Name some amps that meet this criteria...


Well-known member
I can't think of anything other than Splawn and Mesa that has the second master, although I'm sure there must be others. :scared:
Framus Dragon. One of the most under-rated amps around I believe. Everyone seems to go crazy for the Cobras, but I think the Dragon gives MUCH better tones. No fizz. Very hot-rodded Marshall like with some of the best mids I've heard on any amp.
SgtThump":0e514 said:
I may be in the market, but I'm not sure... If so, I'll be looking for an amp that meets the following critera... Name 'em!

- Number of channels doesn't matter (1, 2, 3, etc...)
- Ability to get nice classic rock tones
- Also looking for EITHER a good '80s or even modern hard rock tone
- Alot of punch and low end available
- Footswitchable second master volume

That's really it. I already have a Mesa Stiletto and Rectoverb that meet this criteria and either would work well for me. Just looking to see what other options are out there. The second footswitchable master volume really narrows the playing field alot.


Out of that list the footswitchable second master volume will limit your choices the most IMO.
The XTC has a footswitchable boost, but I guess that's not exactly what you have in mind, because if I remember correctly, didn't you recently sell a VHT w/EQ that was footswitchable?
SgtThump":3d7ff said:

Oh yeah, definitely. Some amps that have been on my mind lately are a Soldano SLO or Avenger, VHT Deliverance, Bogner Uber or XTC, etc... But I don't think any of those have a footswitchable second master volume. :(

None of those do to my knowledge. If you had an effects processor in the loop though you could have a "lead" patch with a higher volume level maybe?

I don't see you getting along with an Uber, I know you had Revision 1 or 2 way back and you said you didn't like the "whomp" in the bass register :D

The newer Revision Blues are a little less boomy but I'm not sure it's enough of a change that you would like it a lot more.

Then again you seem to get along with Rectifiers these days so you might like the newer Uberschalls, lol :D

I bet you would sound killer through an SLO or XTC :lol:

Then you'll come full circle back to an Einstein probably :eek: :D
Well, I haven't had the chance to try out a 50CL, but my 100CLX has plenty of punch. Also, no the XTC boost is not adjustable.
koch multitone? it's a while since i tried it, though.

maybe cornford, though i don't know if they have the second master... some of them do, i think, unfortunately the ones I haven't tried.
Try a Randall RM100 and a G-Major. Can set up a lead boost on the G-major. I'm crazy happy with my setup, enough to resist JVM gas. If you don't want to do the G-major, then get two modules that are the same and dial one in with a volume boost and a smidge more midrange for leads. :)

Peters Dual Channel Halo/Polaris head

-Great clean channel
-Hot rodded Plexi type tone/gain channel (takes pedals great)

Get James to make you 2 button footswitch.
Switch one changes channels, switch two is an adjustable lead boost.

This will be my next head.
SgtThump":a4942 said:

I've heard that the build quality is suspect on those Randall versions. Any truth to that or does it feel pretty solid? I'm talking about knobs/switches, the way the modules slip into the chassis, etc...

Feels very solid to me. Only downside I'm noticing is that it is heavy as hell... around 70+ pounds. I've gigged with mine a few times, loving it so far. I really dig the idea of being able to 'buy a new channel' for $199 or so or even less used. It uses midi to change channels, and powers midi boards, which is really great.

Just going by you bringing up the words full, thicker, and punch alot the Herbert is one gut punching amp if you have around $3100 to spend.
The Big Snit":862a7 said:
Peters Dual Channel Halo/Polaris head

-Great clean channel
-Hot rodded Plexi type tone/gain channel (takes pedals great)

Get James to make you 2 button footswitch.
Switch one changes channels, switch two is an adjustable lead boost.

This will be my next head.

He'd want the Harrier instead of the Polaris, most likely.
SgtThump":056f4 said:
I may be in the market, but I'm not sure... If so, I'll be looking for an amp that meets the following critera... Name 'em!

- Number of channels doesn't matter (1, 2, 3, etc...)
- Ability to get nice classic rock tones
- Also looking for EITHER a good '80s or even modern hard rock tone
- Alot of punch and low end available
- Footswitchable second master volume

That's really it. I already have a Mesa Stiletto and Rectoverb that meet this criteria and either would work well for me. Just looking to see what other options are out there. The second footswitchable master volume really narrows the playing field alot.


Try a Lonestar head. Don't see them often but they pop up on Ebay from time to time. The cleans are great and OD isn't high gain unless it has a pedal, it's really good for rock tones on it's own.

If you ever get a chance check out some other Boogies such as the Heartbreaker, Blue Angel, and the Maverick. They can all do hard rock tones really nice, especially the Maverick.
SgtThump":ce754 said:
I may be in the market, but I'm not sure... If so, I'll be looking for an amp that meets the following critera... Name 'em!

- Number of channels doesn't matter (1, 2, 3, etc...)
- Ability to get nice classic rock tones
- Also looking for EITHER a good '80s or even modern hard rock tone
- Alot of punch and low end available
- Footswitchable second master volume

That's really it. I already have a Mesa Stiletto and Rectoverb that meet this criteria and either would work well for me. Just looking to see what other options are out there. The second footswitchable master volume really narrows the playing field alot.

Splawn Quick Rod.

Most low end punch of any EL34 amp I've every heard.

Can get classic rock tones from 1st Gear and 2nd Gear and modern rock tones from 2nd gear and 3rd gear. Basically from 80's style tones to now.

Does not have as much gain on tap as the JVM...few amps do but has the ability to clean up as you use your volume control on your guitar. Still has more than enough gain for any situation.

Footswitchable boost plus 1st, 2nd & 3rd gear each have they're on boost.

Basically for me I love the QR...I did sell mine to ejecta based on the assumption that the JVM becomes my number one amp. Right now my main amp is a JSX. If the JVM doesn't surpass the JSX then I'll gladly buy another Quick Rod. In fact I'll probably buy another one anyway...I just needed some cash for another Les Paul.