Holy crap does Fender suck!!!! $11,000 for this POS?!?!?!?

The Big Snit":393e4 said:
:|::QBB:If the guitar keeps going up in value, that's another thing though.

Who would've known that the '71 Les Paul gold top I had when I was 16 would be worth something today....I sold it for around $600 :doh:
Guitar prices are nuts now, the JEM DNA has been selling for over $7000 the past several months :eek:

It will not be long before we see the first used JEM go for $10,000 :doh:
Digital Jams":802d6 said:
Guitar prices are nuts now, the JEM DNA has been selling for over $7000 the past several months :eek:

It will not be long before we see the first used JEM go for $10,000 :doh:
Yup....I picked up my RFR '87 RG550 for $350 two years ago off ebay. I'm amazed how much it's going up, be interesting to see after a while where it will be. :)
The amount of people that love EB's is pretty high now....I bet they'll be the ones to watch go up in price down the road.
The Big Snit":5d5ac said:
The amount of people that love EB's is pretty high now....I bet they'll be the ones to watch go up in price down the road.

The EVHs have been doing well but normal Axis guitars have not really gone up.

Some of the JPs get some good money back and the new F1s are hot.
Digital Jams":bdd50 said:

The EVHs have been doing well but normal Axis guitars have not really gone up.

Some of the JPs get some good money back and the new F1s are hot.
I'm talking dooooown the road....but I'm not a collector, if I don't play it, it goes. ;)
'63-Strat":f4c06 said:

I felt the same way initially... but I played a bunch of relics recently when I got my used CS '63 tele and they were all really nice guitars, seriously. And I've played a lot of real vintage fenders too, including my real '63 :lol: My tele is a closet classic so no obvious "relicing," just some finish checking and slightly aged parts, so not THAT poseurish. But I got some big frets put on it and its just a great guitar, I don't care if people think I'm a tool for buying it either :D

IMO, the Fender Custom shop is a lot more consistent than the Gibson custom shop and I've played a lot of CS Gibsons too, and bought that slightly used 335 recently. It is a killer sounding and playing guitar, but there are some small finish issues that shouldn't be there either.

I also agree about floyds :lol:

Bottom line to me is if you like Fender guitars, you're gonna like a lot of the CS Fenders, because they've done a really good job with 'em. I don't think I've played a "dead" CS Fender yet either. Some are better than others, but no dead ones yet. Which is why with that overpriced tele being masterbuilt and all, I find it very likely that they did their homework with the wood selection etc. Just my .02.

Big +1. Whether I like it or not, Fender's best sounding and playing guitars are the relics, IMO. You can get master built guitars for $3k. This JB esquire is just a queer limited edition.

And I'll add this - one of the coolest guitars I've EVER played was a Relic esquire. $1699. That thing just rang like a piano and fit like a glove. And one of the best strats I've played was a '56 Relic. $1175. I still regularly kick myself in the ass for passing on those two guitars.

Using a limited edition $11k guitar to knock the whole line is goofy. They are some great guitars.

And as far as the 'buy a regular guitar and beat it up yourself' - that might work or it might not. A poly finish will never wear like a nitro finish. I've been beating the shit out of one guitar for 15 years and it pretty much just looks dirty lol. With a little steel wool and polish it could probably look new again. So if you want to have a guitar that is going to look beat in a cool way a decade or two from now, a $900 american standard strat won't cut it. Because 20 years from now it will still look like it was dipped in plastic.
ratter":75798 said:

Big +1. Whether I like it or not, Fender's best sounding and playing guitars are the relics, IMO. You can get master built guitars for $3k. This JB esquire is just a queer limited edition.

And I'll add this - one of the coolest guitars I've EVER played was a Relic esquire. $1699. That thing just rang like a piano and fit like a glove. And one of the best strats I've played was a '56 Relic. $1175. I still regularly kick myself in the ass for passing on those two guitars.

