Playing a show with Jeff LeBar and Eric Brittingham from Cinderella on Thursday...

A note from guitarist Jeff LaBar (Cinderella & Naked Beggars):
"To whom it may concern, I, Jeff LaBar am no longer the guitar player for the band, Naked Beggars. I have been fired, as a musician by the powers that be. I am however, still booking the band & my own project as well, until further notice. Feel free to contact me at for any booking inquiries regarding myself, Naked Beggars, Bellevue Suite, Evick, Skin Kandy, Wiser Time, Sex & Patriotism, 7 Days Away, Baptized by Fire, Goldylocks & even bands such as Lynam, Gibbs Bros. & Saosin.
Also, keep an ear open for my internet radio show with my lovely wife, Debby on We'll be spinning & ranting about the best rock music of the 70's & 80's with stories to coincide with every tune as well as turn you on to the best new young bands in the country!
As it stands right now, it will be late night on Fridays, right after the Hayden James' show. Check it & me out & we'll talk, J.L."
WebLinks: / /
SgtThump":d16cc said:
Well damn, that sure as hell sucks! I'm not even interested anymore. lol... Maybe they'll ask me to tour with them? ha... Just kidding.

Where did you pull that from?


the band confirmed it today too.
How did he get fired? He probably was the star attraction to get people in the door for gigs? Was he shitfaced all the time or something irresponsible?

I dunno, dumping a name from a no-name band to begin with sounds like a dumb idea unless he was a dick to deal with.
Thats sucks because i Love Both of the Guys
Maybe Tom Knew about it and just dident tell Jeff
so they could walk out together :thumbsup:
Cool where I can audition LOL

As far as Cinderella , they suck after what was it Night Moves or some shit ,
Dont you hate it when egos get in the way of music.
My wife used to live in his neighborhood and I think she baby sat for him when he was just a lad. Kinda makes me feel old and she's 8 years younger than me. Penn Pines was the section and her maiden name was Sue Clapp.
gaijun":86c2d said:
Thats sucks because i Love Both of the Guys
Maybe Tom Knew about it and just dident tell Jeff
so they could walk out together :thumbsup:

Ahh! The internet! Air your dirty laundry here!!! :lol: