PR-SHAWN, before you die...

SHAWN, I just want you to know that what you have done here is truly special. Seriously, I don't even know what to call it. This night go down in history.

Ok, this is enough nostalgia, it's scary. Lo right, left
cover and alignment, aye, sir, oohrah marine corps. kill.

Hello, ears.
Damn Man
Man gets home from work gos to concert
come's home gets laid wake's ups

and WIG Talk is Up and Running well beyond Expectations

Mitch know's your Sister :lol:
In my work I have to deal with Union Roofers. Those guys don't hang out and throw words at each other they throw you off the roof. You need to throw this guy off a 40 foot high buiding to get his attention and then take whats left to the pine barrens for alittle rest. Just kidding gotta go to church and pray. Later
bill":13ec8 said:
In my work I have to deal with Union Roofers. Those guys don't hang out and throw words at each other they throw you off the roof. You need to throw this guy off a 40 foot high buiding to get his attention and then take whats left to the pine barrens for alittle rest. Just kidding gotta go to church and pray. Later
