What are the mesa 4x12 cabs like?

I owned a Std and a Trd at the same time as I had my Recto, so I'll throw in my $.02 FWIW. I found the oversized to be noticeably looser. At bedroom and low volume situations the difference between the two was there but not an issue. In high volume, high gain situations it was an issue for me though. The band I played in when I had them needed a very tight high gain metal sound and when playing live the sound of the oversized cab messed with me :doh: . It was like the sound came out delayed. The recto head may have had some effect too since they're not the tightest heads in the world, but it was not as pronounced in the smaller cab. Sounds weird I know but it's what I heard. Just as a side note, I don't have that problem anymore since getting a different cab and head :D .
Jbone":d795c said:
hey mega how did you like your randall cab, I was looking at a couple of the xl models, I've heard that they are nice cabs. I'm pretty much interested in either the randall or genz benz

The XL cabs are awesome IMO. I really liked the one I had. It was actually pretty similar to a Mesa cab with V30's, real dark and thick sounding. It recorded really well too I thought. I don't know what the prices are now, but when I sold mine I only got about $400-500 for it, so you might be able to get one pretty cheap.
Megadeth7684":0a973 said:

Lots of cabs have V30's, but that doesn't mean they all sound the same. I've owned 3 different brands of cabs with V30's and each one sounded different. My Marshall 1960AV didn't sound nearly as huge as my Bogner, or even my Randall XL cab. The Mesa cabs are really nice, but the Bogner cabs sound better to me. Never played a Splawn, but the quality on those seems awesome too.

I didn't know you'd played through a Mesa cab?
Megadeth7684":827ed said:

Lots of cabs have V30's, but that doesn't mean they all sound the same. I've owned 3 different brands of cabs with V30's and each one sounded different. My Marshall 1960AV didn't sound nearly as huge as my Bogner, or even my Randall XL cab. The Mesa cabs are really nice, but the Bogner cabs sound better to me. Never played a Splawn, but the quality on those seems awesome too.

Yes, I understand that even though many cabs have V30s they don't sound the same, however that is one common point between the recto and bogner cab. Hence, what are the differences between the two? Is it the way the speakers are loaded into the cab, is it the actual material used in the cab, or the construction? I'm interested. I have an XTC and and Uberschall, and I am considering picking up a Bogner cab to go with them, even though they both sound pretty killer through my recto 4x12.
Rayneman":02c84 said:

Yes, I understand that even though many cabs have V30s they don't sound the same, however that is one common point between the recto and bogner cab. Hence, what are the differences between the two? Is it the way the speakers are loaded into the cab, is it the actual material used in the cab, or the construction? I'm interested. I have an XTC and and Uberschall, and I am considering picking up a Bogner cab to go with them, even though they both sound pretty killer through my recto 4x12.

I can't tell you exactly why it sounds better to me, it just does. The quality on them is better than or equal to any other cabs around, I can tell you that. It's all opinion on what sounds better, but I don't think I've ever heard anyone say anything bad about the Bogner cabs.
Shiny_Surface":90c10 said:
The oversized cabs seem to get alot of bad press on the various internet forums, I don't think they are really all that bad IMO, even with Recto's.

I whole heartedly agree - they do get a lot of bad press on internet forums. I'm very happy with my over-sized recto cab's. As a matter of fact, the only amp that has sounded bad on them is a Triple Rectifier (haven't tried a DR on them).

Every other amp has sounded great -Engl Blackmore, Framus Cobra, Marshall JVM, Marshall TSL, Peavey Triple X, Marshall JMP1/Mesa Strat 500, Mesa Triaxis/Mesa Strat 500, Marshall JCM800...hell...even a Line 6 Flextone head sounded halfway decent through them.
Rayneman":f0bc0 said:

Yes, I understand that even though many cabs have V30s they don't sound the same, however that is one common point between the recto and bogner cab. Hence, what are the differences between the two? Is it the way the speakers are loaded into the cab, is it the actual material used in the cab, or the construction? I'm interested. I have an XTC and and Uberschall, and I am considering picking up a Bogner cab to go with them, even though they both sound pretty killer through my recto 4x12.

ive been running my dual rec through two oversized recto 4x12's since i bought the stack new in '94...definitely couldnt be happier with that setup. i ran my uberschall (rev. 2) through one of the mesa cabs for 2 years before i got an uberkab to match it. the uber sounded fine through the mesa cab, but i really liked how the uberkab matched it better. the uber seemed to have clearer highs and mids through the uberkab. that said, i dont like the sound when i run my dual rec through the uberkab. it takes away too much of the low end punch, and seems harsh on the top end.

i really think its a matter of manufacturers matching and tuning these two cabs to specifically match the characteristics of their amp heads. the uber sounds great through the uberkab with plenty of low end, but the low end is weaker when i run my dual rec through it...i think its a matter of mesa and bogner tuning the amps and cabinets to emphasize different frequencies.

keep in mind we are talking about two of the greatest cabinets available for heavy music styles...youre really not going to be disappointed, however you choose.

good luck,
