people slagging amps that can't play

Vrad":90072 said:
What pisses me off most is when someone complains that one $3000 amp stomps another $3000 amp into the ground... Nonsense.

I think every amp stomps Krank's stuff into the ground.
I think when it comes to evaluating an amp, there is more to it than playing ability though. Example: I'm a basement wanker. I don't ever play out, or record. I use a hotplate, some verb and delay. I probably wouldn't know power tube distortion if it came up and bit me in the ass. My criteria on what amp works for me is going to be very different than a gigging musician, because we are using the amps under very different conditions.
danyeo":edcda said:
OK, now for everyone here who thinks they can play, where the heck were you guys when i tried to host some jams? I had to BEG people to participate! :(

Jams aren't what they used to be. I remember back when pretty much nobody was even posting clips on HC, at least, I don't remember seeing many/any. I started posting, DeGenaro did, I think Thump did... then a freaking landslide occured and everyone and their mother started posting clips and there were lots of people listening and posting to the threads. Then came the jams and there were loads of participants... now it seems that there's very little interest in clips (although I get loads of downloads, just very, very few comments) and almost no interest at all in jams.

I've got somewhere over 100 jams on my disk that I've participated in. Those were the days. :D
Bob Savage":62c84 said:

Jams aren't what they used to be. I remember back when pretty much nobody was even posting clips on HC, at least, I don't remember seeing many/any. I started posting, DeGenaro did, I think Thump did... then a freaking landslide occured and everyone and their mother started posting clips and there were lots of people listening and posting to the threads. Then came the jams and there were loads of participants... now it seems that there's very little interest in clips (although I get loads of downloads, just very, very few comments) and almost no interest at all in jams.

I've got somewhere over 100 jams on my disk that I've participated in. Those were the days. :D

+1000...jams and collaborations were what kind of got me into HC (though it is pretty much a zoo there these days). Oddly, though some of the best players from over there hang here now, there are much fewer jams here than there were over there say two or three years ago.
i originally came to the forums to hopefully learn a few things about my amps and signal chain and to learn about ways to improve what i was doing. i have since been bombarded with a ton of info and ideas that i still have to sort through and find ways to apply it to what i already have for gear and how i can make things work for my applications.
there's a ton of info out there.. but like anything.. you have to sort through a bunch of crap first. :bash:
as far as doing jams and clips goes? i don't have a digital recorder and i'm not really savvy with that stuff. i'm just one of those old school guys that likes to go out and gig. perhaps one of these days a digital recorder will appear on my radar screen.. but it will probably be something that i get because it's serendipitous rather than out of necessity.
THE SECRET TO TONE IS NOS IN V1 w/ 10 Year old Peavey Tubes from a 5150...

Blackmores...most overhyped amp...cant do Metal...

'63-Strat":ce4b0 said:
Not gonna mention names just yet, but there has been a lot of shit-talking on HC and to a lesser extent on here from some people that just can't play very well at all, IMO.

So *x* thinks an amp sucks and posts that on the internet. I'm not saying you can't own whatever amp you want if you can afford it, but you simply can't get all the goods out of a lot of amps unless you can play at a certain level IMO (you know really advanced things like having *some* finger tone, bending in tune, some semblance of rhythm etc. ;) ). So some people's "opinions" on an amp sucking are ridiculous IMO.

If only there was some sort of requirement that you post your best clip of your playing if you want a "player rating" next to your avatar/name. You could specify style, and then once a given number of members vote on your playing, you'd get a rating. Ex: blues/rock 4.5 out of 10 or metal shred 7 out of 10 etc. Then you would have a much better idea of whose opinion you should be listeining to... and who's opinion you should completely ignore :gethim:

You could even have a tone rating too :idea:


I can't play worth crap and seldom slag anything.

