If you are into Ibanez you should get the History of Ibanez book.

Digital Jams

New member
I got this book with my RG550 and believe it or not it is a killer read. It answers all of the questions on why certain guitars were created and their battle with Kramer by getting Vai to sign on. The part

Anyways if your a fan of their guitars, or shred guitars in general a very cool book.
What I've read about them seems very interesting. I think they started as a Spanish distributor for acoustic guitars or something like that!?!? As long as it's a short book with no big words I'd probably like it.
i've got a carved top cn 100 from 1978. i tried to blue book the damn thing and couldn't even find it! i found artists and concerts.. but the concerts only went down to the cn 200 model.

Does it say or explain anywhere their reasoning behind the model numbering? :confused: Example - why is the 1527 called the 1527?
If you keep in mind that the Japanese culture, as a whole, makes absolutely no sense, then the numbering will make perfect sense.
Funny........the 777LNG had the same neck access as todays caparisons back in 1987.

The book is awesome and imo the JEM just may be the most important shred guitar ever created. Not sure but could be debated.
PeteLaramee":60fb8 said:

Does it say or explain anywhere their reasoning behind the model numbering? :confused: Example - why is the 1527 called the 1527?

I am sure it does but I have not found it.

First double locking piezo was by Ibanez.
it seems like they put an extra 1 in front of everything, when they started calling all their MIJ guitars 'prestige'

but as to why it's 1527 instead of 1528...who knows; maybe they left room to add more in-between models and RI's as years go by?
cobrahead1030":41095 said:
it seems like they put an extra 1 in front of everything, when they started calling all their MIJ guitars 'prestige'

but as to why it's 1527 instead of 1528...who knows; maybe they left room to add more in-between models and RI's as years go by?

After the whole Vai thing they were late to the game to go to korea but they knew they also had to make less expensive guitars and also at that time the dollar to yen was really crazy and always moving. It was determined then to make Japan the prestige shop.

I know one thing......I will never get another guitar with just a 3-way pup switch. 3 ways just limit your guitar too much imo.

First 2 bucker 5 way switching was Ibanez.

The Wizard neck was created by looking at Charvel and what they were doing.
it's interesting that they looked at what charvel was doing as far as the necks were concerned. there are some models of jackson/charvel where i really like the neck.. and other models where i don't.
Digital Jams":268eb said:

After the whole Vai thing they were late to the game to go to korea but they knew they also had to make less expensive guitars and also at that time the dollar to yen was really crazy and always moving. It was determined then to make Japan the prestige shop.

I know one thing......I will never get another guitar with just a 3-way pup switch. 3 ways just limit your guitar too much imo.

First 2 bucker 5 way switching was Ibanez.

The Wizard neck was created by looking at Charvel and what they were doing.

A 3 way will give you a great lead tone, a great rhythm tone, and a great single-coil/clean tone. I don't see what else you'd need, honestly. Well, at least I don't see for anything else....
1big1":c0474 said:
it's interesting that they looked at what charvel was doing as far as the necks were concerned. there are some models of jackson/charvel where i really like the neck.. and other models where i don't.

Ed D or Sah5150 could chime in better what was going on back then, guitar shops were making guitars in hours to gewt them in the hands of up and coming shredders out in LA.

Anyways, Charvel profiles back then were not always the same.
Code001":db1b4 said:

A 3 way will give you a great lead tone, a great rhythm tone, and a great single-coil/clean tone. I don't see what else you'd need, honestly. Well, at least I don't see for anything else....

It will not do this........

Position 1 Coils A and B are accessed (noise canceling)
Position 2 Coil A only
Position 3 Coils A and D only (noise canceling)
Position 4 Coil C only
Position 5 Coils C and D are accessed (noise canceling)


Dual humbucker with strat type single coil snap........I just don't play metal :)

Try an Anderson with the switcharoo for stupid tonal options.
Eh, I really, REALLY dislike the sound of a single coil in the bridge position. I feel that "A" being split would be too harsh for anything I could think of unless I was playing country (and then I'd just get a tele). Also, "C" only seems a little odd. Wouldn't you rather have "D" only?

Edit: Surprised you don't want a middle single coil, ala JEM.
Not a huge fan of A as well, it can get real spanky sounding. I like C because on the lower notes it does not mud as much but when snapping strings it maintains some spank and pop. After several lessons on more funky rhythm stuff a 3 way is just to limiting for me now.

The 550 takes care of the JEM thing but after reading about the JEM I am itching again :aww:
Digital Jams":38dbe said:
imo the JEM just may be the most important shred guitar ever created. Not sure but could be debated.

I don't see the basis for that. It could be debated that it might be the best, but I don't see it as the "Most important" shred guitar at all. :no: