Tired of HC - Ask a question, get a bunch of SMART-ASSED answers!


Well-known member
What a waste of time, it's becoming...

I'm so tired of all the smart asses over there. Can't get good advice, just B.S.

Any musicians here?
Amen, amen! You know, there used to be places you could go on the internet to get information on virtually any product or subject. You would ask questions and people would post answers and convey knowledge or facts about pretty much anything. What were they called? Oh yeah...forums! heh heh heh

I can't stand the elitist douche-bags who can't just answer an honest question without having to berate you for not having at least 200 posts. I guess I shouldn't begrudge someone who has nothing else in their lives but that they can ridicule people on the internet. So...I apologize to all of the douche-bags out there who live for that. :thumbsdown:
here we go now weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehhaaaaahhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 1234
2234 kick it
The Big Snit":0d39b said:
If you have it coming, you'll get abused here too. :gethim:


No matter what, asking the n00best of n00b questions and then demanding the most serious, polite and instant responses will get you pwn3d.

We look forward to scrutinizing your every post. :D
Frist Question is Free
after that you must contribute to the Beer fund !
were musicians and alcoholics

look if you scroll all the way to the Bottom youll see
we are after your Tax's :lol:
There is a general lack of trolls here. Most post are real questions or thoughts about gear/setups etc. I have been inspired by the intense search for better tone that exists on this site. Even though I don't play metal or hard rock I have been trying new things and tubes etc to get better tone. Its very cool here and we can keep it loose and still on target.
Funny thing is that most of the smart asses at HC are the strong contributors here at Rig-Talk. Most of us can't stand the crap that gets posted there so it does get marginally trolled.

My advice, sit back and enjoy the fun! Some people take ribbing way too seriously.

In addition (and all seriousness), make sure that you search out your questions before you post something that has been covered a million time over.
napalmdeath":882c2 said:
What a waste of time, it's becoming...

I'm so tired of all the smart asses over there. Can't get good advice, just B.S.

Any musicians here?

Well, what's your question? I'm sure someone here can come up with a smart ass answer to accomodate. :D :doh: :D
Looks like some assholes over there have the need to stick up for guns on a day like today.


I hope the douchebag who waves his gun around like it's his cock shoots his big toe off.
danyeo":73bdf said:
Looks like some assholes over there have the need to stick up for guns on a day like today.


I hope the douchebag who waves his gun around like it's his cock shoots his big toe off.

There are several regular members here who are gun enthusiasts, and will argue with you just about any day of the week especially if provoked.