Do you really need another JVM review?


Active member
OK, here's mine . . .

Firstly I think that Santiago and the guys at Marshall did a very very good job. The logo definitely fits the amp - a kind of Über-Marshall, many many Marshalls in one box. A damn cool thing for gigging musicians with a passion for the company and their sounds.
I got that combo for some days to see if I would "need" one. Very kind of my dealer - and he would make me a better price for the head - if I'd wanted one . . . hooked it to a Marshall 412 and a Diezel 212 cab.

The clean/green is pretty cool, I wouldn't call that Fenderish, but still the best from a Marshall (btw - I'm not unexperienced with Marshalls and had them ALL except Jubilees incl. the 610x series which had the best clean of all Ms so far. This is equally as good, maybe even better). Orange with some breaking ups, crying for a pedal (btw I think this amp loves Alnico-pickups). Very nice too. Also red/clean. Those are the channel-modes young players at their beginning will struggle the most me thinks . . .

Crunch - "my territory". Very very cool. The "history of Marshall" channel I would call it. Breaking ups to hotrod. Very very well done, Santiago. Don't want to go too much into detail (You've heard already excellent clips from forumites) - I just love what I've heard from the first two channels. Those are worth the amp alone.

Went to OD1 and OD2, both are cool. It reminded me here and there of Aldridge's sound (which was IMO too bright) on the Live In The Heart Of The City DVD (certain songs). Thats definitely a pretty cool reference, but for me (at least today) not exactly my cup of tea, although I'm sure a lot of guys will dig that. For me it wasn't fat enough. I admit, that I didn't try too hard - I liked ch1 and ch2 too much to stay in OD1/2 longer, but I will give it a try tomorrow again . . . There is this certain "stiffness" in this amp I'm not used from my (modded and unmodded) Vintage Marshalls (I'm sure millions will love it though) and I've missed some creamyness of my EL34s driven SLO. (hey, I don't say it should sound like a SLO).
If it were mine, I'd mod the filter-section of the power supply. Yup, I'm crazy :D I even changed that in my Herbert - hahaha

What else? The reverb is a pretty cool feature,the switching itself should get a patent, 2nd master today a must (still a nice to have) - the resonance/deep is more of the "old fashioned" style. Nice to have, helpful in many cases, but nothing spectacular. It won't turn this into a DM machine (although I'm not an expert :D ).

The pots: well, Chris has said it all already . . . even at this price the engineers should keep in mind that not everybody is a bedroom player ;)

All in all I like it, not to death (with a Herbert and a SLO in the rehearsal bunker sitting next to an amp - it isn't easy for any amp me thinks), but a really cool Über-Marshall. I was missing some more fat, more saggy nuances, which don't come from gain, but transformers and circuitry (and thats why this amp will never be a "boutique killer" IMO).

I will play it again tomorrow . . .

Oh, my new cell can do pics :D

Glad you got to play one at last Olaf, they really are very cool amps at what they do, like the voicing or not.

I will admit that it is stiffer than my MK IV but still very playable for me at least, the MK IV spoils me big time :D
Its a very cool amp, esp. for guys with affinity to Marshalls (like myself). I'm sure that we will see many not just at Rig-Talk, but on numerous stages worldwide since it fits the needs of so many musicians. I like it a lot more than the 610x I had (Mike's). And it can replace lots of older Marshalls on stage to keep them safe and warm at while the the Über-marshalls does the hard work on stage or something.

I didn't say that I dislike the voicing, Scott. I have to tweak more. Going thru 12 sounds in 2 hours with a Lester and my Schecter is pretty short.

If I have some money left I'll get one sooner or later - new or in a couple of months used for 1k. I still hope they will take care of the pot-PCBs. Moving around ampheads and a case without roadies isn't for me anymore. :D
Oh, and this amp has an "issue": when the power chord is plugged in, the mains lamp in the rocker is already glowing. Funny.
duesentrieb":3df60 said:
Oh, and this amp has an "issue": when the power chord is plugged in, the mains lamp in the rocker is already glowing. Funny.

You know what that is though; they must've hooked up the mains switch backwards (wires from the IEC jack are going to the two lugs that have the lamp connected to them, instead of the two wires for the PT's primary connections).
SgtThump":5e27f said:
I agree that it has a Doug Aldrich type of tone to it. A few people are saying it sounds SIMILAR (not exactly like) a Cameron modded Marshall and from what I know, I agree.

I don't think I'll be selling mine now, though. It really is a great all around amp. One of these days, I could see running the amp and a rack effects unit with a single midi pedal. Dang, that sounds cool and if I ever go back to effects, I think I'll do that.
So I'm not the only one who thinks that? Cool. I just heard this DVD and some clips here (Jason, Jason, . . .).

Yeah, if I were you, I'd keep it. It's for Marshall guys the most IMO. The Über-Marshall.
JamesPeters":af7be said:

You know what that is though; they must've hooked up the mains switch backwards (wires from the IEC jack are going to the two lugs that have the lamp connected to them, instead of the two wires for the PT's primary connections).
Hi James, how are you?

No, it is glowing in both positions (btw: it came out of a sealed box - "two men lift" - LOL). A short me thinks. I'm still alive, so they didn't short the chassis as well with it - crappy supplier me thinks . . . :)

edit: just re-read your post: you are of course correct . . . :)
duesentrieb":ddf93 said:
Hi James, how are you?

No, it is glowing in both positions (btw: it came out of a sealed box - "two men lift" - LOL). A short me thinks. I'm still alive, so they didn't short the chassis as well with it - crappy supplier me thinks . . . :)

edit: just re-read your post: you are of course correct . . . :)
uh would that pass inspection? :no:
I would buy a JVM again ...if they get some mods available.
A real good depth control like my Einstein and more clear high gain. I never used clean and crunch channels. JVM is the perfect high gain shred amp for me if they fix those things. I love the blend of tightness with the saturation....perfect for shredding your arse off.
Some guys have complained that it sounds too 'solid state'. Well, the guy that bought my JVM brought his Engl Savage over and we hooked it up. Now, that thing sounds solid state next to a JVM. JVM sounded more solid state-or less organic- compared to my Diezel, though. It's all relative.
I still think JVM is great bang for the buck overall.
It is definitely. As I've said: channel 1/2 are worth the price for all who are loving Marshalls. I myself have to tweak more with OD1/2.

Engl? LOL.
duesentrieb":ff995 said:
It is definitely. As I've said: channel 1/2 are worth the price for all who are loving Marshalls. I myself have to tweak more with OD1/2.

Engl? LOL.

Hi Olaf

Can you tell me what is the general opinion on Engl's in your part of the world ?

I know they originated in Germany , but I have heard alot of people refering them as the Europe version of a Peavey .

Your wise imput is needed :)
duesentrieb":93a94 said:
If it were mine, I'd mod the filter-section of the power supply. Yup, I'm crazy :D I even changed that in my Herbert - hahaha

Olaf -

How exactly would you mod the filter-section? What would these mods do to the overall feel ?

Thanks ~
Steve E
duesentrieb":8ca0c said:
I didn't say that I dislike the voicing, Scott. I have to tweak more. Going thru 12 sounds in 2 hours with a Lester and my Schecter is pretty short.

I was nnot saying you didn't like it....just a general statement :)
I'm doing well, Dr. OK! Hey, that's a rock'n'roll sounding name if I ever heard one. "Dr. OK And The Stethoscopes"--that could be your band name. :D

Everyone knows that the combo version doesn't sound like the head version so your review it mooooooooooooooot.


That should start yet another rumor about the amp!!! (even though it is true that they sound different because of the speakers but thats a given) :D

