people slagging amps that can't play

OneArmedScissor":c89bc said:
I don't give a flying carp on a stick. I ain't changing it. If it's confrontational, then my only regret is that this wasn't on HC where people would have gone apeshit. :D

The Cores are scared of you and Mikey anyways, you will not need your weapons.

you mean like these?
What pisses me off most is when someone complains that one $3000 amp stomps another $3000 amp into the ground... Nonsense.
Digital Jams":a149e said:
Hey hey hey :gethim:

Leave the pointy guitars out of it Mr Scissor :gethim: Us 80s guys had them WAY before the cores.

I have to blame the cores at least partly for Jackson raising their prices, actually :mad: :gethim:
I agree, there are certain people that I don't take seriously at all when they review an amp. It's quite obvious to the informed reader that they don't know anything about good tone or playing, but like to spout off on the internet. The newb guitarists reading eat it up like it's gospel truth and that's irritating.

I don't think a rating would be accurate, as others have stated, you could be a subpar player and still know great tone. Don't worry. Level headed, decent guitarists aren't fooled by all the internet chest thumping.
Not everyone is going to like one product and not every product will fit every application. The guys that try something and decide it doesn't work for them and slag the amp are the people I try to stray away from. The guys that decide it doesn't work for them and can still say the amp could work for such and such occasion or could name the products strong points and backup their views are the guys that have opinions I value.
OK, now for everyone here who thinks they can play, where the heck were you guys when i tried to host some jams? I had to BEG people to participate! :(
Digital Jams":7f237 said:

I want a SLH2 HT but it just is not happening, not spending $2000 on a guitar. GMW is getting another call.

I want one too :D ;)

I would spend $2000 on plenty of guitars, just not on a Jackson SL2HT. I think they're great guitars, but I think that's too high for what they are. I would buy one used for like $1200 or so though for sure.

Then again, I *really* don't need any more guitars. Its just so hard to sell them :D