people slagging amps that can't play

ratter":65918 said:
I think you can have a great ear and not be a player. Think about it...a lot of great producers fall into that category.

And, I've seen where people who I know are good players, with good ears, write a review of an amp that makes me think they are completely off their nut. I guess that's where the taste factor comes into play.

But there's a shortcut through all of this, because good players very rarely totally slag on an amp. Instead they say things like 'I could work with it, but...' or something similar.

Every amplifier is capable of doing something well, a good player will always find that.
ratter":bc474 said:
I think you can have a great ear and not be a player. Think about it...a lot of great producers fall into that category.

And, I've seen where people who I know are good players, with good ears, write a review of an amp that makes me think they are completely off their nut. I guess that's where the taste factor comes into play.

But there's a shortcut through all of this, because good players very rarely totally slag on an amp. Instead they say things like 'I could work with it, but...' or something similar.

Well but it's not just about recognizing how it sounds. There is the thing that YOU are responsible for the tone no matter what.
That said where shall be draw the line wih the rating system? I can think of killer players I wouldn't want to eval an amp for me. And I have heard plenty of guys making a fantastic sounding rig turn into a broken Smokey.
CaseyCor":2a180 said:
Hey, I'm a 15 year old, and (at least) I beleive I am quite intellegent in the subject at hand, and am not THAT bad of a player. I really hope this doesn't pertain to me, as I don't see any reason why you would disregard any of my posts. I'm not trying to offend anyone or take it personally, I just thought I'd put it out there.

That's why I said most, and I was definitely not talking about you. :cool: I was speaking in generalities of the common angst filled teen at HC. I don't disregard your posts, or comments at all. :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

BTW, what type of pick did you end up settling with?
ratter":24dce said:
I think you can have a great ear and not be a player. Think about it...a lot of great producers fall into that category.

And, I've seen where people who I know are good players, with good ears, write a review of an amp that makes me think they are completely off their nut. I guess that's where the taste factor comes into play.

But there's a shortcut through all of this, because good players very rarely totally slag on an amp. Instead they say things like 'I could work with it, but...' or something similar.

From what I've heard Leo Fender couldn't play a lick, and I've heard that Mike B at Mesa isn't a guitar player either. Jim Marshall is a drummer....
degenaro":df814 said:

Well but it's not just about recognizing how it sounds. There is the thing that YOU are responsible for the tone no matter what.
That said where shall be draw the line wih the rating system? I can think of killer players I wouldn't want to eval an amp for me. And I have heard plenty of guys making a fantastic sounding rig turn into a broken Smokey.

Sure, but say someone who was evaluated by someone in the same genre as being a great player with great tone. And say you're in the same genre and the guy is raving about a certain product? Wouldn't you be more interested in his opinion then someone who has vastly different playing experience, poor tone and plays a completely different style?

Obviously there is no finite way to quantify a musician, that's stupid. This would at best be a way to streamline things a little is all. For example say I was primarily a fusion guitarist and was interested in fretless guitars. If we had such a system and I wasn't already familar with your stuff, a search on that would lead me towards pestering you very quickly :idea: :lol:
Marshall Freak":0ccc9 said:

That's why I said most, and I was definitely not talking about you. :cool: I was speaking in generalities of the common angst filled teen at HC. I don't disregard your posts, or comments at all. :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

BTW, what type of pick did you end up settling with?
I figured, I just felt like thowing that out there. :)

I've not decided yet actually. I can't find one I like. I like the Jazz III's, but I can't play standing up with them. My Dunlap Ultex move around quite a bit when I sweat too. Ib've been using the nylon's for acoustic, sounds and feels great! I guess I'm still on the seach for the "perfect" pick for Electric playing I guess, but I'm getting closer. Thanks again for helping me out, I really appreciate it!
ratter":8eb2b said:
I think you can have a great ear and not be a player. Think about it...a lot of great producers fall into that category.

And, I've seen where people who I know are good players, with good ears, write a review of an amp that makes me think they are completely off their nut. I guess that's where the taste factor comes into play.

But there's a shortcut through all of this, because good players very rarely totally slag on an amp. Instead they say things like 'I could work with it, but...' or something similar.

