Major Korean Guitar Factory Closing, Orders to be Processed in China


New member
Without naming names, several big name guitar brands who are connected to a certain factory in Korea may be changing their production from Korea to China, as the factory is moving to China.

Undoubtably, Cerberus Guitar Co. will not manufacture in China. So with production halted we are at a standstill for now, as it is going to cost quite a bit to switch to another factory at the moment, which I am not willing to do for a hobby project.

I'm not naming names to look at (search, it may have been mentioned in a previous post of mine ;) ) Just putting this out there.

P.S.: Brands you are for sure safe with being Korean made: Epiphone, ESP (minus X-Tone series).
Lol the jobs outsourced to Korea are being outsourced to China?!?

Next thing you know, someone will invest tons of money into developing a time machine just for the prospect of outsourcing labor to the untapped cave man work force.
the quality will be just as good in china as korea in rpbobly a year or less....
X-Tones aren't made by the same place in Korea?

I know some lower end LTD's (sub 400 series, IIRC) are already made in indonesia or china.
^ my first thought would be that Korean guitar manufacturing seems to have an established quality consistency, whereas China may not - at least at the level that Korea has. Most of the Chinese made axes I've seen have been the lowest end of brand name offerings. Korea seems to be the step up. Without a proven consistency in quality in place in China already at the level Korean manufacturing seems to be, I could surely see how someone would temporarily halt their new production until the dust settles and they can see where things stand.
Bringing up the issue without naming names is weak, in my opinion. Is it a big secret or something? If it is, perhaps none of this confidential top secret info should be posted.
nwright":a661f said:
^ my first thought would be that Korean guitar manufacturing seems to have an established quality consistency, whereas China may not - at least at the level that Korea has.


Korean guitars are all over the map. If Chinese made guitars are worse, then it may as well be a lost cause. :tard:
Bob Savage":73abc said:
Bringing up the issue without naming names is weak, in my opinion. Is it a big secret or something? If it is, perhaps none of this confidential top secret info should be posted.

OneArmedScissor":3d89a said:
Next thing you know, someone will invest tons of money into developing a time machine just for the prospect of outsourcing labor to the untapped cave man work force.

LTD; so easy, even a caveman can do it.
SgtThump":37a64 said:

Why would you bring your entire thing to a halt just because operations are being moved to China? What make Korea better than China?


I was in the same business that flying high is in until 2004. My company dealt with Korea and China and the Korean guitars (especially from the Sae En factory, Ibanez, ESP, Epiphone, etc.) were much better than Chinese guitars. The reason is that the plant owners and operators have more experience building guitars than the Chinese and they have better equipment and train the workers better as well. However, Sae En changed owners and their quality went down pretty quickly. I don't know if they are the ones that are relocating or not but they might be. :)
Korean made stuff has improved by leaps and bounds in the last few years. The Chinese stuff is still very iffy IMO.

Plus in my store I run into all types. I have had quite a few people refuse to buy anything Chinese made, but they will buy Korean or Taiwanese made because they are "allies" or friendly.
nwright":e7c9c said:
X-Tones aren't made by the same place in Korea?

I know some lower end LTD's (sub 400 series, IIRC) are already made in indonesia or china.

X-Tones are made in another factory than ltd. The lower end ltds are made in indonesia and china.
SgtThump":5ff6f said:

Why would you bring your entire thing to a halt just because operations are being moved to China? What make Korea better than China?


Trust me, I've had guitars made from different places around China and Korea. I can honestly say Chinese made guitars generally tend to be extremely shitty. The whole idea with a Chinese factory is to make more guitars in less time. For example most Korean guitar factories produce maybe 1000 guitars a month, Chinese factories tend to range in the tens of thousands.
Chubtone":1243e said:
Korean made stuff has improved by leaps and bounds in the last few years. The Chinese stuff is still very iffy IMO.

Plus in my store I run into all types. I have had quite a few people refuse to buy anything Chinese made, but they will buy Korean or Taiwanese made because they are "allies" or friendly.

Haha. Korean guitars are almost on par with Japanese made guitars these days, which is almost on par with American. That is a generalization of course, it is possible for a Korean guitar to be better than an American guitar.
Bob Savage":2e207 said:
Bringing up the issue without naming names is weak, in my opinion. Is it a big secret or something? If it is, perhaps none of this confidential top secret info should be posted.

It is not my place to tarnish others' names. I posted this 1) to let people know the status of my company, 2) to warn people if they think they are buying a Korean made instrument to make sure.
flying_high":4253c said:

It is not my place to tarnish others' names. I posted this 1) to let people know the status of my company, 2) to warn people if they think they are buying a Korean made instrument to make sure.

Well this is true, so many guys buy guitars on looks that some of them will get burned pretty good.