Lets see your "Jam area" at home......

Thanks for the compliments guys, I appreciate it.

Usually I play the pb late at night since I have nieghbors and I don't want to piss anybody off and it sounds good at home vol.

When its not late I just pick whatever amp fits my mood, for instance I've been playing ratt and some of that type of stuff so I've been using the splawn. But when I want a heavier type tone I play the pb,roadster,or uber. I play all of the guitars and I rotate which ones are on the wall with some of the others I have so I can make sure and get to play them. I played for a long time last night and I played the rebel and rust rb, kh20, and kh2 vintage. The night before I played my tele, the white rb, and kh2. The zakks are in drop c and the other drop c sharp. I have differant guitars for certain tunings.

I just enjoy playing, I'm not a great player and my gear surpasses my skills, and the 2 bands I was playing with the last 2 years are done, we done play anymore shows.
But I love playing and it doesn't matter if its at a a gig or at home.
I guess it's not too bad.

It would be funny if someone were so metal they painted their bands jam room black. No matter how much light you run it always feels dark. Maybe that's a desired affect?