G major delay settings. im not happy... ducker delay?


New member
I feel it interferes a bit with my playing-doesnt flow. i have a prophesy and really like the delays as they are ducker delays. do any of the settings in the g major allow for this? thanks

also what are your delay setting for lead etc thanks
The dynamic delay.... I mainly use delay lenghts of dotted 1/8 notes- for leads. If I'm running a stereo rig, I like the ping pong delay.
I use this formula for dotted 1/8 note:

60/BPM x .75 = ms
example: for a song with 140 beats per minute tempo
60/140 x .75 = 321ms
You probably have your delay level to high, it should be barely audible unless it has to be upfront. I used the dynamic delays for years but recently tried the normal delays and thought they sound way better, a lot more natural.

For leads I use either tapped delays to be in sync with the beat (either 1/4, 1/8 or dotted 1/8) or I use 450ms.
lordriffenstein":9b5b4 said:
You probably have your delay level to high, it should be barely audible unless it has to be upfront. I used the dynamic delays for years but recently tried the normal delays and thought they sound way better, a lot more natural.

For leads I use either tapped delays to be in sync with the beat (either 1/4, 1/8 or dotted 1/8) or I use 450ms.
For leads I usually use dynamic setting at 450-500 ms.
Ping-Pong (I run a stereo rig) with a setting of 480ms to 500ms. For slower leads I run in around 800ms. I never run the Mix higher than 30%... and for me that's really wet. I'm not very big on the Dynamic Delay.
SFW":af7e3 said:
Ping-Pong (I run a stereo rig) with a setting of 480ms to 500ms. For slower leads I run in around 800ms. I never run the Mix higher than 30%... and for me that's really wet. I'm not very big on the Dynamic Delay.

30% !!!??? Damn that wet.

I run dynamic or ping pong around 5-10% depending at 450 ish, give or take 15-20ms.

An analogy of tone shaping...

Most of the time, guitar effects should be like makeup on a woman. Subtle. It looks best if it isn't really noticable. Unless you are going for something drastic.
I run the ping pong at 420ms generally, or around there. I have two patches of it, one with the mix at 8% and one with it at 15%.