How many of you married guys

defpearlpilot":6cff2 said:
Not at this point. My current career gives me more money then would probably be possible with a record deal.

Glad you are doing well. Andrew, right? I remember you as a college kid on the original HC years and years and years ago. You remember me, right?
Mike_V":1dc35 said:

Exactly--but I am saying that you wouldnt have the option to return to the exact life you had if you failed. No safety valve or parachute. Thats having the best of both worlds and we all know there in no such thing.

Well if you put it like that, then I'd choose my family over everything for sure! As I tell my would be sooo nice to have one hit song and ride that for just a little while, just to make a tiny little dent.
SgtThump":cbc39 said:

Yep! If I was asked to join Rush, Kiss, or Shania Twains backing band, hell yeah. But Naked Beggars, Head East or .38 Special? Not so much...

Hey--at 54 and in failing health I'd join those bands too--Id even put on make-up to join Kiss. :D
Rayneman":9368c said:

Well if you put it like that, then I'd choose my family over everything for sure! As I tell my would be sooo nice to have one hit song and ride that for just a little while, just to make a tiny little dent.

Of course your family comes first--just testing the waters here. :)
Mike_V":e183c said:

Glad you are doing well. Andrew, right? I remember you as a college kid on the original HC years and years and years ago. You remember me, right?

Yeah, that's right. And yes, I remember you. I have been in these circles for about 10 years now. Pretty crazy when I think about it.
defpearlpilot":98e5e said:

I have been in these circles for about 10 years now. Pretty crazy when I think about it.

Not really--when you have a passion, you like to talk about it with those of the same interest.
If I could make enough cash to pay off existing wife free and clear, then turn around and buy a new and improved wife (super model of course), HELL YES I WOULD.

In all honesty, my wife has already told me she would support me playing music full time, but bills, etc. get in the way.
Not a bloody chance. Children NEED their fathers just as much as their mothers in order to grow up in a balanced way.

And why ever would you start a family and then miss some of the best years of it while out on the road?
i wont do it for the money
id do it for the love of Music

And i Still Love My Wife
so under this one condition i have left
im sure she would agree with me to hit the road

weather she's their when i come home or not
would be a wild guess :eek:
Sick Michael":5d7f1 said:
No way!! I cant even find a wife, never mind a decent band.

You dont *find a wife* Mikey--you just happen to meet and things click and you know she's the one...

Sometimes its tough, but if you are in circulation it will happen eventually.
Thanks everyone for the honest replies--very interesting conversation and I got the answers I thought Id get. Family comes first ABOVE everything unless you are selfish and not a family type guy.

Have a great day--

Mike V
defpearlpilot":913d8 said:

I have been in these circles for about 10 years now. Pretty crazy when I think about it.

Not really--when you have a passion, you like to talk about it with those of the same interest.
No fucking way, all that shit is empty compared to love & family. No amount of money would make me leave for a long period of time.