Using a limited edition $11k guitar to knock the whole line is goofy. They are some great guitars.

And as far as the 'buy a regular guitar and beat it up yourself' - that might work or it might not. A poly finish will never wear like a nitro finish. I've been beating the shit out of one guitar for 15 years and it pretty much just looks dirty lol. With a little steel wool and polish it could probably look new again. So if you want to have a guitar that is going to look beat in a cool way a decade or two from now, a $900 american standard strat won't cut it. Because 20 years from now it will still look like it was dipped in plastic.

Right on the money brother. :thumbsup:
ratter":95158 said:

Big +1. Whether I like it or not, Fender's best sounding and playing guitars are the relics, IMO. You can get master built guitars for $3k. This JB esquire is just a queer limited edition.

And I'll add this - one of the coolest guitars I've EVER played was a Relic esquire. $1699. That thing just rang like a piano and fit like a glove. And one of the best strats I've played was a '56 Relic. $1175. I still regularly kick myself in the ass for passing on those two guitars.

Using a limited edition $11k guitar to knock the whole line is goofy. They are some great guitars.

And as far as the 'buy a regular guitar and beat it up yourself' - that might work or it might not. A poly finish will never wear like a nitro finish. I've been beating the shit out of one guitar for 15 years and it pretty much just looks dirty lol. With a little steel wool and polish it could probably look new again. So if you want to have a guitar that is going to look beat in a cool way a decade or two from now, a $900 american standard strat won't cut it. Because 20 years from now it will still look like it was dipped in plastic.

Yep, some people don't care about the finish's effect on the tone, but it does have an effect. The thin nitro finish on my tele lets you get more of that tele sound vs. the plastic goop on some american teles. IMO and many other players with more of a proven pedigree than myself too.

I like trying out all types of guitars, but I'm primarily a Fender/Gibson guy, and so are all my favorite players. For that type of player, the CS Fender relic stuff is actually the real deal, IMO. Like I said I've played lots of vintage Fender/Gibson stuff, and own a refin (yes, nitro) '63 strat, everything else is original on it. These CS guitars get VERY close to the feel and tone of vintage Fenders. But if you're not primarily that type of player than you may not care, and that's fine.

For someone that likes a Universe as their primary guitar, its not even an issue. Same with guys who like the sound of other floyd superstrats best. Its just a very different feel/tone IMO. I'm not stereotyping you as a shredder or whatever either lordofchaos, just stating the obvious. That's a very different guitar and you likely like a very different feel/tone to your guitars as a result and that's cool. Just means your opinion on a Relic tele isn't coming from the same angle at all as mine/telephant/ratter/argonaut etc.

I wouldn't pay 11k for that tele, but from my exp with CS Fender stuff I'd doubt its anything but a nice guitar; just very overpriced because its aimed at the collector's market.
Fender fanatics :eek:

I have no issues with the $1500-2000 closet thingies that guys spray freon onto the bodies to make them check and I am sure that there are good ones out there. I was not speaking of those but the POS that I posted a pic of, I just don't get buying that guitar for anything other than looking at it while slugging down some starbucks coffee that took 2 minutes to order due to the amount of words used to describe it :D

I do want the Andy Summers Tele big time but no way for that price, I have power tools and sanders. I am a huge Andy fan and I could afford it but Fender can bite me for that price.

So say the master himself just put days of work into that tele, put it all together, and holy crap it does not sound that great unplugged........does he throw it away??

