DUncan Custom pup

Got one in the bridge of my '73 LPC and it rocks. I really like it and it will nail the tones you are after. :thumbsup:
Its my favorite duncan has been for years... Jb in a close second..

A little more beefy than the JB but still tight with more highs but smoother. imo

would you say the pickup is bright and has bite?
'cause my gibson burstbucker 3 in the bridge now has neither in spades, haha
Lespaul1981":0f070 said:
would you say the pickup is bright and has bite?
'cause my gibson burstbucker 3 in the bridge now has neither in spades, haha
I would say it definitely has bite and a sweet top end. Personally, I prefer it over an Alnico 5 magnet for its tighter bass response. :)
How does it compare to the Custom Custom? I ask - because months ago - I meant to order the Custom - but instead...wait for it...wait for it..... ordered the custom custom :doh: - but haven't installed it yet.
EightmanVT":6aade said:
How does it compare to the Custom Custom? I ask - because months ago - I meant to order the Custom - but instead...wait for it...wait for it..... ordered the custom custom :doh: - but haven't installed it yet.
The Custom Custom has Alnico II mags in it and the Custom has ceramic. I have had both and preferred the Custom. The C2 has a spongy feel on the bottom end that some people dig but it was not for me. If you are looking for more true to vintage tone with high output the C2 is the choice, but if you are looking for vintage tone with a modern edge and high output then the Custom is the way to go. :thumbsup: