pickups for a guitar with dead sounding wood?

SHAWN":6b676 said:
look i am not going argue with you about this anymore. give me any decent guitar into a good amp and i will get the job done. thats why i feel the way i do about this. i will let this go

that's great...awesome

bottom line; what works for you isn't gonna work for everyone, the OP of this thread is trying to find what will work for him

altho he may have different opinions on some things than me...if james peters is talking about getting a good sound outta something, i'm willing to listen to his thoughts on it; he wouldn't sell any amps without having some idea as to how to make them sound good

allright spent some time with the guitar last night, intonating and playing around with pickup height. need to see how it sounds drop tuned, but may have it good enough to keep? oddly enough, the intonation was really only off on the 5th and 6th strings. the 3rd and 4th was what was bothering me most.

my opinion about the wood hasn't changed, it just doesn't sound as good as any of my other guitars. thinking most of what i'm not liking is because of the neck.

now the Humble Pie part and maybe some fodder for Shawn's side of the debate. i was so focused and pissed off about the wood, that i overlooked the reason that it was dead on the 3rd and 4th strings. in actuality the strings weren't dead, they were Muddy! the bridge pup was too High.

so now, i may not have the best sounding guitar, but i've got it to sounding even across the fretboard. which i may be able to live with?

it appears, atleast to me that the recommendations for EMG's or hot passives with less than stellar wood is the way to go. i got to compare this one to a not so great guitar with a Duncan Invader, which the Invader did wonders for, and the EMG's outdid it. anyways, i came away from it thinking that the hotter the better with bad wood.
Capulin Overdrive":c1322 said:
anyways, i came away from it thinking that the hotter the better with bad wood.

That's always a good thing to try. You may not end up with amazing results, but you know you have to kick it in the pants at least.
JamesPeters":4ae73 said:

Well there is nothing on this Earth that is going to convince me otherwise, since my experience comes from many years of trying many different guitars with many different pickups, and comparing them.

If he wants to believe he's right, that the guitar's wood doesn't matter, I cannot take him seriously about anything he says. I mean, I might as well buy a Kleenex box, put strings on it, and put in my favorite pickup. :) That makes no sense to me.

Hell James you know ID Buy it :thumbsup:
you said you know what works 2thumbsup:
no i was saying the 300 guitar/3000 amp would sound better MOST LIKELY than the 3000 guitar/ 300 amp. you really got confused about what i was saying. oh and dont try to act so god damn superior.

JamesPeters":de174 said:

Well there we go. You make it sound as though the cost of the guitar determines its sound quality, as well as the amp's. That was mistake #1. It can. But it doesn't always. It's not about the cost, it's about how it sounds.
SHAWN":9a660 said:
no i was saying the 300 guitar/3000 amp would sound better MOST LIKELY than the 3000 guitar/ 300 amp. you really got confused about what i was saying. oh and dont try to act so god damn superior.


You should go back and read your own posts, since you are evidently the one who is confused about them. You charged into the thread and posted as though you knew better than the original poster and several others. And that's not "all you were saying".

That first post of yours, even with what you now call its "intended message" (and I still call it backpedaling because you've changed directions after you realized everyone disagreed with you), could only mean you were insinuating this: the original poster has a bad amp, that the problem isn't his guitar.

And for the record, since you're incapable of reading your own posts earlier in this thread, here's what you said:

for starters what kind of guitar is it? secondly check your electronics and pickup wiring etc. it`s an electric guitar not an acoustic. thats why they call them electric guitars. dont believe me. play a $3000 guitar whatever into a$300 amp. then play a cort or a squier through a $3000 amp. see which one sounds better.

So here's the translation:
  1. The name brand of the guitar determines its sound quality (ie. maybe you bought a crummy brand of guitar)
  2. Check your electronics and wiring (he did)
  3. Since it's an electric guitar, quit your whining and buy a better pickup because the guitar doesn't matter (which contradicts your point #1)
  4. The cost of your amp makes all the difference in your sound, not your guitar (which contradicts your point #1)
You just don't get it, do you. In your posts you resorted to name dropping, insults, backpedaling, and definitely to acting superior, in an attempt to win the argument which you cannot possibly do. You got exactly what you deserved.

