JVM clip inside

J.B.":77d00 said:
Sounds great Ralphie. I'll have a JVM eventually. :D

They're only going to get cheaper. I had people trying to jew me down to $900 on the one i just sold. There's one on Ebay right now sitting at $1400.
Gainfreak":6582a said:

Why Thank you sir... But the tone belongs to Digital_Jams. It's his amp and I already miss it :( :aww: :no:

No it doesnt......I dont have your chops :cry:

Sorry bro but knowing your condo and how you treat your neighbors I knew that was not a PM :D
You said it was the orange/amber channel. Did you mean OD1 Orange mode? Sounded great! Your clips are way to short. You're playing and tone always kills me.
SgtThump":d7f7c said:

Badass tone!!! I heard that and thought to myself "Damnit, now I want a Peacemaker!" Then I found out it was a JVM and was relaxed again (since I have one.)

I haven't even tried to record the JVM, believe it or not. I usually do that immediately after getting an amp.


Thanks Chris!

The JVM has become one of my favorite amps of all time. No Shit! I really love that sucker.

That said, I am surprised that you haven't recorded a clip yet!! All kidding asside, I was waiting for you to do one since you got the amp!!!
Digital Jams":4e4d2 said:

No it doesnt......I dont have your chops :cry:

Sorry bro but knowing your condo and how you treat your neighbors I knew that was not a PM :D

I figured that people were going to bag me on that. I was going to tell everyone that I recorded it at my rehearsal studio but I was already feeling like a shitheal for lying!! That said, I was positive that most people who know me knew that I was full of it given that I live in a condo :hys:
yngzaklynch":59bf0 said:
You said it was the orange/amber channel. Did you mean OD1 Orange mode? Sounded great! Your clips are way to short. You're playing and tone always kills me.

Yes! Od1 amber/orange. I think of the JVM's channels like traffic lights. Thats why I call it amber instead of orange :lol: red amber and green :D

As always, thanks for the kind words. The JVM is a mean MOFo of an amp for sure!
yngzaklynch":bcc1b said:
You said it was the orange/amber channel. Did you mean OD1 Orange mode? Sounded great! Your clips are way to short. You're playing and tone always kills me.

The pisser I can tell when he ended the clip he was starting to really bring the heat...I have heard him enough that when he hits that note at the end he is getting ready to bring the pain :doh:
ralph that was fucking badass! And from the "left" coast, lemme know if you REALLY want a Peacemaker, and I'll hook you up with VM!

that was awesome tone my man.

you need to record a full song with that tone NOW.
for just goofing around, that may be the best tone i've ever heard you get.

carl should do the classic clips for the marshall site and you can do the modern stuff!!!!
that's gotta be the highest gain straight into marshall clip I have ever heard...sounds awesome!
SgtThump":9d860 said:

I just haven't had time. I'm in the middle of searching for a new job (pretty hot and heavy, actually) and gigging regularly with this new band. I haven't even really been on RT much over the past 2 weeks either.

Good luck with the job search! It might suck looking for one now but when you land another gig, you are going to be one happy Muthah!!.

That's great that you are gigging again. When I was doing the coverband thing, we gigged once in a blue moon!
SgtThump":cf5b8 said:

I had an interview 2-3 weeks ago that I thought went well. Then the consulting firm I was interviewing for (with the customer) had all kinds of concerns that don't even make sense. It's like they didn't even listen to what I told them. They twisted things around into things I never said. So that didn't work out, but it sounds like I wouldn't have enjoyed working around non-communication apes anyway...

I interviewed yesterday for a position that I want REAL BAD! It seemed to go well too, so I have my fingers crossed. This is an exciting new job with alot of visibility (reporting directly to the VP of IT) for a great company. I want it BAD! I mean REAL REAL REAL REAL BAD! I'll be heartbroken if this one doesn't work out. It's perfect for me.

The gigging again is a blast. My buddy (the other guitar player) saw me getting a little crazy last Friday at the gig and he said "welcome back to rock and roll." lol!!! I took too long of a break and got all un-rockandroll-like. :)

I hear you and I feel your pain. Interviews are a pain in the ass!!
I went on an interview once for a job that I really wanted and they made me come back 4 times!! I thought that was a great sign but it was stressful!! They were on me like flies on shit and the job was pretty much between me and another guy. Well all of the sudden I didn't hear a thing! They went from calling me 3 times a week to not at all. I never got the call back and they blew me off. I knew the other guy got the job and I also knew that he would never last because it was a high stress Job (I was coming from the mother of high stress jobs that made this one look like nursery school!!)
I called them up to see what was up and they never got back to me....until 3 month later when the guy quit!! The general manager called me up and I told him to go fuck himself.. I won’t work for a company who didn't have the common courtesy to call me back. (Of course I didn't say for him to go fuck himself but I was pretty harsh to him on the phone and I did say that I would not work for a company that just blew me off after they were done with me)