Do you really need another JVM review?

Gainfreak":c7f22 said:

Everyone knows that the combo version doesn't sound like the head version so your review it mooooooooooooooot.

That should start yet another rumor about the amp!!! (even though it is true that they sound different because of the speakers but thats a given) :D



Carl's clips sell JVM's. Period. Nothing else matters. :lol:

Steve E
espquade":4f0a0 said:

Hi Olaf

Can you tell me what is the general opinion on Engl's in your part of the world ?

I know they originated in Germany , but I have heard alot of people refering them as the Europe version of a Peavey .

Your wise imput is needed :)

yonger folks dig them, their image is mostly "super hard and heavy" stuff, their ads in magazines are "brewtal" mostly, sometimes Morse can be seen, who doesn't fit this image of course.
They sell a lot of amps and can be found in most shops here. Their reputation is pretty good, not boutique, but good.
* velcro-fly *":ae665 said:

Olaf -

How exactly would you mod the filter-section? What would these mods do to the overall feel ?

Thanks ~
Steve E
Hi Steve, I had to look inside of course before, so I'm just guessing a bit. I'd try a choke instead of the resistor and decrease the first values. Makes the amp a bit softer and less "stiff" normally. I think the preamp section sounds very very good, but as I've said, I'd need the schematic . . .

I've decreased the values in Herberts powersupply to 2/3.
Gainfreak":16ae1 said:

Everyone knows that the combo version doesn't sound like the head version so your review it mooooooooooooooot.


That should start yet another rumor about the amp!!! (even though it is true that they sound different because of the speakers but thats a given) :D


So true LOL

Hi Ralph :)
I'm liking the amp a lot, but I like the parts of the amp you don't and vise versa.
Sag - Shmag :D I like the attack of the od2 channel and have no use for the laziness of the crunch channel. If that channel was a person I'd tell him to get a job.
Not that anybody would care, but I'll stick to this after some more time with it this afternoon . . . .


Just would like to have the JVM's switching abilities for this rig though :)
Very cool review Olaf! Sounds like it's a big step up from the TSL at a very fair price. :) I don't think I'd trade my 2203 or Einstein either, but these amps have a completly different concept anyway.
SgtThump":41065 said:
One of these days, I could see running the amp and a rack effects unit with a single midi pedal. Dang, that sounds cool and if I ever go back to effects, I think I'll do that.
Absolutely agree Chris!!!
SgtThump":d1989 said:
One of these days, I could see running the amp and a rack effects unit with a single midi pedal. Dang, that sounds cool and if I ever go back to effects, I think I'll do that.

that's pretty much what I do...except I use a podxt (which is also my backup amp). It's just like using a rack unit and works well with my FCB. I have just about any sound I'd need.
SgtThump":1021c said:

Very cool! You've been looking for an easy tone/effects change setup for a while now. I bet you're really digging this rig.

yeah it's working out pretty well. I only take my amp, cab, 2 guitars, guitar stand and bag to shows now. The bag holds all my cables, podxt, powerblock, small toolbox, tubes, etc...
Axel":4de92 said:
Very cool review Olaf! Sounds like it's a big step up from the TSL at a very fair price. :) I don't think I'd trade my 2203 or Einstein either, but these amps have a completly different concept anyway.
You have to try it, Axel. Its a very cool Marshall. But I like the vintage stuff more - and for more modern sounds my ears are used to Peter's creatures too.
duesentrieb":f4e7b said:
Hi Steve, I had to look inside of course before, so I'm just guessing a bit. I'd try a choke instead of the resistor and decrease the first values. Makes the amp a bit softer and less "stiff" normally. I think the preamp section sounds very very good, but as I've said, I'd need the schematic . . .

I've decreased the values in Herberts powersupply to 2/3.

Post up some pics of what I should change, got the soldering iron fired up ;)

Do you think replacing the filtering with a choke would reduce or eliminate the freaking squeal in OD1 / OD2 anytime the gain is above 10:00?

Steve E

Steve E
Hi Steve,

I'd need a schematic before - and the amp (which I had to buy then) to tweak it. One wouldn't replace filters with a choke, but add the choke and take out the "choke-resistor". As I've said: I'm just guessing here at this point . . .

The squeal IMO is caused by high output pickups, my Duncan Distortion also squealed above 12 o'clock, when standing too close to the amp with a 180° angle (gigging volume).
45° fixed that and using one of the Lesters my bandmate has, which have lower output pickups - thats why I've said it loves lower output Alnicos.
Also cranking the channel volume, a higher "color setting" (red f.i.) and a bit less gain helps to make it sound a bit warmer and less "cold'n stiff".
All IMO of course.
duesentrieb":1df97 said:
the switching itself should get a patent

Hi Olaf, I had missed your post but thanks for the review.

the switching is being patented and we are just waiting for the result of the application. Right now it is "patent pending".

Hi Santiago, hope you're well.
In HCAF I've topped that statement and demanded a nobel price for ampdesigning for that switching architecture :D - Serious. Its great.
And I'm sure that sooner or later I'll get one.