5150 gurus get in here

again with this

New member
So, I forgot which positons the preamp tubes are in.

I know they are not sequentail. From the side (right looking from the back) where the input jacks are, which socket are which?

If I recall correctly, from the right (looking at the back) V1, V2, V3, V5, V4... is that right?

I am pretty sure from the schematic they are not in order. guess I'll have to callme tech freind who has the schematics from the repair.
again with this":948e5 said:
I am pretty sure from the schematic they are not in order. guess I'll have to callme tech freind who has the schematics from the repair.

yeah i think they are sequential left to right with the 12ax7's
then they come back the oppiste with the power tubes

so it looks SOMETHING like this

V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 > 12AX7'S
MY Carvin MTS 3200 is like this
but better to know for sure :thumbsup:
Here ya go...from Jerry P's site. :)


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again with this":019be said:
So, I forgot which positons the preamp tubes are in.

I know they are not sequentail. From the side (right looking from the back) where the input jacks are, which socket are which?

If I recall correctly, from the right (looking at the back) V1, V2, V3, V5, V4... is that right?


You're thinking of the 5150II, not the 5150. The 5150s are in order, the 5150IIs are kinda screwy how they are laid out.

They are not numbered in order. I have no idea why, but they're labeled from right to left looking in from the back:
V1 V2 V5 V3 V4 for the 5150/6505
V6 V1 V2 V5 V3 V4 for the 5150II/6506+

The signal goes thru them in this order:
V1 V2 V5 V3 V4 for all channels of the 5150/6505
V1 V2 V5 V3 V4 for the lead channel of the 5150II/6505+
V6 V3 V4 for the rhythm channel of the 5150II/6505+

JerryP":99c59 said:
They are not numbered in order. I have no idea why, but they're labeled from right to left looking in from the back:
V1 V2 V5 V3 V4 for the 5150/6505
V6 V1 V2 V5 V3 V4 for the 5150II/6506+

The signal goes thru them in this order:
V1 V2 V5 V3 V4 for all channels of the 5150/6505
V1 V2 V5 V3 V4 for the lead channel of the 5150II/6505+
V6 V3 V4 for the rhythm channel of the 5150II/6505+


ah shit i think i put mine in v1,v2,v3,v4,v5

what would this do to it? - or any other amp?
You can see it on the circuit board how they're numbered all wonkey - but the signal still goes through them from right to left.

For the 5150 the "gain tubes" are V1, V2, V5
the loop is V3
phase inverter is V4

So when you're looking at it from behind

Power Tube side V4 - V3 - V5 - V2 - V1 Input Jack side
I can't say that I've ever had a JAN Phillips tube so I've got no idea what they sound like; but if I did get a hold of one I'd try it in the first slot and then report back to my friends on Rig-Talk!!
again with this":d740a said:
So, I have a JAN Phillips and a Tung-Sol reissue.

Suggestions which positions these tubes will sound the best in?

I would try the Tung Sol in V1 and the Philips in V2. I just did a bias mod to a 5150. I also installed NOS JAN Philips tubes in the amp and it cleared it up dramatically and the bass was a lot tighter. :thumbsup:
again with this":70f4a said:
So, I have a JAN Phillips and a Tung-Sol reissue.

Suggestions which positions these tubes will sound the best in?


Let your ears decide which is the best spot. Screws the numbers or what the popular opinion is, use your ears the the grey matter between them. :thumbsup: Too much hype with tube positions and bias numbers these days, it's not one size fits all. Swap them around till you find what works for you.
JerryP":795f3 said:

Let your ears decide which is the best spot. Screws the numbers or what the popular opinion is, use your ears the the grey matter between them. :thumbsup: Too much hype with tube positions and bias numbers these days, it's not one size fits all. Swap them around till you find what works for you.

I dig this type of thinking......keep up the good work Jerry !
JerryP":5bf7c said:

Let your ears decide which is the best spot. Screws the numbers or what the popular opinion is, use your ears the the grey matter between them. :thumbsup: Too much hype with tube positions and bias numbers these days, it's not one size fits all. Swap them around till you find what works for you.

Jerry, you are simply, "the man".

now I just need to find some loud time.