Anyone mix Greenbacks and V30's in a 4x12?


Active member
I just ordered a 4x12 cab with 2 Greenbacks in the top positions and I'm going to throw 2 V30's that I have lying around in the bottom half.

Anyone try this? :)
Yeah that is correct i did that 20 years ago
never liked what i heard but if its new Metal
i wouldnt know how that would sound outside of the 80's Metal and Jangley Rock i so much love to play :)
Damn well if it doesn't work out I'll just have to buy 2 more Greenbacks down the road....I just wanted to save some coin initally since I've had these 2 V30's sitting around since 1998 and hardly used :confused:

I thought Ed Degenero mentioned awhile back that he tried it and didn't mind but maybe I'm mistaken :) .
I had them in a X pattern for a few weeks while I waited for my other 2 greenbacks to come in . To be honest they didn't do much for me mixed . But once I threw the other 2 greens in I was quite happy .

But what the hell isn't going to hurt to try while you wait like I did . Never know you might dig it .
Marshall Freak":380e9 said:
V30's are a lot more efficient so they're a lot louder than Greenbacks, so I doubt you'll be able to hear much of them.

i swear i just read that somewhere..that the V30's will more than likely overpower the GB's and the G12H30 was the better choice to mix with the V30. cant remember if it was on Webers, Avatar Cabs, or Peters Amp..or could have been on Splawns site..i dunno :doh:
I've mentioned it on the forums a number of times. Some people report success with GBs and V30s, but I can only give recommendations on what I've observed...which has been that generally those two speakers don't seem to mix well.
Never mixed then in a single cab- but I have a cab loaded with each type. I like them together; they each have their strengths and weaknesses. The V-30's are allot louder than the GB's - this is true.
I would definitely go with the Greenies on top and V30's on the bottom if you go with it. In the X, the 30's would take over I think.
im waiting for 2 sheffield speakers
which im Pray will do wonders with the V 30's

if not im going to get 2 more
and do a 4x12 cab with them i love the tone of them sheffields
with a tele :thumbsup: