I considered great but he was an excellent guitarist as far as I'm concerned.
Telephant":afcd1 said:
I am back and forth on this topic. I think its like this, I agree with my boy '63 Strat, but there are always exceptions to the rule. Generally speaking Im going to trust an "accomplished player's opinion" over someone who while enjoys playing, isnt technically gifted.

Here is an exception, for me at least: Jack White. I think he has spectacular tone, and writes amazing songs. But most here would think he was a hack with shitty tone.

Also, this forum isnt nearly as full of jackasses as HCAF is now. And even if this forum takes off, look who is running the show -> A bunch of our fellow brethren who wont sit back and let it go to shit like the mods at HCAF. When a newb comes into this forum saying dumb shit, he gets his ass handed to him.

The only thing I dont like about a rating system, is it starts to quantify guitar payers, and that could end up making this shit into a competition. And maybe even discouraging the more beginner and intermediate players to not contribute. Which they should, because they will learn. And even though they may not be the most amazing players they are still cool peeps.

Sorry for the ramble...

You're right, but like I said as long as you throw genre in there, Jack White would obviously still rate very high. And so if you were looking for those tones, you'd want to listen to a player in the indie category with a high playing and tone rating. I've seen 'em live, he's got great tone, and as far as my criteria were concerned he's great. He definitely understands rhythm and bending in tune etc. from what I've seen and heard.

And though I think it'd be a cool feature to have, its not like it'd need to be taken seriously all the time. There are great players within every genre. Its obviously silly to compare someone like Jack White to Yngwie, but they're both great at what they do.

I just think it'd be cool for guys to be able to quickly seek out the advice of good players/tone gurus in their resective genre which this would help to do. Say you're a metal guy but there's no one local that you can talk to about this stuff. Well you could come on here and instantly talk to someone that has their shit together in that area, while not getting confused by a bunch of self-proclaimed internet experts' posts.

Its just a suggestion, guys :P
lamppost":8ef57 said:

I completely agree. Randy's tone was far from what I considered great but he was an excellent guitarist as far as I'm concerned.

thats exactly what I was implying, the guy was frigging amazing on the axe, but the whole wha at half tone thing leaves me cold. Then again, back then, we were all copying him because that was the shit.

and Kannibul, I guess what I disagree with you there is your statement that any two players will sound the same thru the same amp.
case in point, in a 4 hour stretch on savages amp, he played, I played, telephant, mark cameron, gainfreak, kage........the list went on. the only two that sounded remotely alike were ralphie and mark. very similar styles in that their fingers moved so fucking fast that the sonic boom caused dolphins to beach themselves 10 miles away.
I think you can have a great ear and not be a player. Think about it...a lot of great producers fall into that category.

And, I've seen where people who I know are good players, with good ears, write a review of an amp that makes me think they are completely off their nut. I guess that's where the taste factor comes into play.

But there's a shortcut through all of this, because good players very rarely totally slag on an amp. Instead they say things like 'I could work with it, but...' or something similar.
ratter":bdf96 said:
But there's a shortcut through all of this, because good players very rarely totally slag on an amp. Instead they say things like 'I could work with it, but...' or something similar.

Hehe yeah. On the other side of the coin, if I see someone saying an amp sucks with reasoning like "not enough gain," "needs a boost to be tight enough," "can't do metal," then in most cases, where these types of comments are not appropriate to begin with for whatever they're talking about, that means someone just made the tard list.