I told you this after you private messaged me yesterday, but it seems as though you were incapable of reading that too.
YOU SEE 1-4 TRANSLATION. that is your translation you fuckn canadian internet hitler. you like that didn`t ya. you aint nothing but a littler bitch.
you aint shit except on the internet. done maybe
SHAWN":645d5 said:
YOU SEE 1-4 TRANSLATION. that is your translation you fuckn canadian internet hitler. you like that didn`t ya. you aint nothing but a littler bitch.
you aint shit except on the internet. done maybe

Quoted for reference.

Well SHAWN, if you didn't mean what I said in my "translation", go ahead and explain yourself. This ought to be interesting.
SHAWN":9051f said:
YOU SEE 1-4 TRANSLATION. that is your translation you fuckn canadian internet hitler. you like that didn`t ya. you aint nothing but a littler bitch.
you aint shit except on the internet. done maybe

oooooooooooooooooooo Poor baby..... the bad people on the internet don't agree with me...........oooooooooooooooooooooooooh

James debated his feelings on the subject free and clear while you started off and finished the debate like an arrogant bastard. Way to go :thumbsup:
I love how no matter what, even with him backpedalling harder than gnortsmrA ecnaL, he's still insinuating that the original poster's AMP is the problem.

And that evidently makes me: Hitler, a bitch, a "nothing" in real life, devoid of experience, etc....
there are plenty of people/players that i know that think the amp is more important than the guitar period. when they both are good it is superior like you. but the amp / electronics will be first period. dan armstrong plexi guitar with good pickup/ not fuckn emg`thru xtc= kickass. dude it is made out of acrlyic plexiglass material. there goes your theory all to hell right there. have seen it proved more than once twice etc. it is an electricguitar ya know the first one was built out of a 2by 4 with strings. you just want to make deal out this so i did too IT IS NOT AN ACOUSTIC GUITAR/ WHOLE NUTHA BALLGAME
hey i call it like see it and i make no apologies and i damn sure dont back up anyone on the internet.

Gainfreak":606d3 said:

oooooooooooooooooooo Poor baby..... the bad people on the internet don't agree with me...........oooooooooooooooooooooooooh

James debated his feelings on the subject free and clear while you started off and finished the debate like an arrogant bastard. Way to go :thumbsup:
SHAWN":df677 said:
hey i call it like see it and i make no apologies and i damn sure dont back up anyone on the internet.


Call it like you see it huh? You started the conversation like a know it all and you set the tone. I think James handled himself a hell of a lot better then you did and his points are way more accurate then yours and thats the truth. Deal with it.
i dont know if i can. i think im going breakdown. dude get real. this a fantasy play ground :scared:
SHAWN":f4a75 said:
there are plenty of people/players that i know that think the amp is more important than the guitar period. when they both are good it is superior like you. but the amp / electronics will be first period. dan armstrong plexi guitar with good pickup/ not fuckn emg`thru xtc= kickass. dude it is made out of acrlyic plexiglass material. there goes your theory all to hell right there. have seen it proved more than once twice etc. it is an electricguitar ya know the first one was built out of a 2by 4 with strings. you just want to make deal out this so i did too IT IS NOT AN ACOUSTIC GUITAR/ WHOLE NUTHA BALLGAME

That has nothing to do with the original post. Presume for one moment that the original poster:
  1. has at least one good sounding amp
  2. has at least one other guitar to compare to
  3. has a clue.
Guess what, he does; he's already posted to that effect. So why haven't you clued in? It's not about the amp being more important than the guitar, it's about your insistence about how much it isn't about the guitar, which makes no sense. All the other variables have been covered. Open your eyes for once, Mr. "I Make No Excuses And Call It Like I See It".

Also, as I'd already told you (on this thread and by PM), the brand of guitar has very little to do with it. If it sounds good, guess why? The individual cuts of wood. And I never said any other material which resonates can't sound good, so I don't see why you would think that a guitar made of plexiglass sounding good is supposed to "prove me wrong". It doesn't. If anything it supports my theory.

Keep yelling and screaming, slinging insults and what-have-you. You can't win the argument, and that's all that matters. :D
SHAWN":dc78b said:
YOU SEE 1-4 TRANSLATION. that is your translation you fuckn canadian internet hitler. you like that didn`t ya. you aint nothing but a littler bitch.
you aint shit except on the internet. done maybe