I must be going off the deep end...


Well-known member
Because I absolutely love 2 songs that I heard from Nickelback; Animals and Never Again... I was looking at set lists from various cover bands and came across these 2 songs on many of them so I downloaded them to check them out and I couldnt believe how much I liked them, especially Animals!!! Its got an awesome groove IMO and sounds like it would be an absolute blast to play live...

Sure, How you remind me is as tired as you can get but I remember thinkiing that it wasnt half bad when I first heard it.There seems to be alot of hate for these guys and Im thinking that theyre not so bad as far as writing radio friendly hard rock..

Am I nuts or what?
Personally, I love Nickelback. You wanna talk about an entertaining live show as well. Despite what is played on the radio, their albums are actually pretty heavy. Their older stuff like The State and Curb was really good. I to this day cannot stand "How You Remind Me" because of how much airplay it got, but everything else, I love. I can listen to all of their albums back to back and not get bored.

Kroeger's got some chops too.
I actually dig Nickleback. Their songs do get run into the ground on the radio. They have really hook friendly tunes that are a blast to play though Kage.
I'm a Nickelback fan Kage. I think they write good, catchy songs, have a good sound and are EXCELLENT live. I've played both those songs in bands and they both go over well all the time.
Kage, we just picked up Animals this past weekend and it was a killer tune ...the chicks were dancing like strippers!
Hey Kage, I saw Nickelback open for Bon Jovi last year and they put on one hell of a show!

I was expecting to be bored shitless before i went, but as they started i was listening the whole way through and enjoying it!

They do have some great songs!
I absolutely despise the band. But to each his own.

BTW You're not nuts, you just have terrible taste in music. :)
i've always thought thier tunes had good hooks.. and audiences really seem to like it. anytime you're playing stuff and it puts the women on the dance floor it's all good. i do agree they have been played to death on the radio.
I felt like you a year or so ago. My wife got me "silver side up" or whatever that CD was. After a few listens, I really liked it, but after a few more times I couldnt stand it. Their songs are so formulaic and "safe" that once you know them, you become sick of them. At least thats my opinion.
I'd like to set them on fire. But I would fail there, too. Then they would probably get even more radio play.
While I don't go out of my way to listen to their stuff, my wife likes them and I do listen frequently.

I actually like some fo their songs. Not what I would pick if left on my own, but certainly not bad.
I don't listen to them, but I don't think they deserve the hate they get either. They are good live and know how to write massive hits, something that few people can do.
I despise them with such passion that if I ever met one of the guys from the band, I would beat him to death with his one shoe. But I dont care if other people like/dislike them.
GnR102385":85253 said:
I despise them with such passion that if I ever met one of the guys from the band, I would beat him to death with his one shoe. But I dont care if other people like/dislike them.

Sure you would. :lame:

Hey man, my band covers both Animals and Never Again. Both of those tunes are fun to play and go over great...plus, both songs are brainless to play so you can relax and have fun with the crowd...way cool!!! :D
GnR102385":b88d2 said:
I despise them with such passion that if I ever met one of the guys from the band, I would beat him to death with his one shoe. But I dont care if other people like/dislike them.

Wow. I just said the same shit and I didnt even read your post. This band sucks ass. :lol: