Back to the 5150/Caparison combo for me!

Ans, what do you have the bass set at on the Blackmore? I had to keep it way down low for some reason, although my old one I kept it around 5 or 6. They both had the same tubes, so I guess the difference is my Bogner cab, although it isn't a boomy or bass heavy I have no idea. :confused: :scared:
I don't remember off the top of my head, but I actually had it pretty high, probably around 6-7 (1-2 o'clock). I was A/Bing it with the 5150 though, and I was kinda trying to get teh Blackmore close to the 5150 tone, and the BM seemed to lack some of the low end thickness that the 5150 has, so I was turning the bass up pretty high.

guitarslingerans":62667 said:
I don't remember off the top of my head, but I actually had it pretty high, probably around 6-7 (1-2 o'clock). I was A/Bing it with the 5150 though, and I was kinda trying to get teh Blackmore close to the 5150 tone, and the BM seemed to lack some of the low end thickness that the 5150 has, so I was turning the bass up pretty high.


Damn, it must be my cab then. I had the bass on about 1 or 2, and it was the same as my 5150 on about 5. Anything higher than 2 was insanely overpowering. :confused:
That's a nicer looking spongebob paint job than most I've seen you post.

Red&Die is/was selling one (dunno if it was Sky or Ice summat)...looked like something my 3 year old does with paint.
JKD":a3ca3 said:
That's a nicer looking spongebob paint job than most I've seen you post.

Red&Die is/was selling one (dunno if it was Sky or Ice summat)...looked like something my 3 year old does with paint.

He is selling an old TAT, in the Iceberg finish. I used to own one.


I love that finish, but I have to say Frozen Sky is possibly my favorite Caparison finish. They really did well with that color IMO, and it was also badass they brought back the TAT for 2007.

Here are some actual pics of Frozen Sky...



Keep in mind though, I had the mids between around noon-2 o'clock as well from what I remember. I'll have to take a look when I get home. I also kinda preferred the overall voicing of the amp with the contour "IN", as opposed to the "OUT" setting, so it's possible that had an effect. My Mesa Traditional 4x12's are pretty damn tight sounding cabs as well, AND I was using my EMG equipped guitars with lots of maple in them, so that may have made the difference. There are soo many variables it's kinda mind boggling. I also kept the Masters SUPER high and changed the volume with the Channel volume instead of how you were running it with the Channel dimed, and then having the Master as the main control of volume, that could also have a decent effect as well.

I was a littl worried at first cause I remember how you said you kept the Bass very low and I had to keep pumping it more....I thought there may have been some kinda tube problem. :(

Yeah, there are a ton of variables. I've tried setting the master volume high and adjusting the channel volume like you said, the opposite of that, and also keeping each one at different positions. I never noticed a huge difference, but I always ended up diming the channel volume and adjusting the overall volume with the master.

I'd like to hear a Blackmore/Angelus HGS clip. ;)
Megadeth7684":93893 said:

Damn, it must be my cab then. I had the bass on about 1 or 2, and it was the same as my 5150 on about 5. Anything higher than 2 was insanely overpowering. :confused:
Not trying to butt in but:)...I keep the bass on my Blackmore at about 2 0'clock and it is perfect. I installed SED 6L6's and I think they are one of the main reasons that bass is so tight and controlled. :thumbsup:
killertone":f368f said:
Not trying to butt in but:)...I keep the bass on my Blackmore at about 2 0'clock and it is perfect. I installed SED 6L6's and I think they are one of the main reasons that bass is so tight and controlled. :thumbsup:

Damn, that is a lot of bass! I generally hate overly bassy guitar tones anyways, I always try to keep the bass at a low-moderate level. More crunch that way IMO. Different strokes though. :)
guitarslingerans":3a7af said:
Who's Frozen Sky TAT is that? :eek: :eek: :eek:


Matt Wicklund. He's endorsed so he had Itaru make his with only a volume knob and no tone knob. Shane at BMusic also got his first two Frozen Sky TAT's in last week as well.



That's what I thought. :cry:

His Frozen Sky looks MUCH more Black than the ones Shane got in. The one volume knob/no tone knob is choice. Damnit they need to open up their custom shop to non endorsees.......or just freaking endorse me. That would be acceptable as well.

guitarslingerans":a2396 said:
That's what I thought. :cry:

His Frozen Sky looks MUCH more Black than the ones Shane got in. The one volume knob/no tone knob is choice. Damnit they need to open up their custom shop to non endorsees.......or just freaking endorse me. That would be acceptable as well.


Yeah, the ones on Ikebe look more black as well, which I will be getting. :D

I would hate to not have a tone knob though, I like rolling that back for neck pickup leads. Matt said he likes the volume knob being farther back like that. I prefer it to be closer, so the stock setup works perfectly for me.

EDIT: My Iceberg TAT is the bluest one I've ever seen too. All the other ones I've seen are very white/light blue.
It works out well cause I'll just probably end up buying the TAT II off of you when you sell it, so the overly Black finish I shall snag. :)

I prefer the volume knob out of the way for me as well, and I never use a tone, and actually prefer it not to be on the guitar to get a more straight, pure signal, so Matt's is awesome to me.

Now if I could only get a HGS version with a stop-bar/string through set up, and one volume knob with 2 hums.

guitarslingerans":61825 said:
It works out well cause I'll just probably end up buying the TAT II off of you when you sell it, so the overly Black finish I shall snag. :)

I prefer the volume knob out of the way for me as well, and I never use a tone, and actually prefer it not to be on the guitar to get a more straight, pure signal, so Matt's is awesome to me.

Now if I could only get a HGS version with a stop-bar/string through set up, and one volume knob with 2 hums.


Haha! :lol:

I won't sell you the TAT until you give up your Angelus HGS! :gethim: :D

The HGS thing really makes no difference to me. I've owned a normal Dellinger, and a Dellinger HGS (the Dellinger CA is actually an HGS model as well) and the difference is not really noticeable at all. I guess the one thing it does help is intonation, but feel wise, you can't even tell the difference IMO.
guitarslingerans":8db2f said:
Hve a talk with my girlfriend about that.......I'm sure she'll love to hear your reasons. :D


I will have a real dilemma on my hands if I find a trans black Angelus HGS sometime after I get my TAT. :aww: :doh:
Megadeth7684":360aa said:

Damn, that is a lot of bass! I generally hate overly bassy guitar tones anyways, I always try to keep the bass at a low-moderate level. More crunch that way IMO. Different strokes though. :)
It's not overly bassy at all. Not sure if you have ever heard the clips I have posted here but they are definitley not bassy. :D
guitarslingerans":bb77d said:

That will make 2 of us........I'll have to figure otu a way to scrounge up the cash to snag your TAT.


You are convinced I will sell the TAT...I don't blame you though. :o :lol: