Okay, I'll admit a few things (JVM content...)

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STLKINGV":e581d said:

Damn Bro, you sure flip-flop a bunch.... :lol:


I love you I hate you I love you I hate you I love you I hate you I love you I hate you....Fuck you....NO !!!....o.k., give me a hug then :lol:

That's just the nature of Amp Sluts. I'm sure glad I'm not that way...... :doh:

Steve E
Marshall Freak":7af88 said:
I used mine at band practice tonight, and I'm not all that happy with it. Mostly because of noise. It sounds great at home practice levels, but when at band levels, the orange and red of the high gain channels it sounds like a jet taking off. I already changed the tubes, it's not them. I had the gains at about 11:00 and the Channel volumes at noon, and the Master Volumes around noon. I may try plugging it into some different circuits to make sure.

I got some great tones with the crunch channel and boosts though.

I use my JVM mostly set to OD1 orange with the gain between 10 and 11 o'clock with channel vol at 12 and master vol at 10 (loud). More gain makes no sense to me, but that's personal I guess.

Anyway, I gig with this setup standing 5 feet away (very close) from my cabinet and I have NO noise issues. The only thing to watch out for is guitar feedback.

There is definitely something wrong with your amp, cables, routing or maybe even guitar - it should all work like a dream. I even use a 4-cable setup - lots of interference potential here!! :)
erpece":ddf36 said:

I use my JVM mostly set to OD1 orange with the gain between 10 and 11 o'clock with channel vol at 12 and master vol at 10 (loud). More gain makes no sense to me, but that's personal I guess.

Anyway, I gig with this setup standing 5 feet away (very close) from my cabinet and I have NO noise issues. The only thing to watch out for is guitar feedback.

There is definitely something wrong with your amp, cables, routing or maybe even guitar - it should all work like a dream. I even use a 4-cable setup - lots of interference potential here!! :)

That is very similar to how I run my JVM. I have no noise issues and feedback isn't a problem (props to my Bareknuckles Nailbomb for that!). If I lower the gain, the amp doesn't get thin at all it just has less gain. I am still dialing that amp in, though, and am finding that the problem is that ther are too many great tones in it!! :)
SgtThump":1a411 said:

You don't notice the sound getting thinner when you bring back the preamp gain control from... say 11:00 o'clock down to 8:00 o'clock? Man, I sure do. It looses alot of it's lows/low mids and I hate that. I'm forced to keep the preamp gain up around 10:00-11:00 for the tone, but then it's slightly too much distortion for me.

I will defintely make a point to check that out. I haven't noticed it but will listen more closely.
SgtThump":fc052 said:

You don't notice the sound getting thinner when you bring back the preamp gain control from... say 11:00 o'clock down to 8:00 o'clock? Man, I sure do. It looses alot of it's lows/low mids and I hate that. I'm forced to keep the preamp gain up around 10:00-11:00 for the tone, but then it's slightly too much distortion for me.
I know that well, I don't like that either.
I have a 5150 combo sitting here temporarily and it's the same thing...to get some warmth happening the gain needs to be set way too high....back off with the guitars volume = super thin tone.
SgtThump":2df2f said:

You don't notice the sound getting thinner when you bring back the preamp gain control from... say 11:00 o'clock down to 8:00 o'clock? Man, I sure do. It looses alot of it's lows/low mids and I hate that. I'm forced to keep the preamp gain up around 10:00-11:00 for the tone, but then it's slightly too much distortion for me.
I now have to rescind what I said earlier...it was definitely thinner on lower gain settings. I usually run the gain on OD1 or OD2 on the orange mode at about 11 o'clock. That setting is perfect for me so I usually don't mess with it. I think where my confusion came in was that I was thinking about the red mode which I haven't really gotten into a whole lot apart from lead tones. The gain at about 9 o'clock is all I need in that mode. But yes, now that I tried it I concur that it thins out at lower gain settings in the orange mode. Luckily, it works for me in the range where the tone is nice and fat. :thumbsup:
The Big Snit":cfdfe said:
:|::QBB:I know that well, I don't like that either.
I have a 5150 combo sitting here temporarily and it's the same thing...to get some warmth happening the gain needs to be set way too high....back off with the guitars volume = super thin tone.

You must not know how to dial in an amp. It's very natural and open, so much so that all that naturalness and openness can be hard to keep under control for someone who doesn't have a lot of knowledge and experience. Just use some chorus and reverb.
SgtThump":b45ce said:

You don't notice the sound getting thinner when you bring back the preamp gain control from... say 11:00 o'clock down to 8:00 o'clock? Man, I sure do. It looses alot of it's lows/low mids and I hate that. I'm forced to keep the preamp gain up around 10:00-11:00 for the tone, but then it's slightly too much distortion for me.

Yep....very much agreed. It doesn't get super thin, but above 10:00 it's squeal city and below that something is getting lost in the translation. The sweet spot is very narrow, but killee when you hit it. I think I'm going to send mine to Mark Cameron to mod ;)

Steve E
OneArmedScissor":7eab3 said:

You must not know how to dial in an amp. It's very natural and open, so much so that all that naturalness and openness can be hard to keep under control for someone who doesn't have a lot of knowledge and experience. Just use some chorus and reverb.

Sort of like a caged liger, huh?

Steve E
OneArmedScissor":f4172 said:

You must not know how to dial in an amp. It's very natural and open, so much so that all that naturalness and openness can be hard to keep under control for someone who doesn't have a lot of knowledge and experience. Just use some chorus and reverb.
Thanks for your advise. :)
SgtThump":5b3c1 said:

You don't notice the sound getting thinner when you bring back the preamp gain control from... say 11:00 o'clock down to 8:00 o'clock? Man, I sure do. It looses alot of it's lows/low mids and I hate that. I'm forced to keep the preamp gain up around 10:00-11:00 for the tone, but then it's slightly too much distortion for me.

I don't. I even use OD2 green for crunchy sounds instead of the "crunch" channel on the JVM. OD1 orange is reserved for high gain stuff. All that changes when I roll back the gain on OD1/OD2 is..... less gain :lol: