might be old news by now...Gilbert with Marshall

I'd still like to try a VM. I haven't gotten a chance to run one yet. I think im the only poor sap to have still not tried a VM or a JVM :(
He is also using core one bullit cables, He used the red coiled one during the show I was at. I have sold a shitload of these and I have found nothing close to the performance and tone in that price range..............John
carlygtr56":56c83 said:

I believe if I owned the amp, I can comment on it..and I owned 2 Ecstasys.....and i'm not alone in my opinion. Plenty of guys hear the same thing with that amp.

I beleive Vai used the Ectacsy on quite a few of his recordings , and it certainly doesn't sound like mud .
Hey Carl, drop a Mullard into V1 and see what u got. The VM has the best bottom of any stock Marshall I have ever owned or played and its honk and growl are second to none.........
carlygtr56":d8d80 said:

I believe if I owned the amp, I can comment on it..and I owned 2 Ecstasys.....and i'm not alone in my opinion. Plenty of guys hear the same thing with that amp.

I've owned 3 XTC's and a JVM and you're full of shit but everyone knows that. I bought one XTC because I wanted to try it and I loved it. Then I bought another because I wanted the red Halfstack so I sold the first, then I bought a Classic to try. They're great amps, but they're voicing isn't everyone's cup of tea. Personally I don't like Diezels voicing but that doesn't mean they're not a great amp, it just means they're not for me. You're childish rants and comparisons are retarded.
carlygtr56":0ed71 said:

It wasn't a 101b.
....and Vai hit it with an OD (DS-1) to get more sustain and cut thru.

Yeah the classic is certainly the way to go , but either way I'd play one over the Jvm anyday .

And yes I owned the JVM and I have the Classic .
zepman":61cb6 said:

Be nice, you do to care about what I play and I am a VM boy :D U love me and U know it :lol:

You are right John, I do love you in a manly man way and you are a manly man! And BTW, Carl is correct in saying that I only had one good
sit down with the amp. Maybe if I had more time on it I could do more with it but as it is, I just didn't want any more time on it... Course, I am a gain ho, we all know that!
riffy":02f12 said:

You are right John, I do love you in a manly man way and you are a manly man! And BTW, Carl is correct in saying that I only had one good
sit down with the amp. Maybe if I had more time on it I could do more with it but as it is, I just didn't want any more time on it... Course, I am a gain ho, we all know that!

:D Gary, you get your ass out to NAMM this year and play mine. Guys that know me will testify I do NOT give up on an amp until I have tried different tubes, adjust the bias and try every cab I can with it. EVEN then It takes me months to REALLY evaluate an amp fairly. I knew from the demo at NAMM that both of the new Marshalls were killer and I just had to find out which one was right for me. I am there 4 sure :thumbsup:
zepman":e6f6b said:

:D Gary, you get your ass out to NAMM this year and play mine. Guys that know me will testify I do NOT give up on an amp until I have tried different tubes, adjust the bias and try every cab I can with it. EVEN then It takes me months to REALLY evaluate an amp fairly. I knew from the demo at NAMM that both of the new Marshalls were killer and I just had to find out which one was right for me. I am there 4 sure :thumbsup:

I know one thing bro, that rack'n stack is HOT!!!!!!!! I would LOVE to get out your way come NAMM time! I never know if I can get off in January till November of the year though.

I know one thing though, we would have a BALL! We know all the same songs and could sit and play for hours and not be bored!

OH man, BTW, how is the Eastern European connection thang coming along! I wish you luck. I have a friend that married one 7 years ago. They
have 3 kids now and are going strong. I mention that in passing as I KNOW it isn't your intent nor modus operandi !...lol
danyeo":1f11c said:

I think it blows as well. I tried one the other day again and it sounded like shit IMHO. I plugged into a Lonestar combo that pissed all over it.

I agree.... The Lonestar is a nice amp. Better-sounding amp than the VM and I'm a Marshall guy.
riffy":4e48e said:
I didn't like the VM at all honestly. I liked the JVM MUCH BETTER. And I don't care who plays what.
+1. I tried the VM out but it wasn't doing anything for me. I would like to try it again and spend more time with it though.
carlygtr56":d708d said:

He certainly did. Your first hand knowledge is faulty.
He ODs every amp he uses....especially live.
I got concert video of him with the Bogners and he uses a DS-1.

Even in the G3 jams from 96...Bogner and DS-1, and he had an Egnater in the mix as well.

I guess Vai was lying to me then when I asked him about recording ALS with the Bogner.
riffy":ebbee said:

I know one thing bro, that rack'n stack is HOT!!!!!!!! I would LOVE to get out your way come NAMM time! I never know if I can get off in January till November of the year though.

I know one thing though, we would have a BALL! We know all the same songs and could sit and play for hours and not be bored!

OH man, BTW, how is the Eastern European connection thang coming along! I wish you luck. I have a friend that married one 7 years ago. They
have 3 kids now and are going strong. I mention that in passing as I KNOW it isn't your intent nor modus operandi !...lol

Dude, try hard to make it out and I can help you with a pass.
The Russian poontang tour has been put on hold due to Mindy :D She turned 20 a week ago and has a thing for Zepman(why I have no fuckin clue BUT I will roll with it ;) ) My friends say she reminds them of jessica Alba NOW you know why the Poon tour is going to have to wait a bit.
The girl Yuliya, one of the ones I posted a pic of, has her papers in order and wants to come as soon as I give her the ok. That would destroy all the local action I have and I am NOT ready to do that yet :D
What is cool about the Russian chicks is that they are like women were in the States in the 50's. They dont give a shit for all the feminest BS, they just want to be treated right and have a better life. PLUS I LOVE that accent, too damn sexy dude :doh:
You are right in the fact that marriage is NOT something I am even considering, hell I just got out of prison 2 years ago ;) BUT I will close no doors and wont let the "right" woman get away again :)
carlygtr56":6d0a2 said:

Never mess with tubes unless they need to be replaced.
I'm getting the straight VM cab, so I'll have the full stack as well. i like keeping the cabs side by side though.

I get a local offer for the JVM I can live without it. i got other amps :lol:

WHAT, why not improve the perfomance of an amp with better quality tubes. U are WAY wrong here Carl :D
carlygtr56":07c94 said:

heresay son

He did the same tunes with the same amp live and used a DS-1 for solos. get over it.

Not according to Vai when I was talking to him before one of his shows on the last tour. I got the before show deal that him and Joe do on thier tours.

Vai was cool guy... got to strum on evo, talk about the Carvins, why he started using tube screamers, Bogners, etc.

Hearsay? nah
carlygtr56":c45c0 said:

'I used a whole barrage of amps on the album. I have this device that allows me to plug into it and then split the signal accurately without any downloading so I can have 6 independent outputs that go to any amps I chose. So, on this record I used everything from a Bogner Ecstacy which was one of my main amps to a Marshall 900, an old Marshall from a friend, the Sansamp through a speaker simulator, a rack-mountable Zoom and some guitar preamps. I used my CryBaby which is heavily modified - I don't know how! - and the new Eventide DSP4000 and the Digitech Whammy Pedal.'


I read this in an interview on Jemsite (check the vault!), basically Steve saying what he used on Tender Surrender:

That was a Bogner amp, going into 4-30 watt through a VHT power
amp. And I used an Ibanez gem and a guitar I call EVO. I also used a
BOSS DS1 and a cry baby wawa. There was some effects brought up on
the consul, but basically that's what it was.

Where did it say he hit the Bogner with a DS1?