pickups for a guitar with dead sounding wood?

you win james because you sound like my ex wife and i can`t take that bull shit. just thought id fuck with your superior complex a little bit more . oh and you have good luck on winning all your future internet debates on tone. basically if this is really you i wouldnt get along with you in person. you { think}know too much evidently. get out every once in while ok take care
SHAWN":54767 said:
you win james because you sound like my ex wife and i can`t take that bull shit. just thought id fuck with your superior complex a little bit more . oh and you have good luck on winning all your future internet debates on tone. basically if this is really you i wouldnt get along with you in person. you { think}know too much evidently. get out every once in while ok take care

ROFL!!! Yeah, you're just trolling me, sure. I believe that.

Like I care about getting along with someone with your mentality, on the Internet or in person. I'm certainly not about to lose sleep over your opinion of me, or anything else. You've already proven you lack basic and common sense.

Maybe one day you will realize I'm right, and then you will look back at this and laugh instead of cry like you are doing now. :)
Ok this is just fucking ridiculous.

Considering you have a reputation to protect, James, I would have thought you would be more mature about this. Who gives a shit if you are right, and who gives a shit if shawn is wrong. Shawn, you aren't doing much to prevent embarrassing yourself either. You both sound like a bunch of idiot 10 year olds who feel as if they need to have the last say in it. Maybe it will make you sleep better at night, or something, I don't know.

Yes, the wood of a fucking guitar is important. Who decides which one is more important or not? The guitar or amp? Who cares. Honestly, people who argue both ways can get equally great tones. People who don't give a shit, can still get great tones. Some amps - even some which are high end - are so heavily voiced that they don't let a guitar's natural tone shine through as much anyway, so in some fucking cases, a guitar's wood doesn't matter as much as with other amps. James, I think you are right, but you are just arguing your case in the worst possible way.

And yes, I agree it is true that you can find cheap guitars that sound better than really expensive ones. My Schecter Omen 6 is something like $350US or whatever, and it sounds better than the average guitar $1000. It IS basically the luck of the draw, but James you make it sound as if you can't expect reliability and a standard of quality from high end guitars. There are ALWAYS going to be lemons that come out of factories, but if you pay $2000 for a guitar, you are generally going to get a certain standard of quality for most brands that aren't just riding on their name.

To an extent, yes, you can say that a really expensive guitar will sound better than a cheap guitar. Guitar companies will not be able to survive without quality standards, especially in their high-end lines.

SHAWN, shut the fuck up. You are a little child who is cornered and feels the need to resort to personal insults to get your point across. Insulting James just because he is Canadian is what people who have hit rock bottom in a stupid argument do. Shit, just both of you shut the fuck up. Listen to yourselves, and read over your comments, and realize how ridiculous you both sound.
My point was argued clearly.

You cannot in fact rely on consistency in most guitar lines, save some of the truly higher-end companies (and those are fewer and further between than most people realize). This is again what I've found from many years of trying countless guitars, and comparing them back to back with one another (sometimes comparing entire shelves of guitars at music stores, as I just did a couple days ago when I went to buy a new guitar). Here's something you'll love to hear: two squiers, including a pink Hello Kitty Squier strat, sounded more lively, resonant and balanced than most of the guitars in the store irrespective of price.

As for my reputation--as I told Chris by PM--arguments happen on these forums and I don't mind getting into one when so much misinformation is being spread, especially when it's coming from someone who claims to have lots of experience. In any case, it was my decision to continue this argument as far as I did, and I knew the risks. I've been around on discussion forums long enough to know what to expect if I do this.

And if you think you don't look ridiculous by showing up at the end to add your 2c, and playing holier-than-thou while dropping f-bombs left right and center...well you might want to look in a mirror. :)
Oh I should correct myself from that last post...

Some companies in some of their guitar lines have been able to do quite well for consistency. Godin is fairly good (and I used to consider them one of the best for this), Yamaha's recent AES and RGX models have been surprisingly consistent (of the 20 or so I've tried in Calgary and Winnipeg stores over the last year), and I recall Jackson having very good consistency back when I had strong interest in some of their models (about 10 years ago).