You had better have a hot girl as your avatar if you want to post a thread like this...
kannibul":6e101 said:

I think every amp stomps Krank's stuff into the ground.
I played the Revolution... I got some good sounds out of it. The controls are tweaked really weird which is why people say it sounds broken.
Bob Savage":f94c8 said:

Jams aren't what they used to be. I remember back when pretty much nobody was even posting clips on HC, at least, I don't remember seeing many/any. I started posting, DeGenaro did, I think Thump did... then a freaking landslide occured and everyone and their mother started posting clips and there were lots of people listening and posting to the threads. Then came the jams and there were loads of participants... now it seems that there's very little interest in clips (although I get loads of downloads, just very, very few comments) and almost no interest at all in jams.

I've got somewhere over 100 jams on my disk that I've participated in. Those were the days. :D

I miss the old days.... even though I couldn't hang with the big guns, it was always fun.
Vrad":f3d12 said:
I played the Revolution... I got some good sounds out of it. The controls are tweaked really weird which is why people say it sounds broken.

You could plug into a transistor radio and make it sound good, ya commie bastard.
carlygtr56":921b7 said:
Like the "experts' checking in on the VM? Amp is awesome.

Where's the other shaft expert? Gone since the JVM designer checked in.

Na.........he has been trying to troll us on HC but has been getting his ass handed to him :D

Alt monikor of course :thumbsdown:
Oh My, Speak Of The Devil.

And yeah, I'll be a dick and point out who started the thread. Remember when this guy claimed that the JVM had a design flaw when in fact it turned out to be his pickup. And he owns a JVM, Einstein, LP, and thousands of dollars worth of other equipement and his playing just sums up this thread.
danyeo":f17ee said:
Oh My, Speak Of The Devil.

And yeah, I'll be a dick and point out who started the thread. Remember when this guy claimed that the JVM had a design flaw when in fact it turned out to be his pickup. And he owns a JVM and an Einstein and an LP, and his playing just sums up this thread.

BTW I still have my spot that I had to bail on and still plan on laying down what I came up with, my new pc should be in next week.

That dude cracks me up :lol:
Digital Jams":1f309 said:

BTW I still have my spot that I had to bail on and still plan on laying down what I came up with, my new pc should be in next week.

That dude cracks me up :lol:

I'm going to see Pettite pitch tonight. I'll be in with the Bleacher Creatures.
Bob Savage":afa62 said:

Jams aren't what they used to be. I remember back when pretty much nobody was even posting clips on HC, at least, I don't remember seeing many/any. I started posting, DeGenaro did, I think Thump did... then a freaking landslide occured and everyone and their mother started posting clips and there were lots of people listening and posting to the threads. Then came the jams and there were loads of participants... now it seems that there's very little interest in clips (although I get loads of downloads, just very, very few comments) and almost no interest at all in jams.

I've got somewhere over 100 jams on my disk that I've participated in. Those were the days. :D

Yup, I participated in a lot of jams, probably 75+ and hosted a few. I also did post a lot of clips at one point. It's quieter now for sure.
philb":201ca said:

Yup, I participated in a lot of jams, probably 75+ and hosted a few. I also did post a lot of clips at one point. It's quieter now for sure.
I think people are inundated with great guitar players on the Internet. It's overkill and everyone's burned out. There are hundreds of millions of great guitar players and the Internet has brought them all together for one big jam. How can you top that?
danyeo":d97c4 said:
Oh My, Speak Of The Devil.

And yeah, I'll be a dick and point out who started the thread. Remember when this guy claimed that the JVM had a design flaw when in fact it turned out to be his pickup. And he owns a JVM, Einstein, LP, and thousands of dollars worth of other equipement and his playing just sums up this thread.
Looks like he's getting a Modena 60 as well. :aww: Good for him but he does need some more experience with playing before slagging. Overall, I think he's a good kid who means well, though. Not like some of those punk-ass-bitches on HC.

"And the sign says you gotta have a membership card to get inside!!!"

'Just saying. :)