Just got my ESP M-II CTM!


New member
Shit this guitar plays spectacular!

Just a question, it has a JB/59 combo, an alder body, maple neck, and ebony fretboard. It sounds a bit thinner that I'm used to; well, not thinner, but more single-coil-sounding-esque. My other guitar has a Tone Zone in the bridge and that pickup is so damn bassy.

Do my ears just need to get adjusted to it, or should I get the pickups cleaned out or whatever? There is some rust on the magnets of both pickups - the guitar is 6 years old.

Harmonics also don't jump out like I expect them too, so I'm thinking its the pickups.
a JB in an alder/maple guitar is bound to sound bright, and can be thin with a lot of amps...rip that JB out and sell it to me cheap :D