That's a whole other discussion though, as a real producer is a different kind of animal, not to mention many great producers are proficient on multiple instruments, even though they don't perform or produce products of their own. This is also aside from the fact that being a player can somewhat squew (sp?) our opinion because of the "emotional attachment" to the playing and this is particularly true of those who really aren't that good, but think they are.

I agree that being a good player doesn't automatically mean you know "good" tone.
'63-Strat":2b47e said:

Sure, but say someone who was evaluated by someone in the same genre as being a great player with great tone. And say you're in the same genre and the guy is raving about a certain product? Wouldn't you be more interested in his opinion then someone who has vastly different playing experience, poor tone and plays a completely different style?

Obviously there is no finite way to quantify a musician, that's stupid. This would at best be a way to streamline things a little is all. For example say I was primarily a fusion guitarist and was interested in fretless guitars. If we had such a system and I wasn't already familar with your stuff, a search on that would lead me towards pestering you very quickly :idea: :lol:
Seeing that there are only 9 other fretless guys.. :-)
It's all about qauntity in this regard. 5 good reviews from people who's oppinions I trust matter much more than one review, no matter who the person doing the singular review is. Only so many people can dislike an amp. I'm sure theres someone on this board right now who HATES Mesa Mark IV's, contrary to what many others believe around here.
I don't really see why this is such a big discussion topic. It's pretty cut and dry if you ask me. Some people are great players and have terrible tone. Some people are terrible players and have great tone. Some have both, or neither. People likely go between all these points as they progress, and know their limits well enough along the way.

And then some people just have no knowledge of anything, and never will, because they are locked in their close minded world, where something sucks if it lacks the bees to hide their lack of playing ability. Yet they still must tell the world what EVERYONE ELSE is doing wrong.

As long as you are aware of the potential existence of such people, then you should have no problem spotting them. It's no different than how anything else really works in the world.

The problem is that it seems like a lot of people who I'd hope would be more knowledgeable after spending lots of time on the various forums still have a very serious issue with spotting these people, which lately at HC, has allowed them to flourish and spread like a virus. Then the whole mob effect takes over, and everything is bass ackwards. If point out that an idiot is an idiot, suddenly YOU are the troll.

Unfortunately, a ratings system or something like that would not do these people any good, because all the signs are already in place and they can't see it for themselves. Someone else can't do it for them.
OneArmedScissor":a6a57 said:
I don't really see why this is such a big discussion topic. It's pretty cut and dry if you ask me. Some people are great players and have terrible tone. Some people are terrible players and have great tone. Some have both, or neither. People likely go between all these points as they progress, and know their limits well enough along the way.

And then some people just have no knowledge of anything, and never will, because they are locked in their close minded world, where something sucks if it lacks the bees to hide their lack of playing ability. Yet they still must tell the world what EVERYONE ELSE is doing wrong.
I think you could have worded that a bit better...just saying.
Giant edit explaining further...

I know that probably looks like I'm insulting anyone that uses a lot of distortion, but that's not really what I meant. I think we all know the types I am referring to, and I don't think there are really any here, so I'm not making thinly veiled insults or anything like that.
Rather than rate somebody's clip, I think it'd be more helpful to have everybody list their 10 favorite players, 10 recorded tones that they love, 10 favorite pieces of gear, a blurb about their musical experience, etc.

Because I think this is what happens naturally anyway. We get to know each others preferences and experiences and that's who we know which opinions we value and which we don't.

So I think if you wanted to create a guide by which people could find like-minded people a little easier, that'd be one way to do it.

Like E-Harmony for basement wankers. :D
OneArmedScissor":1d4e3 said:
Giant edit explaining further...

I know that probably looks like I'm insulting anyone that uses a lot of distortion, but that's not really what I meant. I think we all know the types I am referring to, and I don't think there are really any here, so I'm not making thinly veiled insults or anything like that.
I think you could have back-tracked a little slicker....just saying.

I don't give a flying carp on a stick. I ain't changing it. If it's confrontational, then my only regret is that this wasn't on HC where people would have gone apeshit. :D
OneArmedScissor":69c9d said:
I don't give a flying carp on a stick. I ain't changing it. If it's confrontational, then my only regret is that this wasn't on HC where people would have gone apeshit. :D
Ya, apeshit is good! :D