How many of you married guys


New member
would leave your wife and kids behind for a chance to join a traveling touring band?

Thumps post has drawn the curiosity out of me when he said kidingly about being asked to join the band he is gigging with this week. I know he has a young baby at home. Would he or you leave a young baby/kids behind for a chance to persue his/your dream?

I ask this because I know my son, whose dream it was/is to get signed to a lable and tour, now at 27 has done a 180 on this subject--his band was approached recently by a management/indie record company to sign with them. In talking to him on the way home from his show (where they were approached in Orlando) he didnt seem too interested--to even tour the state of Florida (where we live) while being promoted by the company.

It would mean leaving his day job, a 13 month old baby and 6 month pregnant wife behind. He wouldnt do that unless they were signed by a major record lable with a chance to make BIG money.

How about you married guys with young kids--would you leave to pursue your life long dream?
I might do it. My wife is a musician too so she understands my desire to play. It would come down to the situation. If I was getting Greg Howe type money when he was playing with 'nsync I'd do it in a long as I didn't have to play nsycn tunes.
It is tempting, but no way w/ a prego wife, and another infant at home. Maybe if the kids were a bit older, but not in the situation you described.
I've been married for 19 years have two kids, and the first 13 years of those were trying to get a record/tour deal. It'd have to be perfect and as we know nothing about the record industry is perfect...
There is a differance between supporting your family and going off to play rockstar. If I was offered a gig by a MAJOR label and it meant touring and possibly becomming a millionare, I would do it FOR MY family even given the scenario of your son. Although it might seem selfish in the beginning, It would mean a better life for me and my family and would open up doors for a lifetime.
If I could replace my current income and benefits for my wife and kids, and be assured of my same job again (if needed) I'd do it in a heartbeat and I think my wife and family/friends would understand completely.

Of course I'm thinking in the context of my own band, and since THAT will never happen... its all just fun, games and wishful thinking.

I can't say that my bandmates and I haven't sat around sucking down beers talking about stuff like this.
Not a chance.

Already tried pursuing that particular dream. My dream now is to make a great life for my family...AND be a regular part of it/not travel as much (working on that second part ;) )
Gainfreak":f3ebc said:
There is a differance between supporting your family and going off to play rockstar. If I was offered a gig by a MAJOR label and it meant touring and possibly becomming a millionare, I would do it FOR MY family even given the scenario of your son. Although it might seem selfish in the beginning, It would mean a better life for me and my family and would open up doors for a lifetime.

Good retort--thats how I feel about it too. It would have to be an offer I couldnt refuse of a chance to make a lot of money.
Rayneman":f8da1 said:
If I could replace my current income and benefits for my wife and kids, and be assured of my same job again (if needed) I'd do it in a heartbeat and I think my wife and family/friends would understand completely.

Of course I'm thinking in the context of my own band, and since THAT will never happen... its all just fun, games and wishful thinking.

I can't say that my bandmates and I haven't sat around sucking down beers talking about stuff like this.

Exactly--but I am saying that you wouldnt have the option to return to the exact life you had if you failed. No safety valve or parachute. Thats having the best of both worlds and we all know there in no such thing.
mctallica1":24128 said:
Not a chance.

Already tried pursuing that particular dream. My dream now is to make a great life for my family...AND be a regular part of it/not travel as much (working on that second part ;) )

You are a logical man--and a good one.
i'm getting back in the 3 peice band as i write this, that had some interest and alot of great things going when we booted our drummer 3 yrs ago. we are after a new drummer and a record deal. i have a wife and a 6 yr old at home. and an ok job. well ok my job sux i make like 30k , 35k with OT. my wife makes around 45-50k. and i can honestly say she would shoot me if i had a chance to live my dream and turned it down. i know it because i have heard her say it. now .....i wouldnt leave for nothing, driving in a POS van eating bologna on hand sandwitches once a day. if a label, indie or otherwise believes in us enough to sign us then they best believe in us enough so i can make a lousy $4-500 a week. honestly i know the industry is fucked, but i dont think thats alot. or at least enough up front to relieve some of my debt....say 20k. again.....i dont think thats a whole lot to ask.
would i do it....yes.
I would only if I could take her along.

Just because you're playing rockstar, doesn't mean you have to ditch the wife and kids to do so. Yeah it's harder, but, they're your kids.

there comes a point in a person's life when their responsibilites outweigh their dreams - some people never realize that and they still live in their parent's basement trying to become a rockstar (vocalist of a former band), while others realize that it will be at most a hobby (guitarist of same former band).

Myself, I'm in the middle - I'll do whatever, but I have to be able to be home most nights...
kannibul":8eb15 said:
I would only if I could take her along.

Just because you're playing rockstar, doesn't mean you have to ditch the wife and kids to do so. Yeah it's harder, but, they're your kids.

there comes a point in a person's life when their responsibilites outweigh their dreams - some people never realize that and they still live in their parent's basement trying to become a rockstar (vocalist of a former band), while others realize that it will be at most a hobby (guitarist of same former band).

Myself, I'm in the middle - I'll do whatever, but I have to be able to be home most nights...

yeah.....if it were at all possible i would drive/fly both of them to where i was as often as i could. i would hate being away from my son. and as far as being away from my idle mind...... :satan: .....i am weak.....i dunno if i could handle it. our music is more oldschool 70's stuff so i guess its not a gorgeous chic magnet but still.....
i would in a second.

a) my wife is the breadwinner so she'd be fine financially
b) my dad was gone frequently and i always had a great relationship with him
c) if it's between me living my dream or me wondering "what if?"...i'll always go for it no matter what, and my girl would agree
d) i've been in bands for 18 years now and i know this...if i'm NOT in a band, i go crazy AND i've never toured...

so if the opportunity came up, i couldn't let it pass...i wouldn't want to live with that for the rest of my life. how am i gonna teach my kids to make it happen if i punked out at everything.