I must be going off the deep end...

Digital Jams":7b361 said:

Good thing this flame war was not during your dry spell :lol:

Even in a dry spell I still got more game than ol' KKKarl. Anytime KKKarl gets close to a woman he's got to whip out the ol' viagra just in case she decides to take pity on him. :lol:
Telephant":c8053 said:

Just when I thought you couldnt make yourself look any worse, you up and did it. :lol:

At least you're giving the forum someone to point and laugh at. :thumbsup:

This is what happens when Carl drops his pants.

carlygtr56":f8066 said:

blah blah blah Ive officially gone fucking nuts. All i can do now is post the same ol' shit over and over again. All of my posts lack originality - Just like my playing!!! But Im ok with that considering I get compliments from "high profile players on the net."

Awesome. :lol:
MitchSchaft":79e6a said:

I didn't... :no:

Aaah the ol' "out voted" by other mods eh? :D

Its all good really. I dont really care what he does. He got what he deserved in that Bogcock thread. But I certainly dont troll his ass into other threads and talk shit. :lol:
IM LMAO!!!!!!!! I come back to see this thread at 5 pages and Im thinking " Holy Crap , I guess theres alot of Love/Hate for NickelBack!!!"

Then I read it.. :doh: :bash: :doh2: :dunno: :wtf: :hang: :violent: :bicker: :emofag: :10/10:
STEEL KAGE":e9283 said:
Aint no thing Mitch and it doesnt bug me in the least...

Its kept me entertained on and off today....and I must say...Carl's "sackless twink" comment went over great in my office when I called someone that... :D
They asked me.. where the heck did that come from?....I said...straight from Long Island Bitch!!
carlygtr56":57527 said:

You ARE a pussy.
A punk getting his dick wet for the first time. Now that's impressive. Seems like you have to talk about it all the time as well. you need your little punkass buddy's approval cause some crack tooth festering cum-slut let you bang her? I'm sure impressed.
Sooner or later though, you're mom will meet a new nagger husband and you'll have to find an actual girl.

It is the cat. Punk which got wet and obtains that ディック for the first time. With impressive. When it is attached well and the tooth of the festering crack her who is hit hard do to give it needs the cause of approval of the partner of punkass where you are small with slut, simultaneously like you that always you must express, it seems that? It can impress me truly. But inside that, it is the husband of new nagger where the mother it meets and the girl actual must be found.
carlygtr56":4a5c7 said:

Kinda like when
I watched you mono vidcam showcase.
Nothing but a sweaty punk, thinking he was good, yet sucked huge amounts of cock

Why are you back? Did you come to talk to your friends?


Self pwnt.
I liked their first few albums, but kind of got tired of their new stuff... I still love How You Remind Me though, because of certain things that were going on in my life when that song broke... I was leaving for college, had my first serious GF and shortly thereafter that time we split. That song, Staind's "It's Been Awhile" and Puddle of Mudd's "Blurry" were a pretty big part of that year for me...