Demoed the Marshall Vintage/Modern today


As you may or may not know, I recently sold the JVM 4 channel Marshall. It was pretty decent, but I just didn't bond with it. Way too saturated, too compressed, virtually no sag. Bad feel overall.

So today I played the Vintage/Modern. Now this is my amp! Way better feel, much better tone at low volume, more open, less compressed, WAY better feel. It doesn't have nearly as much gain, but frankly, the JVM had way more than I need. WAAAAY more .... VM has enough gain for 80s metal.

The cleans were about the same as the JVM (and the 30th Anniversary). Very decent, just shy of great cleans. Highly usable.

My demo was at fairly low volumes (but loud enough for a store clerk to grab some morracas and start jamming with me on intro to "Oh Well"). Totally non-buzzy, so I can only imagine how much better it gets cranked up.

I realized after I left that I never clicked the mid boost button, which usually boosts the gain a bit, as well as the mids. That would've been icing on the cake, as I was already really digging it without it.

I was very impressed. Gonna have to get one someday (as well as that schweet Satin finish Singlecut I was playing through it, heheh).
donbarzini":a6e20 said:
Was it a 50W or 100W?

You know, as I was leaving the sales guy handed me the brochure, it was only then that I realized they had both!! So I have no clue. Seems like many people believe one sounds better than the other??
killertone":cc45e said:
Wow. I feel the complete opposite about both of those amps. Glad they made 'em both! :)

I'm with you. I like the JVM better in every way for feel, low volume, amount of gain, versatility. The VM doesn't have nearly enough gain for metal unless it's probably cranked soo loud any soundman is going to laugh at you as he yanks you out of the mix. All just my opinion though.
carlygtr56":e3074 said:

I got both amps for a while now. What did you do? Try them in a fucking store?
A simple boost the VM is KILLER, but you too fucking stupid to know that. You're busy covering up your shit playing with Mesa mush.

Comment on what you know- shit playing and suck tone.
Punkass bitch

What?? You need to take your boyfriends cock out of your mouth. Its hard to undertand you with it in.
carlygtr56":50ac0 said:

I got both amps for a while now. What did you do? Try them in a fucking store?
A simple boost the VM is KILLER, but you too fucking stupid to know that. You're busy covering up your shit playing with Mesa mush.

Comment on what you know- shit playing and suck tone.
Punkass bitch

Go fuck yourself already. And if you show up at the Amp show this Saturday I'll tell that right to your fucking face pussy. Why don't you show up asshole, then well see who the punkass bitch is.
I'm sure Marshall didn't want the 2 amps to overlap much, particularly with the (nearly) same release date. So it's not surprising that people who like one wouldn't like the other.

I expected to hate it, and was surprised when I loved it.
carlygtr56":ca03c said:

i thought you were with your hot ass boyfriend
Fuck you and that amp show. i was never going.
I gotta drive 80 miles to smack your fucking face in? fuck off

Show up pussy. Enough big talk. I'll shove your Strat up your fucking ass.
carlygtr56":36045 said:

A nobody who owns both the VM and JVM, so I can comment on it.
You? You really arent a good player so nobody cares what you have to say.

A Boogie with a boost. There's some tone, huh? your clips sound like a Taco Bell rest room at happy hour.

You tone sounds thinner than a Ritz cracker and you have the chops of an 11 year old. Oh yeah, your vibrato sucks! Hendrix would kick you in the balls if he heard your crappy renditions of his songs.
carlygtr56":48cce said:

Sounds great to me. You're used to Mesa Cock-tone. so much distortion you can't tell a Les Paul from a tele...and guess what jerkoff/ I used a Strat. Should I mud the fuck out of it to satisfy some tone deaf twink?
Could you even PLAY a Strat? I doubt it.

Clear the cum stains out of your ears, sounds like shit. I've owned 3 Strats and i can play on a Strat as easily as i can on anything else. I PREFER not to use a Strat. Can you get that through your fucking thick head? I doubt it.

Go bring your mom some apple juice, do something useful with your life.
honestly, in my opinion you guys shouldn't compare the JVM to the VM, they are completely different designs and they'll probably suit different players...

yeah, that's also true but in its all fairness, Marshall never called the Vintage Modern VM, they are the 2466, the 2266 and the 2266C which belong to the Vintage Modern series. We don't call them VMs normally but Vintage Moderns with all the words.

Again, it is also fair to say that people when writing will put VM rather than Vintage Modern.

In any case, too late :D


PS, by the way, appreciated all your comments, and all comments from everybody around, about the JVM you are playing with, they are really helpful for us.