No way, off to Mr. Starbucks :)

About floyd guitars not sounding big, ask Chubtone how his guitar shootout went and what was on top with a very large amount of listeners ;)
i could a similar custom tele for that much

a suhr, an anderson, a gmw, a jackson, a charvel, an esp, and still have a few grand left over for a cool amp
The best part about all this is the same guys that are defending this and other beat up POS guitars talk about how the paint, rust, shit stains, etc... make the tone so much better but in any other conversation "tone is in the fingers". Now it's in thinner paint :P

Really, do you need that much help that you have to drop $10,000+ on a guitar?
LordOVchaoS":93c9c said:
The best part about all this is the same guys that are defending this and other beat up POS guitars talk about how the paint, rust, shit stains, etc... make the tone so much better but in any other conversation "tone is in the fingers". Now it's in thinner paint :P
I have no interest in owning a Relic ... unless ... it's the best sounding and playing guitar I could find at that particular price point. I don't really have any desire to play a beat looking guitar unless I made it look that way over the course of decades of play but, again, if that's the best guitar around I wouldn't hate owning it. In fact, I wouldn't be extremely pissed off today if I had dropped a Relic rather than my Lentz as I did last last week. I've never owned a beat up guitar but a couple of days after I got my Lentz I played a Relic that "almost" made me regret spending as much as I did on the Lentz but the Relic was within a few hundred dollars so it was no big deal.

I just don't understand the hate for Fender or the people who buy the Beck Tele or Blackie or any other instrument of that type.

We guitar players are very lucky. We can buy world class instruments for a few thousand dollars. Try doing that with a violin or saxaphone or oboe or any other symphonic instrument.
Boomer":2808f said:

We guitar players are very lucky. We can buy world class instruments for a few thousand dollars. Try doing that with a violin or saxaphone or oboe or any other symphonic instrument.

True. Hey, do people 'relic' violins and saxophones? ;)
LordOVchaoS":b9de3 said:
The best part about all this is the same guys that are defending this and other beat up POS guitars talk about how the paint, rust, shit stains, etc... make the tone so much better but in any other conversation "tone is in the fingers". Now it's in thinner paint :P

Really, do you need that much help that you have to drop $10,000+ on a guitar?

I do think much of your tone is in your fingers if you're talking to me. But obviously gear plays a role or I wouldn't have spent so much damn $$$ on it :lol:

And to be clear: I would NOT spend 11k on that tele :p
Digital Jams":48518 said:
Fender fanatics :eek:

I have no issues with the $1500-2000 closet thingies that guys spray freon onto the bodies to make them check and I am sure that there are good ones out there. I was not speaking of those but the POS that I posted a pic of, I just don't get buying that guitar for anything other than looking at it while slugging down some starbucks coffee that took 2 minutes to order due to the amount of words used to describe it :D

I do want the Andy Summers Tele big time but no way for that price, I have power tools and sanders. I am a huge Andy fan and I could afford it but Fender can bite me for that price.

So say the master himself just put days of work into that tele, put it all together, and holy crap it does not sound that great unplugged........does he throw it away??

No way, off to Mr. Starbucks :)

About floyd guitars not sounding big, ask Chubtone how his guitar shootout went and what was on top with a very large amount of listeners ;)

Not saying floyd guitars can't sound big at all. They sound very different than a Strat or Tele though. My jackson looks similar to a strat but sounds nothing at all like one, IMO. It does sound plenty big enough though.

...and I'm sure lots of collectors that buy those 11k guitars (or frankenstrats ;)) are actually great players and gig regularly :lol:
Digital Jams":01596 said:
So say the master himself just put days of work into that tele, put it all together, and holy crap it does not sound that great unplugged........does he throw it away??

Maybe, I don't know. I imagine they'd try swapping a body or the neck first. That's the beauty of a bolt-on.

Would GMW throw it in the trash? I mean, they might as well start over, they've already had your deposit for three years. What's another 6 months? :P
ratter":be93a said:

Maybe, I don't know. I imagine they'd try swapping a body or the neck first. That's the beauty of a bolt-on.

Would GMW throw it in the trash? I mean, they might as well start over, they've already had your deposit for three years. What's another 6 months? :P

Bastard :P
That's what sucks...using the same type of wood and the exact same construction, you still don't know if it's gonna be a good sounding guitar or a great sounding until it's completely finished.