Your dream Plexi . . .


Active member
. . . . what would it be like?

I'm building (another) one. A 100s (with a purple headshell).

Would you add:

- a power dampening as in Mojaves?
- a PPIMV?
- a switch to cascade the gainstages?
- do you jumper channels? If so, how do you set the volumes?

Thanks for your experience.
switch to cascade the gainstages Would be totally cool.....................John

AND a built in high quality attenuater
3 channels

1- Clean
2- Mid gain (with switch to high gain)
3- High Gain (read stupid amounts of gain)(voiced different thanthe 2nd channel high gain setting)

Like John said - attenuator!
Effects loop
Built it boost and noise gate.


Maybe I should just have Cameron do a 3 channel mod to a Kerry King Sig JCM800 huh?

oh come on Olaf, dont be scared..... ;)

just messing with you. cant wait to see and hear the final product.

Have fun!
Juggernaut":fe6e1 said:
3 channels

1- Clean
2- Mid gain (with switch to high gain)
3- High Gain (read stupid amounts of gain)(voiced different thanthe 2nd channel high gain setting)

Like John said - attenuator!
Effects loop
Built it boost and noise gate.


Maybe I should just have Cameron do a 3 channel mod to a Kerry King Sig JCM800 huh?


Isn't having a 3 channel high-gain beast... sort of the opposite of a Plexi?
Cascading for be cool.

I am thinking footswitchable solo boost myself and the built in attenuator may work but imo a good PPVM would be good enough. If you could have a seperate master with the solo boost now that would be the bomb.
I've tried that "two masters" with the 50 Watter, Scott. A dual PPIMV isn't easy to do without any (switching) noise, thats why I've used a master which Mark suggested to me. That worked fine - but is located elsewhere in the circuitry and one way or the other all of them influence the sound. But I will try and tweak again - two masters (no matter which kind) are always cool. Thanks for the suggestion.

I still have to draw your board too. Before the weekend, promised :)
I'd probably just have various tonal switching options. Like maybe...

1. a split/shared cathode switch
2. a switch to change tone stack values
3. a switch to bring a bright cap in and out

And then if you want it to only have one input, I'd probably make it switchable between what would normally be the high-treble input, and the low-normal input. Those are the two I use the most. I don't bridge.

If you could switch between higher and lower filtering, that would be cool, but I don't know if it's possible. And a switch to lower the voltage a bit (variac type thing) would be cool as well.

That's what I'd do. A basic jmp style front panel with normal controls, but then these 'voicing' switches on the back that let you configure different styles of 'plexi'.

Cascaded stages and master volumes are for pussies. :D ;)
LOL - thanks ratter for your suggestions.

Lowering B+ or even switching the filtering isn't a prob - as long as you find a switch thats rated for 500V DC. Most aren't (just 250V AC), but very few are . . . expensive stuff though.

It will have just one input and one toggle to switch between treble, both, normal - yes, thats a must. Not sure what I will stick into the other holes since I want to keep the front stock for its resale value . . .
Use .022 coupling caps in V1

Use .1 for the output coupling caps

100pf instead of 47pf above the phase inverter

Replace the .68 on V2 with a 330uf

Use the 56k / 250pf tone stack combo

Replace the 1uf with a .68 AND 4.7k resister on the presence pot

Wire the filter caps like a typical '69 plexi but replace the one over the
preamp with a 16+16uf (instead of 50+50uf)

Wire the amp for a shared cathode arrangement

Add the Mojave power dampening and its a done deal!! :D:D
Gainfreak":b51ef said:
Use .022 coupling caps in V1

Use .1 for the output coupling caps

100pf instead of 47pf above the phase inverter

Replace the .68 on V2 with a 330uf

Use the 56k / 250pf tone stack combo

Replace the 1uf with a .68 AND 4.7k resister on the presence pot

Wire the filter caps like a typical '69 plexi but replace the one over the
preamp with a 16+16uf (instead of 50+50uf)

Wire the amp for a shared cathode arrangement

Add the Mojave power dampening and its a done deal!! :D:D

Hi my friend. So many suggestions . . . may I comment on them?

22nF is a good idea - I've also ordered 10nF and 4n7 to play around with them - so called "TAD-Mustard" caps, which seem to be pretty coll.

100nF for the PI CC - hmmmm - I didn't like them in my 70s Superbass - with a bit more gain it gets muddy pretty fast - IMO. But I've ordered also 47nF - to be inbetween both :D

Yeah, the 100pF is a cool idea to smooth that bright sucker out. Thanks :)

The cathode caps . . . another sceptical thought from me here: I guess that I have to see how the interaction works - normally I wouldn't go part 10µF here - anything above 25µF isn't (IMO) audible anymore - but I will give it another try my brother. :)

Yeah, I will do a "modern" presence, definitely, maybe even a kind of fixed depth (but with smaller impact - got a cool idea by Larry of LArry Amps).

And yes, the idea which Mojave got from Sundown Amps (or so - stumbled over that in the Metro-Forum) will be included. If Brent likes it, I'll give it a try . . .

Thanks for the discussion, Ralph :)

Btw - those are almost "Ralle Specs", you've posted, no?
my Jmp has a cascading gain mod on v1, the 800 style master on v2 and a ppiv master as well.
I have the ppiv master in one of the input jacks, and each of the others allows me an option in the circuit, plexi, 800 or all out insaine!
and its still responsive to the vol controll on the guitar.
I forgot the filtering . . .

I have to think about that again. In my DIY stuff I've used the more modern "filter hard at the beginning" and "go parallel" with lower filtering then. I like that, esp. Alex loved the response in the DK amp where I've did that "pretty extreme". I think Soldano was one of the first to do that. I should at least try to do that with this amp, although I'm not sure if it fits the "Plexi" idea, but we will see . . . :)